Verses that will Help You to Pray Every Day

I love praying Scripture.
Each morning, I sit with my Bible and journal … writing the verses the Lord uses to speak to my heart. Then I write the prayers those verses inspire.
At the bottom of each journal page, I have a section where I list the prayer needs of friends and family as I stop to lift them up before the Lord.
The greatest struggle I have when I stop to pray every day is knowing what to pray for myself. Oh sure, I shoot quick bullet prayers to the Lord throughout the day but actually stopping to pray over my life is hard for me.
I faithfully and easily ask God to help me seek Him first and love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
But to pray every day for everything … for the “stuff,” the needs and anxious thoughts that distract me and the things I dream, those are often hard for me to put into words.
And I wonder if you might understand the struggle.
So, I’ve looked for verses to encourage us to pray without ceasing about everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Philippians 4:6) And I’m writing prayers I believe will help when it’s hard to find the words.
I’m so glad you’re here to join me…
Verses that will Help You to Pray Every Day
When my needs overwhelm me, I want to remember to begin my prayers by being thankful!
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
Colossians 4:2
Father, You are loving, faithful, and good. Your mercy and grace touch every part of my life. Thank you for Jesus, for being with me, for forgiving me, and caring for me. Thank you for blessing my life today with __________.
My greatest prayer this year is to be a SEEKER through His Word and prayer. What a blessing to know that He wants to give us all we need to trust and follow His will each day.
Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7
Father, help me know and love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Teach me Your promises and work in my heart and mind to surrender my all to You, faithfully trusting Your perfect will. Today, I’m struggling in this area of my faith, ___________. Please pour out Your Spirit and help me.
The world wants to give us a distorted version of wisdom. I want and need godly wisdom to guide me and I love that the Lord invites us to ask and promises to give us the wisdom we need.
Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding.
Proverbs 3:13
Father, please give me the wisdom I need to make godly decisions each day. When I rely on my own wisdom or the world’s confusing messages … life is harder and I struggle to find joy. But You promise to give wisdom to those who ask … please help me, guide me, and give me all I need to trust and obey.
Sometimes it feels like the world is changing at lightning speed and the number of things to worry about is increasing exponentially. I love that I can be honest and take every worry to God in prayer.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.
Philippians 4:6
Father, life is busy and changes seem to be happening around me constantly. Today, I’m worried about __________. Your word tells me not to worry but some days my circumstances seem overwhelming. Thank you for all the ways You have helped us in the past and please give me everything I need to trust You today.
I am neither courageous nor am I strong. I love that I can come to God and ask Him to help me face each day with courage and strength.
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 40:10
Father, I’m really struggling with __________ today. What-ifs frighten me. It’s hard for me to do what I have to do. You tell me not to be afraid because You are with me … that You will hold me up and give me the courage and strength. I need You. Please help me.
I love that we can come to God with everything and anything. Big or small, basic or out of the ordinary … God wants to come to Him with child-like faith in prayer about everything.
“And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things … Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.”
Luke 12:29,31
Father, Please help me trust you with all my needs. Help me discern the difference between my needs and my wants. Help me seek You over everything else in my life and trust that You know what is best for me. Today I need Your help with __________. Please give me the wisdom and help I need to do to accomplish all You want for me today.
I love that God plants seeds of hope and gives us dreams to serve Him and use the gifts and talents He’s given us. And I love that He wants us to talk about our those hopes and dreams with Him.
Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
Ephesians 3:20
Father, I’m excited and nervous about __________. You have shown me possibilities and I’m not sure the best ways to pursue them. Please guide me by Your mercy and grace. Show me the best path for the future. Open doors that are good for me and shut tight those that are not.
Father, thank you for inviting me to come to You in prayer. Thank you for Jesus … whose sacrifice makes it possible for me to enter the throne room with my gratitude, worries, needs, hopes, and dreams. Please forgive me for the ways I have fallen short of Your will for me. Guide me. Help me. Make me more like Jesus. By Your grace and for Your glory. Amen.
May your days be blessed with the Lord’s presence as you turn to Him and pray every day.
Thank you Deb, I’m similar as I often forget to pray for myself!
Bless you,
Thanks for your teaches I have learnt a lot here
Thanks for joining us, Joan. May the Lord be with you and bless you!
I’m so blessed to come across this passage I’m really trying to get into place with God and I need more understanding of the word of God just want more so thank you
I’m glad you visited, Julia. We’d love for you to join us as we share God’s love and encourage each other with His promises. Thank you for taking the time to say, “hello.” God bless you!
This was spot on for me. I pray with my kids each night and many nights I leave myself out. Tonight I was reminded to not only pray for myself but also thank God and ask Him for forgiveness. In praying for myself I was reminded that I am teaching my children to do the same.
Peace and blessings,
I love prayer requests built on the Word of God. The more we know it, the more we can pray according to His will.
Lately, I’ve found myself praying Scripture for my kids and husband while I’m in the car. God’s Words help me to focus on what’s really important.
Hi Deb,
I find that intercessory prayer is a strength, but praying for myself is not. Thank you for sharing how you journal your prayers from the scripture. What a lovely, Biblical practice worth implementing!
Peace and grace,
I pray for myself a lot! I need help in so many areas and I am always asking God to help me with these issues in my life. This week I have prayed for wisdom in a specific area and direction for the path He has me on. But I also pray for things like patience and kindness, etc.
But I do hear from many women that they don’t pray for themselves.
Deb, you did it again … Great words of wisdom, great devotional. and beautiful Scriptures!!!
This was exactly what I needed. I’m trying to grow stronger in my prayer life. Each little tidbit helps me expand my prayers into much deeper prayers to God through Jesus. I liked your topics over each section. They gave us a variety of things to pray. And your thoughts on how God invites us to come to Him in prayer. He speaks to us through His Word and we speak to Him in prayer.
I truly loved this devotional on prayer. I’ve written down the verses you had to pray over our children going back to school. I love all your devotionals and all the Scriptures you use from God’s Word.
Ladies, have a joyful day!
This is funny, but I read over my comment checking for mistakes at least 10 times, ????
Thank you, Deb, for these heartfelt prayers for God to help us grow spiritually, unafraid to pray for ourselves as well as others.
Awww…. Deb, thanks for the feature this week. Stephanie will be elated! 🙂
Pinned, tweeted and will share to the InstaEncouragements FB.
Thank you!
Thank you for the prayer at the end of this post, Deb. I so needed to read that this morning. I love the encouraging verses of scripture that you share here. I’ve recited Isaiah 41:10 to myself a lot recently, and I shared it with a brother yesterday. Thanks again for sharing such encouragement. Have a fantastic weekend, and God bless you and yours.
I love this, Deb. I need all the reminders I can get to pray without ceasing. And I, too, LOVE praying Scripture. It completely transformed my relationship with Christ. Thanks for putting this collection together. It’s applicable every single day. (And thanks for featuring one of my recent posts today. To God be the glory.)
I’m reading a lovely and wonderful book called Psalms For Trials by Lindsey Tollefson that deals specifically with praying the psalms…how wonderful that we don’t have to worry if we are praying the right thing or using the right words when we can pray God’s own words!
Visiting via Instaencouragement.
I love these scriptures and prayers! I think I need to print them out and say them again and again!
I love all these. I prayed Hebrews 13:20,21 for me, myself, and a fellow writer this morning. She was watching grandkids and I was getting a cortisone shot for my shoulder and figuring out a new home page and a new direction of ministry. A little anxious but taking it a stepping stone at a time. I want to only do what He equips and leads me to do to bring Him pleasure (as it says in The Message. ) (so the anxiety brings me to Him and that’s what He wants.) Happy Weekend!
I love praying scripture too and I can’t tell you how much your Friday posts add to my prayer life.
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 40:10
I needed this verse this morning as I start my day. Thank you!
I love this, it’s something I struggle with a lot. Sometimes I find comfort in knowing the Holy Spirit intercedes for me when I don’t know what to say (Romans 8:26-27), and I release myself to stop trying to find the exact right words but to feel. That probably doesn’t make sense, but anyway… I really enjoyed your post today!
Thank you ???? so so very very much – this is truly a huge spiritual upliftment for where I am in my journey in life – Deb – this has covered every nook and cranny in this super difficult time I am facing – please include me in prayers while I take this beautiful and helpful post to aid me in my post cancer and chemo journey the trauma and stree of the diagnosis – heartbreak of a 6 year relationship 4 mths after chemo – menopause- my spiritual life and humanity has experienced totally numbness- bless and thank all – much love and laughter Jenni
Very powerfull and what i really need . Thank you for teaching us to pray the word.
My greatest worry is repentance and fully commitment to God for me and my children . I am repented struggling to pray in tongues ,always busy and not giving myself time to study the bible
Pray for me please Amen
Yes! I do talk with God throughout my day but not always in the form of a prayer for me. It’s easy for me to pray for others. I don’t know why I don’t formally pray for my needs. Thank you for this encouraging word.
I know I’ve struggled to put my own prayer needs into words. I believe that’s one of the reasons I love praying Scripture. And I’m so thankful that the Holy Spirit knows our needs and takes them to the Lord for us. Thank you for your kind encouragement. God bless you!
I find praying the Scriptures so helpful especially when my mind wants to wander during prayer. But it’s also comforting to know that I’m praying God’s way.
I love praying Scripture, Donna. It really helps me take God’s Word into my heart. Thanks so much for visiting and for joining the conversation. God bless you!
Thank you so much, I love prayers
Thank you for visiting, Linda. God bless you!
Thank for your teachings.. I need to sit and hear what God has to say for me.I get so distracted.
I’m so glad you visited, Oleda. Thank you for letting me know and for your kind encouragement. I think we’re all easily distracted … we live in a very noisy distracting world. Praise God He is always waiting and watching and willing to listen to us when we go to Him in prayer. God bless you!
What a blessing this was to me today. I’ve started my “Bible Life” and today was my first day to open the Good Book and start really studying it. The first topic I felt was important was Prayer I found your blog and it was just what I was searching for!! Thank you and may God continue to bless you as you have blessed others!!
Divine intervention lead me to this site and I am truly grateful to God, because he has spoken to me through you. All the prayers resonate with what I yearn for and what I am going through right now. My struggles are real but you have ministered to me. I have learnt and memorised the respective bible verses🙏.
I look forward to walking this path and growing my faith. Thank you very much.
I’m so glad the Lord sent you here, Caroline. I’m glad you were blessed. We all look forward to walking together with you sharing His grace, mercy, and love. God be with you and bless you!