Why We Need the Truth of God’s Word to Stand Strong in the World

We’ve often heard from overseas missionaries that sometimes when they go into a new area they’re excited by the readiness of the people to accept Christ as their Savior.
And you and I would agree, that it’s awesome!
But then, as they spend more time with these new “Christians” they start to realize in addition to the newfound faith they have in Jesus . . . they are continuing to hold on to their old beliefs as well. They have faith in Jesus and still worship and pray to the idols they’ve had for years.
And I have to say that it’s not just true in overseas missions. I have many people who follow me on social media and when I click on their profiles I see that there are articles endorsing other beliefs and doctrines.
Once again, this is nothing new. Paul wrote the following to the Colossians:
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7–9
Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.
The enemy of our souls is constantly tempting you and me to do the same thing. He tempts us to embrace what the culture demands by simply adding it to what the Bible says. He wants us to believe it’s perfectly fine to say we trust Jesus and…
We know what the Bible says about sexual sin but become comfortable with what culture demands. We know what God’s Word says about how very deeply God values the preciousness of life yet we accept culture’s disregard and devaluing of the most vulnerable around us.
How can you and I stand strong against a loud and insistent culture?
We can know the truth!
I am passionate about God’s Word. Reading and studying the Bible continues to be the best way for me to build every part of my life on God’s Truth! And it’s the only way for me to remain strong in faith and stand up to a culture that is constantly trying to sweep me (and all of us) along in its powerful and morally harmful current.
A Prayer to Stand Strong On the Truth of God’s Word
Father, thank you so much for allowing us to KNOW You. Thank you for the gift of Your Word. Through it, I am able to know how You have consistently worked in the lives of Your people. I am able to know who YOU say You are, who You have always been, and who You promise to always be. I can know the promise of Your perfect faithful and unfailing love. I know I can trust You because I see how You have worked in the lives of Your people throughout history.
You have always wanted what is best for Your people. Your will has always been to protect and bless us. You created us in Your image and created everything around us that it all might be used for our good and Your glory. Please forgive me for the times I allow the world to persuade and influence me. I am so sorry. I see how our world is living out the painful consequences of failing to follow Your ways.
Please give me a passion to read and study Your Word. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, please help me grow roots that grow down into the firm foundation of Your love. Please give me a strong faith in Jesus and in Your eternal promises. Please help me stand strong on Your truth that I might stand against the enemy’s lies and the influence of worldly culture. Guide me by Your grace and fill me with Your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
You’ve seen the quote:
“Make time for quiet moments, for God whispers and the world is loud.” ~ Author Unknown
The thing we need to remember is that just because it is the loudest, the most organized, or even the most popular “noise” doesn’t make it true!
God’s way is always the truth!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
And if you and I want the satisfying life Jesus came to give us . . . we will read His Word, follow His Truth, and live the Way of Life! By His grace . . . a Way of Life that is surrounded by His love forever and always.
On today’s note write:
I will, with God’s help, read His Word and know His Truth to stand strong in the world.
May God bless you today as you SEEK Him and stand in His strength.
This has to be one of my favorites, amongst many favorites, I’ve read…very well said and love these gentle reminders and knowing I am not alone in this fight…my Bible is law…His word is my law and I seek Him daily…to know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Thanks Deb!
Oh, thank you, Lily! I so appreciate your kindness. Asking God to be with you and bless you!
The world shouts at us each and every day. May we abide in the stillness that we might hear God’s whispers of love and faithfulness, and stand strong against the evils of our culture.
Have a blessed weekend, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Praying you enjoy a wonderful weekend! Blessings!
“Make time for quiet moments, for God whispers and the world is loud.” ~ Author Unknown
Nothing but the truth. INDEED THE TRUTH SETS US FREE.
Thank you, John! I’m so glad you visited and I am blessed by your encouragement. God be with uyou!
I just read this line today…amazing to see it again here with your comment…I agree, the world is too loud…blessings to you John.
Amen! Thank u Deb! Xx
Thank you, Lauren! God bless you!
I always come away refreshed and empowered after visiting your blog. Thank you for this exhortation and the beautiful prayer.
I’d never heard the quote you shared, but it’s true. We need to listen carefully for the still, small voice when the world attempts to crowd Him out.
Thanks so much for your kindness, Tammy! Blessings and hugs!
Lord let me find the quiet places everyday, so that I may hear your still, small voice in the noise that surrounds me. Help us all to put down deep roots in the truth of your word Lord Jesus, so that it may drown out the noise and lies the enemy tries to distract us with and that society finds acceptable. Deb you are very blessed in your reminding us of God’s values, and sharing them with all who read your devotional. Thank you!
Amen, Angela! Praying to rest in Him and listen for His voice every single day. Thanks as always for your kindness. God bless you!