50 Fun and Meaningful Ways to Say “I Love You” Every Day

When you’re marching around the basement with a three-year-old you need a song.
Not just any song . . . it needs to be a good one.
So, our grandson turned to his grandpa, the music lover, not the music maker, to come up with a tune. Without skipping a beat (pun intended), Rev started singing “You got it . . . ba-beh.” And we marched and giggled and marched some more.
A few days later, little mister asked his momma to play the “You Got It . . . Babeh” song on the radio and our daughter told him she didn’t think it was a real song, that grandpa made it up.
Well, he didn’t believe her.
So, our phone rang with the big question, and in a single moment, Rev became the best and most admired composer of a very loved little boy.
Eight years later, we are still singing the “you got it . . . ba-beh” song.
It’s one of our favorites not just because it brings back a great memory . . . but because when we sing it we’re saying, “I love you!”
I’ve heard it said that the words “I love you” lose some of their meaning if they’re said too often and I suppose that’s true if they are just words without emotion or evidence.
Words of Affirmation are our love language; so, we say “I love you” constantly . . . even in the middle of the night if we’re both awake at the same time. (I know . . . totally schmaltzy!)
But after 50 years together – it’s not boring or repetitive. We’ve come up with lots of fun ways to say “I love you” because… well, I’ll tell you the why later.
But first, here are 50 of our favorites…
50 Fun and Meaningful Ways to Say “I Love You” Every Day
- I thank the Lord for you.
- You’re my favorite blessing.
- You make my heart happy.
- You still take my breath away.
- Thank you for believing in me.
- You make me want to try harder and do better.
- I love the way you hear me when we can talk about things.
- I love living my life with you.
- I’m sorry. Please forgive me.
- Thank you for all you do for our family.
- I love the way you ___________.
- I love it when you laugh.
- I love it when you make me laugh.
- You can do it, I believe in you.
- You’re a great kisser.
- I’m so glad you’re home.
- Forever . . . I promise.
- How was your day?
- You make life more fun.
- We don’t need to do anything, I just love being with you.
- Let’s turn off the world for a little while and just spend time together.
- You bring me joy.
- All of me loves all of you.
- I’m praying for you.
- You’re the best.
- I choose us.
- I miss you when you’re not here.
- What do you think about _________?
- I love you more every day.
- God is with you, you can do this.
- Whatever we have to do today, I’m glad we’re doing it together.
- Thanks for being you.
- I’m proud of you.
- Our children are blessed to have you as their dad/mom.
- Thank you for asking me to marry you.
- I trust your judgment.
- I hope our daughter/son marries someone just like you.
- Thank you for being strong especially on days when I feel weak.
- You handled that situation like a pro.
- You make me feel safe.
- I love you with my whole heart and the rest of me, too.
- Thank you for marrying me.
- I’m here for you.
- Tell me about your day.
- You are so precious to me.
- Can I help you with that?
- What do you think we should do about __________?
- I hope our children grow up to be just like you.
- You’re my best friend.
- I said, “I do” on our wedding day and . . . I still do, forever.
Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Romans 12:10
A Prayer Asking God to Help You
Say and Live “I Love You” Every Day
Father, thank you for the gift of love. You are love. You sent Jesus to save us because of Your love and You pour love into our lives every day. Thank you! Thank you for the people You have brought into my life especially my husband/wife.
Please help me love the way You want me to. Help me to be patient and kind, understanding and humble, giving and pleasant, forgiving and truthful. Help me to never give up, to always be faithful and hopeful. (1 Corinthians 13) Please fill me with Your all-sufficient grace that I might love like Jesus. In whose name I pray. Amen.
Why should we say I love you often?
Because saying I love you…
- is like giving your spouse a gift. (Especially if their love language is words of affection.)
- reminds you of your commitment to each other.
- strengthens your relationship.
- is a covenant promise.
So, mix it up. Pick a few different “I love you” phrases and send a text, leave a note on the mirror, whisper quietly when you share a hug.
Or just for fun make up a song. Who knows, it may be a hit.
One more thing that’s really important… If you’re all words with no follow-up, your words won’t mean much. So, make sure to make your love evident by what you do, too!
May God be with you and bless you with an abundance of love.
What’s a fun way you say “I love you” at your house?
I had to smile as I read through your list of 50 ways to say “I love you,” Deb. I know I’ve used each of these at one time or another when talking with Danny, and he’s done the same for me. There are so many creative and meaningful ways to express our love for one another, and we should always be eager to let our spouse know how important they are to us. Thanks for the inspiration here today!
Thank you, Martha! I sure do appreciate you! Blessings and hugs!