It’s Important to Know the Story Isn’t Over God’s Kingdom is Growing

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The message of the early Christian church continues today. The Holy Spirit is still at work in our lives and the Kingdom is still growing. Praise God. #Church #Faith #God'sKingdom #Blessings

When’s the last time you came to the end of a book, TV show, or movie and you were frustrated because you wanted more? You’re sure there must be a sequel but the sequel never shows up. And the story just doesn’t seem complete.

That’s how many of us feel when we get to the end of the book of Acts. We’re waiting for Acts—the Sequel or Acts II. We still have so many questions.

Did Paul appear before the emperor? Was he released from prison? Did he go on another missionary journey? What happened to Luke? Silas? Barnabas?

The last verse of Acts simply reads:

For the next two years, Paul lived in Rome at his own expense. He welcomed all who visited him, boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. And no one tried to stop him.

Acts 28:30

And maybe that’s the point . . . the perfect ending.

Those visitors heard the Gospel message of Christ Jesus and when they left him they became men and women who, like Paul, Silas, Barnabas, and Luke, took the message of God’s love all over the world.

People whose lives have been touched by the life-changing truth of the risen Christ. People like you and me.

We don’t know any more about the specific ways the Kingdom of believers grew after Luke concluded this book described as “an accurate historical record of the early church.” A book filled with “lessons and examples of the work of the Holy Spirit.”

And the Holy Spirit is not finished. He is still working. The Kingdom is growing. The message of Jesus is as life-changing and precious today as it was 2000 years ago.

The Key Verse in Acts is as true and important today as it has ever been…

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8

We are the sequel as the message of God’s love is proclaimed. Praise God the Kingdom is growing.

The message of the early Christian church continues today. The Holy Spirit is still at work in our lives and the Kingdom is still growing. Praise God. #Church #Faith #God'sKingdom #Blessings

A Prayer to Remember the Kingdom is Growing

Father, The message of the world is loud but You are still whispering into the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Thank you!

Please forgive me. I can too easily listen to the noise and the negativity. Please help me keep my focus on You and all that Your Spirit is doing. Lives are still being changed. Souls are being saved. The Kingdom is still growing.

Help me remember that sometimes it is through adversity and persecution that people realize their need for You. Maybe it is through struggles that Your Kingdom grows the most.

Please use me. Make me sensitive to the promptings of Your Spirit. Help me be a faithful witness to Your love. Give me the courage I need to tell people everywhere about You.

I pray to SEEK and SURRENDER! To SEEK You first. (Luke 12:31) And to SURRENDER to Your will in faith. (John 6:40) You have saved me by Your all-sufficient grace. Please help me trust and love You with all that I am. Help me love the way You love and forgive as You forgive. Create in me a clean heart, fill me with the joy of Your salvation, and make me willing to obey. (Psalm 51:10,12) I pray in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus. Amen.

The message of the early Christian church continues today. The Holy Spirit is still at work in our lives and the Kingdom is still growing. Praise God. #Church #Faith #God'sKingdom #Blessings

Friend, I believe that with God’s help you and I can make it a goal to focus on what God is doing. And with His help, we can hear His Spirit’s Kingdom growing as He whispers truth to hearts of people everywhere.

The story isn’t over – praise God! And it never will be!

On today’s note write:

God’s story isn’t over. His Kingdom is still growing!

May God bless you today as you spread His love.

Click here to read the rest of Acts 28.

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  1. God’s kingdom is still growing, Deb. May we all be faithful conveyors of the good news in Christ Jesus that others would come to know and love Him.

  2. Angela Cahill says:

    Quieten the noise around me and help me to focus on what God is doing. Make us all receptive to God’s spirit who dwells in us. There is so much more that has to be accomplished – use us Lord Jesus to bear witness to the truth and to help grow your kingdom here on earth. In Jesus name we pray. Thank you Deb and many blessings to you for filling our hearts and minds, through your devotional today.

    Angela – Ireland’s

    1. My prayer is that God will open my eyes to see what He is doing and by His grace, share His love. God be with you!