She’s Funny That Way – 5 Funny Things about Women

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She's Funny That Way

On She’s Funny That Way day, individuals pay tribute to the funny/quirky side of women.

I believe the best humor happens in moments that surprise us with quirky twists . . . unexpected responses, photos, captions, and situations.

She’s Funny That Way – 5 Funny Things about Women

1. Women are curious and want to be “in the know.” If that ever stopped they would fail to know what to talk about. Which is also why most men talk less than most women. Tell a man about the birth of a baby and he will reply, “that’s great.” Tell a woman and she’ll ask . . . sex? name? weight? and details about the birth?

2. Women tend to show their emotions more often than men. I’m not sure they feel more than men, but expressing themselves emotional tends to be more socially acceptable. Observe men and women as they watch a romantic comedy . . . women will laugh and cry along with the characters and men will stare at the screen with only an occasional smile. Seriously, who watches the Hallmark Channel?

3. Women are insecure about their appearance. No matter how beautiful, we constantly compare and critique. Can you imagine what would happen to the economy if suddenly every woman in the world became satisfied with her appearance.

4. When a woman says “I’m fine,” she’s not. My best advice . . . stop, look her in the eyes, ask her if she wants to talk, and listen without trying to fix anything. Except to say, “I’m sorry,” if you’re the reason she’s not fine.

5. (Not Funny but True) Women need to be told daily that their worth is not found in their appearance, career, wardrobe, or accomplishments. A women’s worth is given to her by the One who created her, and through the One who gave His life for her.

A woman’s worth isn’t measured by her outer appearance, but whether or not her heart is focused on The One who created her.” ~ Jarrid Wilson

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Proverbs 31:30

Take some time today to think about your precious worth to the One who knows you best and loves you most.  He created you for this time and place. You are exactly who God wants to use to love the people in your life with the light of His love.

Remind a woman you know of her precious worth she’s priceless that way, she’s His daughter . . . loved and cherished.

Be funny His way . . . live, laugh, and love.

Let’s Talk: What “she’s funny that way” quirky fact about women did I miss? Are you a woman who’s funny that way?

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