How You Can Stand Strong Against the Enemy with Faith

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The enemy of our souls is constantly waiting to taunt and tempt us to sin but God has given us everything we need to stand strong in faith and freedom. #Faith #SEEKFirst #WWGGG #Blessings

When life is comfortable it’s easy for us to get lazy. We love the thought of life being carefree but unfortunately, that’s when we’re tempted to get careless.

Take a look at the typical wildlife documentary. The predators always stalk and wait for just the right unguarded moment to pounce on and devour their prey.

And you and I leave ourselves vulnerable spiritually when we are unguarded and unprepared.

Peter wrote:

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

1 Peter 5:8

The enemy is always on the lookout for God’s children to be distracted, discouraged, disconnected, or disarmed. Satan loves it when we are too busy, overwhelmed by our circumstances, or detached from other believers. And I think he absolutely loves it when people reject his existence or deny the reality of hell.

Denying the predator exists doesn’t help at the moment you’re attacked.

So, Peter added:

Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith.

1 Peter 5:9a

How can you and I stand firm and be strong?

♥ So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God (1 Peter 5:6a)

♥ Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (1Peter 5:7)

♥ Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11)

♥ Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. (Ephesians 6:18)

♥ So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

Cling to the truth . . .

You belong to God and have defeated them; because God’s Spirit, who is in you, is greater than the devil, who is in the world. 

1 John 4:4

By God’s grace, we have everything we need each day to stay alert, stand firm, and remain strong.

The enemy of our souls is constantly waiting to taunt and tempt us to sin but God has given us everything we need to stand strong in faith and freedom. #Faith #SEEKFirst #WWGGG #Blessings

A Prayer to Stand Strong Against the Enemy with Faith

Father God, Please forgive me. I am so prone to the distractions of life. When life is easy . . . I can relax and get inattentive. When life is hard . . . I too often get anxious and fearful. And either way, I leave myself susceptible to the enemy’s tauntings and temptations. I don’t want to give in to his lies. I don’t want to sin against You. Please help me.

Thank you that through Jesus, You have promised that I am forgiven when I bring my sin to You in humble repentance. I am so very thankful for Your past grace and mercy. I don’t ever want to take Your loving forgiveness for granted. I want to live every day in humble gratitude for all You do and have done for me.

I know the enemy is just waiting for me to glance away. He’s waiting for me to stop listening to Your quiet whisper because of the distractions of the loudest voices around me. I pray that Your Spirit will help me stand strong. I pray that by Your grace, You will gently prompt me to daily lay my burdens at Your throne of grace, talk with You about my needs and concerns, and know Your Word that I might resist the devil when he approaches. Please give me a heart that SEEKS You above all else. Grant me the wisdom and knowledge I need to remain alert at all times, to know when the enemy is stalking me, and to remain safely within the boundaries of Your will.

Guard me . . . my heart and soul. I give myself to You. Amen.

The enemy of our souls is constantly waiting to taunt and tempt us to sin but God has given us everything we need to stand strong in faith and freedom. #Faith #SEEKFirst #WWGGG #Blessings

The Life Application Bible Notes add the following counsel:

If you are feeling alone, weak, helpless, and cut off from other believers, or you are so focused on your troubles that you forget to watch for danger . . . those are the times you are especially vulnerable to [s]atan’s attacks.

During times of crisis—SEEK!

SEEK the Kingdom above all else . . . spend time in the Word and prayer; spend time with other believers; spend time with the Lord.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Matthew 6:33

On today’s note write:

With God’s help, I will stay alert and stand strong against the enemy.

May God give you everything you need today to resist the enemy and SEEK the Kingdom of God.

Click here to read the rest of 1 Peter 5.

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  1. I was just saying this this week…the sad part is…all of what is happening has been a slow trickle to get to this point…as long as we are divided and not seeking God…the devil has a stronghold…It’s sad, but am grateful to let my home be filled with the love of the Lord…something I am teaching to my 4 grand babies…do not conform to the ways of the world…God’s word is law, my law and I cherish your posts…as always, gentle reminders I am not alone…and I’m not. Thanks Deb!

    1. Your grandbabies are blessed to have your loving influence and sharing of God’s love for them. Praying that you all may be encouraged by His grace. Blessings!

  2. Thank you for your post Deb. I think it is hard for those that listen to their ministers who tell them hell doesn’t exist and God loves everyone so everyone will be saved. There is not the feeling of urgency in churches. Fellowship is great, but not if they do not believe the Bible. We must watch and be ready. Come Lord Jesus. X

    1. So true, Angela! It’s why I keep pointing people to the truths of the Bible. I want everyone to read it themselves. I love that people are encouraged by my posts but my prayer is always that they will read them in addition to turning to God’s Word. Thanks as always for your encouragement. God bless you!

  3. It’s not exactly in line with this posting, but I was reading Matthew 9,2, when people lowered the paralyzed man and seeing their faith, Jesus forgave the sick man’s sins and healed him. My husband is sick and I’ve been praying for years not for only his physical but also for his spiritual healing as well. After reading this passage, it struck me, is it possible he’s not getting healed because my faith is lacking? I believe that how Jesus was able to heal when He was on earth, He can do the same today. Please let me know your thoughts Deb ????

    1. Thanks for visiting, Gaby! I love that account of the paralyzed man. I don’t believe that God would deny your husband’s healing because of a weakness of faith on either of your parts. If that were the case, He would rarely heal anyone. I think many have questions and doubts when it comes to the miraculous healings we ask for and need. I do believe God often wants to use these times of need in our lives to draw us closer to Him. We have been praying for a healing in our family for many years and we continue to watch and wait. While we do . . . we’re leaning into the Lord and trusting His love. I agree . . . He is still the Healer and I believe all things are possible for Him. Praying for your husband. God be with you and bless you both!