How to Bless Your Quiet Time by Praying the Lord’s Prayer

I don’t believe there are enough hours in a lifetime to read all of the books, articles, and blog posts that have been written on the subject of prayer.
They’re filled with suggestions of how to pray, what to pray, when to pray, and where to pray.
The Bible tells us to never stop praying (1 Thessalonians 5:17) but what exactly does that mean and how does it look?
What is the right way to pray?
Luke wrote:
Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.
Luke 5:16
Like us, the disciples wanted to know more about prayer.
Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As He finished, one of His disciples came to Him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray.”
Luke 11:1
And Jesus’ said…
When you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private.
Matthew 6:6a, 7
When you pray, don’t babble on and on . . . merely by repeating their words again and again.
And then He gave them a model for prayer, adding… “Pray like this.”
We call it . . . the Lord’s Prayer.
Our Father in heaven,
may Your name be kept holy.
May Your Kingdom come soon.
May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us today the food we need,
and forgive us our sins,
as we have forgiven those who sin against us.
And don’t let us yield to temptation,
but rescue us from the evil one.
Matthew 6:9-13
Most of us have these words memorized repeating them often but based on Jesus’ words about repetitive prayer, let’s take a closer at the Lord’s Prayer to guide us and help us apply it to our personal quiet times.
Praying the Phrases of the Lord’s Prayer
♥ Our Father in heaven.
Jesus began His prayer by praising the Father for who He is. He invites us to remember that the One to whom we are praying is both the majestic almighty God of the universe and our personal loving Father.
♥ May Your name be kept holy.
God’s name is holy. He is Lord of all. The 2nd Commandment tells us to only use His name in ways that honor and glorify Him. Praying this petition reminds us to faithfully speak about Him with love and respect.
♥May Your Kingdom come soon.
Jesus showed people the Kingdom of God. He came because the God who loves us “wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4)
We are to pray for all people to come to KNOW, LOVE, and TRUST Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And we are to personally live with an eternal perspective anticipating a future with Him in His Heavenly Kingdom.
♥May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Here Jesus is reminding us to surrender our lives daily to God the Father, inviting Him to use us to do His will and asking Him to help us accomplish the purposes He has for us.
♥ Give us today the food we need.
One day at a time. God promises to give us everything we need each day. This is our plea to trust that He knows exactly what we need and it reminds us to use what He provides wisely for His glory.
♥ Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.
One of life’s greatest blessings is that the Lord invites us to come to Him in humble repentance with the promise that He will faithfully respond with grace, mercy, and love.
And then, because of all the Lord has forgiven in us, we are compelled to give that same forgiveness and love to everyone. As God pours love and forgiveness into us, we pour His love and forgiveness out to everyone else.
♥ And don’t let us yield to temptation but rescue us from the evil one.
Jesus was tempted. He knew that temptation is all around us. Our prayer is to have the wisdom we need to recognize when we’re being tempted and the strength to resist knowing God is with us to help us. “God promised to not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to endure with His help.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Let’s pray the Lord’s Prayer Model…
Personally Praying The Lord’s Prayer Model
Heavenly Father, I love You. You have been so gracious and merciful to me. Please help me honor You with everything I do and say. I want the people who know me to see Your love in me.
Please help me live each day with my focus on Jesus. Give me an eternal perspective and help me intentionally tell people about the blessing of Knowing and Loving You and the importance of SEEKing the truth about Your Kingdom.
Your will is done throughout the world, I pray that You will strengthen me and guide me so that I might accomplish Your will as You reveal it to me.
I believe You know exactly what I need spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Please help me trust Your daily provision and make me a good steward of every blessing.
Father, please forgive me. I have not loved the way You command. I have not obeyed Your will as You desire. I have represented You well to the people around me. I am so very sorry. You have been so merciful and gracious to forgive me, I pray that You will fill me with love and enable me to forgive those who cause me pain with the same forgiving love You have extended to me.
I also ask that You will protect me and all those I love from evil. Give us all we need to fight each battle and strengthen us to resist temptation and live to glorify You.
Today I pray for __________.
Lord to You alone, be the glory and honor now and forever. Amen.
May God bless you as you spend time alone in prayer with the Father who loves you more than you can imagine.
We would love to pray for you.
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You are a God send. I stumbled across your article while I was dealing with anxiety about a family member. You strengthened and encouraged me to continue to seek and pray to Him. Our loving father touched me in a special way through you. Thank you.
Thank you for letting me know, Araceli! I love being able to do this and it’s a beautiful bonus blessing to learn that God used it to encourage and touch someone like you. Asking God to be with you and bless you!
Hi Deb! I love opening my emails and getting encouraging and motivating words from you about our Heavenly Father! Just wanted to stop by to say God bless you and may God continue to use you to touch many lives!
Much love – Lori
I truly appreciate your kindness, Lori! Thank you for visiting and for your beautiful encouragement. God bless you!
I just want to thank you Mrs. Deb with such encouraging, motivational words of encouragement. Thank you for GOD’S DIVINE REVELATION!!! I really enjoy reading these nuggets and I try to continue to apply them to my every day life. May GOD continue to fill you with HIS precious HOLY SPIRIT so you can continue to be a Blessing to me and everyone else who come in contact with a WOMAN OF GOD. May GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WITH HIS BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS ????????????????????
What a lovely word of encouragement. Thank you so much, Brenda! I praise God for blessing me with such wonderful kind visitors. May the Lord be with you and bless you.
Beautiful way to fully honor God with the Lord’s Prayer, Deb.
Blessings, and have a great weekend!
Thank you, Martha! Have a wonderful weekend!
A beautiful prayer, thank you Deb x
Thank you, Angela! God bless you today!
Learning more and feeling Blessed.Deb,
May God continue using you as a vessel to feed us His word.Regards.
Thank you so much, Jane! God be with you and bless you abundantly!
Dear Deb
I have not met you in person but through your emails I feel like I’ve known you forever! Thank you for your insightfulness and for your timely messages which is all in God’s timing! I just wanted to let you know what a blessing you are to many of us subscribers and that it’s good to read that you’re a normal human like me and others who constantly must ask God for forgiveness for not doing what He would want us to be doing on the daily. Thank you for your weekly encouragement! May you be blessed more than how you’ve blessed me!
Jan Correa
Hi, Jan! Thanks much for your kind words. You made my day!! Rev and I have a friend who is now with the Lord, who used to say “isn’t heaven going to be great . . . no more good-byes.” I would add the joy of meeting wonderful friends in faith that we may not have been able to meet in the here and now. I am definitely a normal person who struggles with life just like everyone else. Thanks again! God bless you! Enjoy the beauty of your beautiful state. I’ve only been there once but wow, it was a trip that left a beautiful imprint on my heart.