You Need A Surrendered Heart To Be Full Of Joy

Who’s the person with whom you’d most like to spend an afternoon?
Are they full of joy?
I’m guessing you didn’t choose the grumpiest most miserable person you know.
I’m not talking about your grieving friend or the person who’s going through a difficult struggle. I’m thinking about the consistently cranky one.
Most of us want to spend our time with people who make us laugh … individuals who bubble over with hope and joy.
Why? Because…
Attitudes are contagious.
An afternoon with a chronic complainer and generally miserable individual leaves me drained and discouraged. However, being with someone who is joyful, caring, and kind tends to lighten my heart and brighten my spirit.
Paul wrote…
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.
One final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Philippians 4:4, 6, 8
Paul knew we could only stop worrying and experience a life “full of joy” through prayer, gratitude, and focusing on God’s fulfilled and future promises.
I believe people wanted to spend time with Jesus because He exuded joy. Yes, the miracles were great but I think He was fun and full of joy that flowed from deep within Him; through His Spirit, it can flow through all who KNOW, LOVE, and TRUST Him, too.
Jesus promised that when we SEEK God and His Kingdom above all else, He will give us everything we need. And through His Spirit He gives joy to surrendered hearts.
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness…
Galatians 5:22
So, let’s offer our hearts to the Lord and ask the Spirit to help us stop worrying, focus on Jesus, and fill us with joy…
A Prayer for a Surrendered Heart
that is Full of Joy
Father, it’s not easy to be full of joy when we’re overwhelmed by life. Our world is full of problems that the enemy uses to lead us to worry and anxiety. Our overloaded lives prompt reactions of irritation and crankiness.
Please forgive us. Please forgive me.
I trust that Your Spirit is at work within me making me more like Jesus. As I learn more about my Savior, I believe He exuded peace, love, and joy. Yes, He spoke the truth. Yes, He corrected when necessary but He did so without sinning.
He brought His difficult human emotions to You in prayer and trusted You to direct and help Him. I want that! I want to pray about everything coming to You with every need. I want to focus on Jesus and all that is true, honorable, and right. I want everything that You want for me.
Please help me surrender my burdens and live full of joy so that people might see You in me. Please give me peace when life is hard and hope when the future seems uncertain. You love me when I’m weak and worried. You are the One who Helps me. You are the source of my joy.
I surrender my heart to You. Please bless me with a joyful, kind, and caring attitude. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Back to my initial question…
Who’s the person with whom you’d most like to spend an afternoon?
What do you think—would your friends choose you?
Pastor Tim Keller said…
“If we are saved by grace alone, this salvation is a constant source of amazed delight. Nothing is mundane or matter-of-fact about our lives. It is a miracle we are Christians, and the Gospel, which creates bold humility, should give us a far deeper sense of humor and joy. We don’t take ourselves seriously, and we are full of hope for the world.”
Let’s take a moment and make a list of characteristics found in people who are full of joy…
Joy-filled people are…
- Hopeful – Joy-filled people have hope for the future because they trust in the One who is already there.
- Forgiving – Joy-filled people understand just how much God has forgiven them. They are free of the burden of guilt and shame and celebrate their freedom by forgiving others
- Encouraging – Joy-filled people understand the blessing of a positive word and know how a caring word or action can help in the middle of the battle.
- Thankful – Joy-filled people count their blessings and appreciate them. They live with gratitude and do so with enthusiasm.
- Fun – Joy-filled people are more fun to be around because even when life is challenging they focus on the Lord and His many blessings.
Joy-filled people are able to say whatever my circumstances, “It is well with my soul.”
So let’s pause often with a humble surrendered heart giving our frustrated human emotions to the Lord, asking Him to make us people who are full of joy.
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Thank you so much for sending these posts to me. Today’s email really touched me and healed my soul! It was exactly what I needed to hear. May God bless you abundantly! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I appreciate what you are doing!
I’m so glad they bless you, Vee. Thank you for taking the time to visit and leave these kind words of encouragement. Merry Christmas and many Blessings!
Amen! Thank u happy holiday 🫂❤️✌️
God bless you, Carla!
May we all be so filled with joy, that others see it and want to know what we have. Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! That is my heart’s desire. Blessings and hugs!
I remember all to well what it feels like when my heart was empty, broken and void of any happiness let alone joy. I remember falling to my knees and that must have been when I started to surrender my heart to Him. I don’t remember the words, if there were any, but I can say without a doubt, that is when my heart started healing. I don’t know exactly when, nor how, but I do know it was all His doing. Nothing from this world could have mended my heart the way He has. This Christmas, I pray it forward…for all who have a broken, empty heart…May you give it to Jesus, who will tenderly fill it and make it overflow with peace, love and joy. Amen
Oh, JoAnne, our stories are very similar. I was completely broken and cried out to the Lord. He led me to read the Bible from beginning to end and through it He changed everything. I fell in love with the Lord through His beautiful Love Letter. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and everything we need now and forever. Thanks so much for visiting and for so beautifully adding to the conversation! God bless you!!
Amen, Deb! I pray for everyone to know the joy that comes only from knowing and abiding in God! I pray to always shine with joy for others to see! And I have found that even when we are with a grumpy, I want to be even more joyful, to be a better example to the joy of being a child of God! Have a blessed and joyful day, dear Deb! Love and hugs!
I’m with you, Kathy! It’s not always easy when we’re with a grumpy but it blesses me when I walk away able to thank the Lord for His help to share joy it difficult situations. I have moments when I fail but with God’s help, that is my goal. Have a wonderful day, dear friend! HUGS!
Thank you, Deb for your always encouraging and scripture based devotions. I so look forward to reading them in the evenings. Your Godly wisdom, life experiences and instruction are invaluable. May God’s rich blessings be yours continually. 🙏💜
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement, Carol. I love being able to do this and I’m truly blessed by the wonderful people God has brought to my life through this space. Thanks for being one of those people. God be with you and bless you abundantly.
I have surrendered my heart to God many times, not just once. Problems and situations arise that we have no control over. So, surrendering to the ONE who knows what is best and can guide us on that path is what we do if we know and trust our Lord!
Once again, I thank you for a beautiful post. Prayers for you my friend for a safe and healthy week.
Hugs to you.
Me too, Sue. I speak words of surrender aloud every morning. The Lord knows my heart but I need the reminder that I was to trust and serve Him completely. I’m so thankful for His patience, presence, and love. Thanks for adding this to our conversation. You are a wonderful blessing! HUGS!