2 Important Things to Remember As You Go Through Seasons of Change

One thing is certain in life . . . things change.
Some love it and others find it terrifying. I think most of us get excited about positive changes but just the thought of unpleasant changes can make us anxious.
If the season is difficult, hearing the words “this too shall pass” may be encouraging but if it’s a time of bliss, those same words will be unwanted.
Solomon spent much of his life looking at the world and the way people live. He determined that you and I need wisdom to live with change. Without wisdom, it’s too difficult to understand the “special seasons” of our lives.
Solomon wrote:
There is a time for everything, and everything on earth has its special season.
Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 (NCV)
There is a time to be born and a time to die.
There is a time to plant and a time to pull up plants.
There is a time to kill and a time to heal.
There is a time to destroy and a time to build.
There is a time to cry and a time to laugh.
There is a time to be sad and a time to dance.
There is a time to throw away stones and a time to gather them.
There is a time to hug and a time not to hug.
There is a time to look for something and a time to stop looking for it.
There is a time to keep things and a time to throw things away.
There is a time to tear apart and a time to sew together.
There is a time to be silent and a time to speak.
There is a time to love and a time to hate.
There is a time for war and a time for peace.
The Life Application Bible Notes add:
Timing is important. All the experiences listed in these verses are appropriate at certain times. The secret to peace with God is to discover, accept, and appreciate God’s perfect timing.
We need to go through change with wisdom.
So, there are two important truths you and I need to remember as we absorb Solomon’s words.
1. Although circumstances change . . . God never changes.
God is not a human being, and He will not lie.
He is not a human, and He does not change His mind.
What He says He will do, He does.
What He promises, He makes come true. Numbers 23:19 (NCV)
We can trust Him with the changes in our lives. He promised to never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5) He promised that His grace is sufficient in every circumstance. (2 Corinthians 12:9) He promised to supply every need in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19) He promised to give us courage and strength. (Isaiah 41:10)
You and I can count on Him to keep those promises. “What He promises, He makes come true.” Praise God!
2. God is wisdom and He gives wisdom.
Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and ever! Amen.” Revelation 7:12
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. James 1:5
When you and I need the wisdom to manage seasons of changes . . . we can go to the One who is wisdom. He promises that He is aware of everything that is going on in our lives. (Psalm 139:1-6) He promises that we can take our concerns to Him because He cares. (1 Peter 5:7) And He promises that the wisdom He gives us is pure, peace-loving, gentle at all times, willing to yield, full of mercy, fair, and always sincere. (James 3:17)
When our changes are challenging, God’s unchanging love and wisdom promise to give us everything we need. Nothing is a surprise to Him. He goes before us and behind us. (Psalm 139:5) He has promised that we will never have to face the seasons of change on our own when we trust in Him.
His promises to prepare us and sustain us in and through every circumstance.
A Prayer for Seasons of Change
Father, Change can be inspiring and exciting. It can also be difficult and confusing.
This life is full of beginnings and endings, gains and losses, blessings and curses, things that work and things that don’t.
We are so accustomed to change it has become hard for us to understand that You are changeless. You have told us that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are everlasting. Your promises have always been and always will be true. Your will is the same for each generation.
Please forgive us. Forgive me. I can be so prone to worry and anxiety, stubborn and foolish. I need Your wisdom to guide me. Help me hold on to the truth that no change happens outside of Your knowledge. Help me remember that You are with me. Your perfect love and changeless grace surround me.
Keep me focused on You as I go through seasons of change. I believe You will give me everything I need in all circumstances. You are my strength, my hope, my peace. I thank and praise You. Amen.
If you are struggling in a season of change or anxious about the possiblity of one. Hold these two truths close to your heart and mind.
God never changes. He promises that He loves you and you can count on it!
God gives wisdom for today to those who come to Him and ask for it.
And finally…
Whatever change God allows . . . He is with you. You are not alone.
“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20
God be with you and bless you today, tomorrow, and always.
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THANK YOU for your post today. I am in the midst of a most difficult bipolar episode, and reading about how “this too shall pass” deeply moved me. When one feels this way, you feel that you always have, and always will feel this terrible pain. It seems never ending. I have read this quote before, but I truly believe your post was Providential to me today.
God bless you, Jodi
I’m sorry you’re going through this difficult struggle. Thank you so much for visiting and for your encouragement. I’m praying for you and asking God to hold you close through this season and lift you up with His love and peace. God be with you and bless you!
I take such comfort in the knowledge that God is changeless; we can always depend on Him and rest in His care no matter what changes may come.
Blessings, Deb!
Me too, Martha! God be with you and bless you!
Oh how I love the reminder of who I can always trust and turn too. Unfortunately there are times I forget this and the results can be disastrous. Yes, I must except nothing stays the same. Change is inevitable. I must remember that change is necessary for growth and spiritual maturity and God is right there with me. What a comforting truth. Thank you Deb for this valuable reminder.
The enemy loves to tempt us with sorry and anxiety when it comes to change. I keep trying to focus on who God is . . . who He has always been and who He will always be. Remembering He is always the same through my seasons of change. Thanks for visiting and for your kind encouragement. God be with you!
Thank you so very much for pointing us to God’s word. I needed to read this today, I have been struggling with my health after going through breast cancer six years ago. Chemo, radiation and having Covid and Covid pneumonia twice have definitely caused me more complications. I believe that God is still in the healing process and I trust Him to continue to bring me through.
Blessings back to you, Deb, God is faithful.
Sharon, it sounds like you have been on a difficult health journey. I’m so glad you were encouraged today. Will definitely lift you up to the Lord for continued healing and peace. God be with you and bless you!
It’s always heartwarming to be reminded God’s faithfullness. This truth have been my anchor through these past years while managing my husband’s health issues along with our puppy’s epilepsy. But this knowledge have been my lifeline during the various difficult seasons of my life as well. Many times I just keep repeating that You my Lord don’t change, You don’t lie, You’re not like us. And have to say, it have been a solace to my heart.
I want to thank you Deb for having the courage to share and bare your soul, thoughts and difficulties with us. It’s not an easy task even if it’s done over the internet. Yet it has such a blessing when in certain blogs I recognize that hey, that’s how I feel, or I was thinking the same, or dealing with the same doubt, difficulty or sin. There are times that I may couldn’t really put it into words but after reading your blog, recognized it in myself. Lot’s of blessings and wishing the Lord’s strenght to continue the good work.
Thanks for your encouragement, Gaby. I am so glad that you are being blessed and encouraged by the sharing of my journey of faith. God has faithfully worked on me for years and I still have a long way to go. I’m overwhelmed by the Lord’s patience and willingness to continue to work on me. Praying for you as you walk with Him today.
Thank you for the post!
I need to make a huge change. I love the Lord and want to live a life pleasing to Him. I am currently getting involved in a same sex relationship. I have no peace. I know this is wrong and must end this, although the world out there tries to convince us otherwise.
Please pray for me!
Dee, God bless you! I love that you have a desire to honor the Lord’s will with your life. I am praying for you!