5 Helpful Ways to Replace Your Fear with Strength Today

I can’t. I know I’m not strong enough to deal with that. I’m afraid!
What’s that thing that makes your palms sweat and your heart race? The thing you fear most. The thing you beg God not to allow—telling Him you’re not strong enough.
Those who want to motivate and inspire you might say:
You’re stronger than you think.
You’ll never know how strong you are until strength is your only choice.
You can do it.
Never give up. Just show yourself that you’re strong enough.
I spent years trying to push through feelings of fear independently and ultimately learned it is not possible to replace fear with strength without help.
Nope . . . I’m not strong enough. Never have been and never will be.
Maybe you can relate.
But I’ve learned something…
It’s okay to know we’re not strong enough on our own.
It’s okay to lack strength if we know where to go when we need it!
When you and I are weak and afraid we need to run to God and ask Him to replace our fear with His strength.
Paul had a problem that interfered with his life.
I begged the Lord three times to take this problem away from me. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”
2 Corinthians 12:8–10
So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
We don’t know the specifics of Paul’s problem but we do know that when he took it to the Lord, God told Paul that He would give him the power and strength he needed to endure. He affirmed to Paul that He was able to replace his fear with strength.
God reminded Paul that:
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:29
The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace. Psalm 29:11 (NIV)
And God gave him that courage to say:
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
So, like Paul, you and I have a choice to make.
Will we focus on our problems with fear or run to the One who wants to replace our fear with His strength?
5 Things to Do to Find Strength in God
- Admit – Identify the problem and admit that the struggle is real.
- Ask – Ask God for His help.
- Accept – Accept and remember God’s promise to give you the strength you need one day at d time.
- Act – Act in faith . . . believe God will accomplish His promises.
- Appreciate – Appreciate God’s grace, mercy, and love. Thank Him for His faithfulness in keeping His promises.
A Prayer Asking God to Replace Fear with Strength
Lord, I need Your help. I’m afraid. There are so many frightening things that can happen in this world. I don’t think I could get out of bed if I let myself think about them all. But there is something I struggle with continually. You know. You see it. And I hate that I let it get in the way of living in the fulness of life that You want for me.
Please help me. Please give me Your strength that I might experience the peace that passes understanding. (Philippians 4:7) Your Word says “it pleases You to make us strong.” (Psalm 89:17) That when my roots go down deep into Your love You “keep me strong.” (Ephesians 3:17) You give power and strength. (Isaiah 40:29) And when my strength comes from You, I can face anything You allow. (Philippians 4:13)
Please replace my fear with Your strength.
Lord, I believe Your promises. I believe will remove all my doubt when I surrender it to You. I believe that because You are with me I can endure even when I face the problems that frighten me.
Thank you for giving me everything I need to live in victory today. Your grace is sufficient for all my needs. You are the I AM. You are my Lord and Savior. You are the King of kings and Lord of lords in whose name I pray. Amen.
Praise God! You and I don’t have to fight our battles alone. Whatever is before us even if it includes the things we fear most . . . God is with us.
We can lift our hands in gratitude proclaiming…
I love you, Lord; You are my strength. Psalm 18:1
Whatever fear you are facing today . . . Admit. Ask. Accept. Act. Appreciate.
God is with you and He promises to give you everything you need to replace your fear with His strength.
Thank you for your blessings it is refreshing, from the day to day grind of life ,I appreciate you. You have a blessed day also.
Thank you, Kim. I so appreciate your kindness. Blessings!
Thank you so much ,it seems like everything I read pertains to me or what I’m going through, I want and need God in my life.
Oh, Yolanda, thank you so much for your kind comment. I truly appreciate your encouragement. God bless you!
I needed these words this morning and praying my grandaughter Emma will hear them too. She is 15 and tried to committ suicide last night with pills. Thankfully the Lord was there in the midst of her pain and she was unsucessful and now stabilized it the hospital awaiting tranfer to a peidatric facility. Please pray for her complete and perfect recovery and that she feels Go’d love and healing. Prayers for her parent’s and sibling, may the Lord give them all wisdom and strength.
Oh my, I’m so very sorry. My heart hurts for you all. I am praying with you and thanking God for protecting Emma and asking Him to hold her close that she might feel His love and hope for the future. I’m also lifting up her parents, sib, and her grandma. God be with you and surround you all with His loving presence.
I just read your comment —my heart hurts for you and Emma and all…..I will pray for you all too. May she know how truly loved she is and that she does indeed have a special purpose in this world…and eternity!
Absolutely praying. God is your number physician and I am asking protection for your granddaughter and family.
In giving my fear and weaknesses over to the Lord, I can rest assured He will make me strong enough for the task or obstacle at hand. But I can do nothing without Him!
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! I need Him every day. Blessings and hugs!
Thank you so much for this lovely blessing. I truly appreciate your kind encouragement. Blessings!
Thank you Deb for this. I really needed this today. I’m going through so medical issues right now, and relying on God’s Word is what I’m having to do. It’s not easy when all sorts of thoughts keep coming into my mind. I am determined, with the help of God and His grace to stand steadfast and press into Jesus. Thank you for this post. It is very encouraging to me.
I’m sorry you are struggling, Carolyn. Thank you for letting us know and allowing us to pray for you. May God be with you and cover you with His healing touch. Thanks so much for visiting and for blessing me with your kind encouragement.
hi Deb,
i have always lived in fear since i got married,fear of failure in life .always wondering when things will improve until i came across your articles. i am now stronger and hopeful that life is not as meaningless as i perceived. i have learnt to just believe and trust God for the future. Deb,keep up your great words of encouragement.
What a lovely blessing to receive your kind words of encouragement. I love being able to do this and when I learn that God has used this space to bless and encourage someone it fills my heart. God be with you and bless you!