Why Every One of Us is A Vitally Important Piece of the Puzzle

Our daughter’s family loves working on jigsaw puzzles.
This particular puzzle was a Christmas gift. They were so excited about the design and couldn’t wait to mount, frame, and hang it.
They were on that puzzle for weeks . . . it was complicated with many small pieces. But they were determined.
Finally, they were down to just a few pieces. And yes, they were so excited as the three of them worked to place the last of the pieces in their appropriate spots.
But then, you guessed it . . . there was a piece missing!
They searched all over but couldn’t find it anywhere. So, there the puzzle sat—almost finished—almost.
It was just one small piece but, wow, was it missed!
Every piece of the puzzle is essential and every believer has an essential place in the Kingdom. There are no unnecessary, unimportant followers of Jesus.
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
1 Peter 4:10
Everyone is needed! God has prepared opportunities just for you and just for me that we might serve and love the people He places around us. No one is created to do it all!
Every single piece is necessary that together we might build a beautiful community of faith.
We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10
And the wonderful news is when we use our unique gifts for His glory . . . He gives us everything we need to accomplish His will.
Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.
1 Peter 4:11b
Let’s Praise God! We are created by Him for His glory. He has and will faithfully give us everything we need each day to be the piece of the puzzle He created us to be.
A Prayer to Know and Fulfill Your Piece of the Puzzle
Father, sometimes I look around and feel inadequate. When I compare myself to others . . . I see so many more gifted and accomplished than I am. Please forgive me. Your Word is clear that You don’t want me to make comparisons. You have given me my personality and abilities for my life. You have placed the people around me that You want me to love and serve. You have made me the perfect piece for the puzzle of my life when I use well what You have given.
Please guide me and help me. Prompt me to learn more about my spiritual gift. Help me understand my personality that I might function in my strengths and not my weaknesses. Open my eyes to see where I am needed . . . where I can best share your love in ways that will build up the family of faith. Give me all I need to love like Jesus.
Thank you for all of the wonderful people You have placed around. People who bless and encourage me . . . people who show me Your love and inspire my faith. Thank you for making us for relationships and for making the puzzle pieces of our lives fit together in ways that make beautiful pictures. Your grace truly is sufficient for all my needs. May I live today fulfilling the good things You planned for me long ago. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
One other truth we can learn from the puzzle example is not only the way a missing piece leaves a gaping hole, but that ultimately all the pieces are connected to one another. They touch those closest and they touch the ones near them that touch the ones around them and it goes on and on and on.
We are called to serve with love right where we are. At home, in our neighborhoods, our communities, and our local church . . . every life we touch with God’s love is a piece of the puzzle, someone who will touch lives of people who will touch lives and the effect continues far beyond what we can imagine.
God built us for relationships and He equips us to all work together that we might bless and encourage each other for His glory.
On today’s note write:
Today I will love and serve God. I will be the piece of the puzzle He created me to be.
May God bless you today with His all-sufficient grace and you love and serve the people around you.
I loved this analogy that we are all important pieces of the puzzle of life, and we all have something to share with others. No one is insignificant in God’s eyes!
Deb, we will be traveling to see our family over the next two weeks. I may not have a chance to leave comments during that time. Know that I treasure you and your posts at Counting My Blessings.
Have a marvelous Thanksgiving!
Thanks, Martha! Have a wonderful time visiting with your family and a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration! Hugs!
This was wonderful Deb! Loved the prayer request for God to help you understand your personality! I have never thought to put a prayer for myself in this context, but will definitely include it, in all my prayers hereafter! I endure living with major depressive disorder, anxiety, and low self esteem. I am also an HSP (highly sensitive person). Life and my service to God is such a challenge at times. I have never understood the whys of all these detrimental personality traits, but I try so hard everyday to overcome them…I will pray that I will be able to better function in my strengths and not my weaknesses!! Thank you for this insight!! Much needed and much appreciated! A blessing to my day! Much love and admiration!
I’m so glad you were encouraged. I love knowing that God created us with our personalities. He knows where we are needed most and He equips us to do what is needed. If you like learning about personalities and their strengths and weaknesses, I recommend Personalities Plus by Florence Littauer. It’s excellent. Blessings on your Monday! Have a wonderful day!
This post touched me deeply as I read it as our Son & Daughter-In-Law are struggling with the missing piece of their puzzle, that being their struggle with infertility issues. Their hearts are broke and I pray daily for Divine Intercession and truly a Miracle that God will allow them to conceive, carry and deliver a healthy baby. Thank You for your posts.
Oh, Lynn, I’m so sorry. That is a difficult and painful struggle. I am joining you and your family in prayer for your children to be blessed with a little one. Thanks so much for blessing us by asking us for prayer. God bless you!
Blessings Deb and thank you for your post. I often feel like an ill fitting piece of puzzle, I wish I had the gifts needed to encourage my family to turn to God.
Thank you, Angela! I think we just keep sharing what He is doing in our lives and prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to work in theirs. Praying for you and those you love. God bless you!