Powerful Verses to Pray When You are in a Battle with Addiction

Too many lives are being destroyed by the overwhelming power of addiction.
Too many families are suffering because of the pain caused by addiction.
Addiction is defined as a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance.
Researchers speak of two different types of addictions:
- substance addictions (for example, alcoholism, drug abuse, and smoking);
- process addictions (for example, gambling, spending, shopping eating, and sexual activity).
And an Addiction Diagnosis is based on 5 criteria:
1. loss of willpower
2. harmful consequences
3. unmanageable lifestyle
4. tolerance or escalation of use
5. withdrawal symptoms upon quitting (Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine)
Based on that definition, I believe every family is or has been touched by addiction in some way. Everyone knows someone whose life is being controlled by its addiction’s power.
Here are a few quick facts about Addiction in America from June of this year:
- Almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, yet only 10% of them receive treatment.
- Drug overdose deaths have more than tripled since 1990.
- From 1999 to 2017, more than 700,000 Americans died from overdosing on a drug.
- Alcohol and drug addiction cost the U.S. economy over $600 billion every year.
- In 2017, 34.2 million Americans committed DUI, 21.4 million under the influence of alcohol and 12.8 million under the influence of drugs.
- About 20% of Americans who have depression or an anxiety disorder also have a substance use disorder.
- More than 90% of people who have an addiction started to drink alcohol or use drugs before they were 18 years old.
- Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 are most likely to use addictive drugs.
Addiction Center (for more statistics, information, and help)
But although the power of addiction is great, there is a greater power … Jesus is the Power who has overcome this world’s evil. And He has invited us to come to Him in prayer with every need. Even those needs that crush our spirits and seem to be overwhelming and impossible.
So… let’s take Him at His word and go to Him on behalf of ourselves and our loved ones—those who are a battle with addiction.
Pray When You are in a Battle with Addiction
Be strong and courageous.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Do not be afraid or terrified because of them,
for the LORD your God goes with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake you.
A Prayer for the Person in a Battle with Addiction
Lord, I am weak and afraid. Temptation taunts and tempts me. Some days the battle feels too great. But Jesus … I believe You are with me. You do not leave me to fight hard battles alone. You promise to to be with me and give me courage and strength when I have none of my own. You are close enough to hear my cries and hold me close. I believe that with Your help, I can be strong and courageous. I need You. Please help me Amen.
A Prayer for a Loved One in a Battle with Addiction
Lord, My loved one is hurting and fighting a terrible battle. I see them feeling helpless and alone. But Jesus … I know You are with __________. Please help them know and feel Your loving presence. Give them courage and strength. Please hold them close when they cry out to You and give them everything they need to fight this dependence. Give them victory and restore them to health. Amen.
But if we confess our sins to Him,
1 John 1:9
He is faithful and just to forgive our
sins and cleanse us from all wickedness.
A Prayer for the Person in a Battle with Addiction
Lord, I struggle with so much guilt and shame. The enemy continuously taunts me with my past failures. But Your Word says You are faithful. Faithful! That means always. Every time. You promise to forgive me every time I come to You in repentance. So once again, I ask You to wash me clean. Heal me by Your grace and mercy. I am so sorry. Forgive me. In Jesus name. Amen.
A Prayer for a Loved One in a Battle with Addiction
Lord God, I see __________ struggling to be free of the past. They continue to carry the guilt of past pain and failures and it hurts me to see them in so much pain. Your Word promises that when we ask You to forgive us . . . You do! Please help __________ come to You for forgiveness. Help him/her trust Your healing mercy and grace. Help them know the joy of being washed clean through Jesus. Amen.
Therefore if anyone is in Christ,
2 Corinthians 5:17
He is a new creature;
the old things passed away;
behold, new things have come.
A Prayer for the Person in a Battle with Addiction
Jesus, You can make all things new … even me. You can restore me. I’ve made a mess of things but You suffered and died to redeem me from my mess and give me a future filled with hope. With Your help, I can have a fresh start. I can rise above the pain and misery of my past, and live with joy. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
A Prayer for a Loved One in a Battle with Addiction
Lord, I know You love _____________ even more than I do. I believe You are able to transform him/her. Please turn them around and place them on a new path. Help me trust that You are at work in my loved one’s life. Keep me from interfering and each time I start to worry, help me to return to You in prayer. Amen.
But seek first the kingdom of God
Matthew 6:33
and His righteousness, and
all these things will be added to you.
A Prayer for the Person in a Battle with Addiction
Lord God, my addiction is powerful but I believe You are more powerful. So, I ask You to help me seek You first. Please help me turn to You when I need strength. Please help me surrender my all to You, trusting that You are able to make me righteous … to take my sinfulness and make me blameless. You are able to give me everything I need. Thank you for this beautiful promise of hope. I am humbled and so very thankful. Amen.
A Prayer for a Loved One in a Battle with Addiction
Jesus, please help my loved one to seek You. You alone are able to meet their needs. I pray that ___________ will begin to know how much You love him/her. Please surround them with people who will point them to You. Unsettle them, Lord, until they turn to You in humble surrender. Please help them fight and with this battle with addiciont. By Your grace and for Your glory. Amen.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Proverbs 3:5–6
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make straight your paths.
A Prayer for the Person in a Battle with Addiction
Lord, I surrender my heart, my addiction, my all to You. I trust that You are able to guide me today and every day in the future. You are my Healer and my Redeemer. You are my future hope and happiness. Thank you, for Your grace, mercy, and love. I trust You with all my heart. Help me stay strong as I live each day humbly dependent on You. Amen.
A Prayer for a Loved One in a Battle with Addiction
Lord Jesus, please make __________’s path straight. Help him/her find in You the recovery they so desperately need. I believe You are greater than their circumstances. I believe You are able to do the impossible. You are the God of miracles and we need a miracle. Please help __________. Please help us all. Through Your power to heal, please deliver and transform . . . that we might lift Your name in praise and live for the glory of Your name. Amen.
Friends the battle with addiction is real and painful for everyone it touches. I am praying for every one of you touched by the feelings of helplessness and fear brought on by its influence.
Remember all of Jesus’ miracles. Remember the times He delivered people who came to Him. Remember His promise that with God “all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
You are not alone in this battle with addiction. The Lord is with you and loves you.
Today, I am asking the Lord bless and comfort you. I am asking Him to hold you close and lift you and your loved ones up with His healing love as you go through this difficult time.
God bless you!
Thank you, so much good teaching for those who are battling and for those who care and love those who are battling!
Thank you so much for visiting and for your kind encouragement, Sharon! God bless you!
Hallow Madam ,
I am emailing from Lusaka Zambia and your addiction subject or reading is real , me and those around me. What is going on in this world !!! Beer, Drugs, sleeping out leaving children alone, men and women . Merciful Lord hear us, Save us from our daily sins. Amen.
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Thank you so much, Cheri! I so appreciate your kindness. God bless you!