How to Set Personal Life Goals & Actually Reach Them

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If you're serious about having, working toward, and reaching your life goals ... you have to be specific. It's never too late and today is the perfect day to make plans and get started.

Last time, we focused on a list of questions to ask weekly, that will help us reach our goals. But it’s been a while since we’ve talked about the blessings of setting life goals.

C. S. Lewis wrote…

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

Tony Robbins said…

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

And Goals Coach – Jill Koenig wrote…

“If a goal is worth having, it’s worth blocking out the time in your day-to-day life necessary to achieve it.”

The problem, for many of us, is we’re prone to setting grand all-inclusive huge “pie in the sky by and by” life goals.

Things like:

Pray more.
Eat healthy.
Exercise regularly.
Get organized.
Be patient.

But … huge nonspecific goals are easy to ignore.

So, when we’re frustrated about an area of weakness we simply make it a goal because having “goals” makes us feel better about ourselves.

We can then convince ourselves we’re working toward “change,” while continuing the same old routines and bad habits.

Month after month, the cycle is easy to repeat but the outcome will always be guilt and frustration.

I believe that’s why this quote by Scot McKnight hit me the way it did…

“On the journey toward wellness, it is important to have goals. Only with specific goals can we know what we are moving toward.”

The word SPECIFIC practically jumped off the page. Specific goals are harder to ignore.

If you and I are serious about our life goals they must be specific. Goal setting is something we choose to do; so, if we want to set goals and make changes … it’s time to get intentional.

Here’s a list of some specific goals I’ve made:

  • Spend the first 30+ minutes of the day in the Word and prayer.
  • Write 3 things in a gratitude journal every day.
  • Practice 5 minutes of sitting quietly in God’s presence every day.
  • Plan my Monday – Friday schedule and to-do list every Sunday.
  • Write several posts and engage with readers every week.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes at least 4 days a week.
  • Play with Lucy every day. (This one will be easy!)

I’m still praying and thinking about adding more specific life goals but this is a start.

Do you have a list of life goals? Remember you and I are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream … especially when those goals help us love God and the people in our lives more intentionally.

If you're serious about having, working toward, and reaching your life goals ... you have to be specific. It's never too late and today is the perfect day to make plans and get started.

Let’s pray…

A Prayer to Set Life Goals that Draw Us Closer to God

Father, I believe You have a purpose for every day You give and I want to be a good steward of all You have given me.

Forgive me for foolishly wasting time and for failing to take the Sabbath rest You want for me consistently. You gave us a day to step away from work and focus on You and Your blessings. It’s a day to cherish with the people we love drawing closer to them and to You.

Lord, I want goals to align with Your will so that I might accomplish Your plans and purposes. I want to use my time to follow Your commands and love like Jesus. I want to live intentionally in the moment while maintaining an eternal perspective. I know I can’t on my own; so, I ask You to empower me with Your Spirit to accomplish all You have prepared for me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

If you're serious about having, working toward, and reaching your life goals ... you have to be specific. It's never too late and today is the perfect day to make plans and get started.

Are you a specific goal setter or, like me, have you been guilty of setting huge broad sweeping goals that are easily ignored? Do you have a specific goal you’ve reached? Tell us, we’d love to celebrate with you. Do you have a life goal you are excited to be working towards?

Setting specific goals isn’t easy for me, but I am determined because I know it’s the only way to accomplish the changes I want.

So, let’s stand with Solomon and proclaim…

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.

Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)

May the Lord bless you and help you accomplish your life goals for His glory.

We would love to pray for you.
You can leave your prayer requests here

and even take a few minutes to pray over the list left by our friends.

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  1. Thank you Deb!
    I feel more hope and will try using your approach to specific goal setting.
    I alway have my needs last on my list and rarely get to them.
    God bless you today🩷🙏✝️

    1. I’m so glad it inspired you, Beth. It’s so easy for me to do what’s right in front of me never getting to my goals. I needed this reminder and I’m glad it blessed you, too.

  2. Martha Orlando says:

    I so love how you’ve pointed out that without specific actions outlined, goals are just pie in the sky amorphous ambitions that sound good, but just don’t cut it for the long haul. This has inspired me to just organize my goals into daily activities for the Lord.
    Blessings, Deb!

    1. I’m glad it blessed you, Martha. I needed the reminder and had a feeling there might be others who needed it too. Thanks, as always, for your kind words of encouragement. Blessings and hugs!

  3. Yvonne Grey says:

    Good morning Deb,
    about setting goals –
    “Study the Bible”
    I want to know more, there are so many different interpretations. When I first joined you did one on John chapter by chapter, verse by verse. It was perfect. Do you have a site where you continue this study of the Bible. I want to know more about God than my very sketchy knowledge.

    1. Hi, Yvonne. Thank you for visiting faithfully. I’m glad you were blessed by the study through the Book of John. I wrote through every chapter of the New Testament a couple of years ago. You can find a list of the chapters and studies here … 5-Minute A Day New Testament Devotions. You can bookmark the page and work through the devotions at your own pace. I pray they bless you! God be with you!