This is Important – Never Stop Telling Your Story

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What do you do when it feels like the enemy is trying to discourage you, defeat you, or silence your voice?

No matter how often the enemy tries to discourage you, never stop telling your story. God has the power to use it to touch hearts and minds for His glory. #TellThem #FaithinGod #PowerofGod #CountingMyBlessings

Let me explain…

Last weekend, I got up early Saturday morning with a post running through my head. I was so excited to share this message with you as I enthusaistically started writing.

The words flowed easily as verses came to mind and thoughts came together.

Four hours later, the post How to Go from Victim to Victory was only a few short sentences from completion when my screen went white … except for those blank screen words you know you hate.

The “Aw Snap. Something went wrong.” 

I’d been saving consistently throughout the morning; so, I wasn’t worried as I clicked the reload button. But nothing happened.

So, I refreshed the page.

And as the page reappeared … EVERYTHING WAS GONE! All the words, all the points, headings, title … everything had completely disappeared. I searched and tried everything I could think of to find or restore hours of writing. And NOTHING!

Now, I’ve lost things before and it’s always upsetting but this time  I just burst into tears. I’d poured myself out into words of encouragement, faith, and hope and they were all gone.

I tried to recall what I’d written but I couldn’t even remember all of my main points let alone the verses I’d added.

Truth is … I was too discouraged to start again.

So, I made a few notes, walked away from my computer, took a deep breath and asked God to give me a better perspective and an improved attitude.

When I returned to my desk, I decided to move on to a different post. And spent all afternoon working on rewriting another post that needed an update.

I’ll save you all the gory details but when I went back to my office to write the final paragraphs and add my graphics the following afternoon…

I had a NIGHTMARE REPEAT! Yep, “Aw Snap” And everything was gone! 

No matter how often the enemy tries to discourage you, never stop telling your story. God has the power to use it to touch hearts and minds for His glory. #TellThem #FaithinGod #PowerofGod #CountingMyBlessings

So, let me ask you again. 

What do you do when you feel like the enemy is trying to discourage you, defeat you, or silence your voice?

Because at that moment … I was feeling very discouraged and defeated.


You and I are called to tell others about God’s love for them. 

“Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”

Mark 16:15

You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.

1 Peter 3:15

That’s why I tell my story.

A simple story of transformation.

A story of the way God allowed my heart to be broken through a great sadness so He could heal me and give me something even better.

Of the way He allowed me to lose what I believed I needed at the time so He could assure me that I already had something that could never be lost or taken away.

And my friend, you have a story of transformation, too! 

A story…

  • Of God’s love and healing grace. 
  • Of the transforming sacrificial love of Jesus. 
  • Of the power of the Holy Spirit. 
  • Of loss leading to a new life.
  • Of failure to freedom. 
  • Of victim to victory. 
  • Of hopelessness to hope. 
  • Of anxiety to peace. 
  • Of weakness to strength. 
  • Of fear to faith. 
  • Of _______________. 

The list of possible stories is as endless as the number of uniquely and wonderfully made people God created. 

So, I won’t give up. As long as God allows, I will continue to tell my story.

No matter how often satan tries to discourage me to give up, to quit … to be silent; I will push through.

I will pray and ask God to give me strength. I will ask Him to replace discouragement with courage. And I will ask Him to use my story of hope to touch lives for His glory.


I want to encourage you to pray and push through discouragement and spiritual attacks, too. I so wish I could sit across the table with you, look into your eyes and tell you…

Never stop telling your story.

Why? Because your story is of the transforming message of God’s love and that my friend is the powerful truth-filled word of life that is so desperately needed in today’s dying world.

Jesus said…

“I tell you the truth, whoever hears what I say and believes in the One who sent me has eternal life. That person will not be judged guilty but has already left death and entered life.”

John 5:24 (NCV)

There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

Romans 8:1–2

May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Ephesians 3:19

And if you think you’re not enough or that your story won’t make a difference, look at the next verse…

Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

Ephesians 3:20

It’s not the power of your words or mine. It’s not even the power of our stories. 

It’s the power of God! 

The power of the One who is able to use your story and mine to touch hearts and minds for His glory. 

No matter how often the enemy tries to discourage you, never stop telling your story. God has the power to use it to touch hearts and minds for His glory. #TellThem #FaithinGod #PowerofGod #CountingMyBlessings

So no matter how hard or frustrating. No matter how often the enemy tries to silence you…

Never stop telling your story! 

Oh, and one last thing … I wrote this and saved it in Pages and I’m getting help to figure out what in the world is going on with those technology problems causing the frustrating disappearance of my posts.

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Thank you for sharing your message… The word actually brought peace to my heart and strength to my soul… And yes God is Good… All the time… May you have a blessed and graceful life ahead… Amen ????

    1. Priya, I’m so glad it blessed you! Thank you so much for letting me know! God bless you!

  2. Scott Harper says:

    Morning Deb,

    Just want to tell you this post hit home with me this morning. Three days is a row where I am being told to tell my story.

    1. I love the different ways God speaks to us and gets our attention. I’m asking God to give you courage and strength, the words, and His encouragement as you tell your story! God bless you!

  3. Happy Monday, Deb!
    Your story and scriptures we’re for me. How many times has the enemy used this tactic to discourage the Kings daughters!!!!! When the enemy works like this, we are confident that not only is the Spirit teaching the one writing, but also the ones who will be reading. Thank you for pressing on to tell your story. I am just one of whom the Spirit is teaching.
    Living my story in capital letters JOY,
    Lord, You have filled my heart with greater JOY….Psalm 4:7

    1. Thank you, Carol! With God’s help, we will continue to share our stories of hope and transformation … with JOY! Through grace alone!! Blessings and hugs!

  4. Lynne Turner says:

    I appreciate your message. I’m struggling to be free of a shame mentality. I know that Jedus has overcome the enemy on my behalf, but I just don’t live there! I live defeated and discouraged and wishing I could disappear. Counseling hasn’t helped. I pray for revelation daily of the TRUTH that will set me free.

    1. I am so sorry, Lynne. I hate when the enemy works his lies to discourage and defeat us. I am praying for you and asking God to speak His truth to you through His Word … it is the sword of the Spirit that is able to defeat the enemy’s lies. You are so very loved by the Lord and I’m asking Him to hold you close and to remind you every day of just how very precious you are to Him. God bless you!

  5. Lynn Brown says:

    Thank you for your message Deb. I’m sorry the enemy has attacked your work and I do pray it is returned to you but God has used it all for good. This message has encouraged me to move forward when the enemy attacks and let God use the outcome for good. God will turn the mess into a message.

    1. Thank you, Lynn, for your prayers and for your encouragement! You’ve blessed me this morning! May the Lord bless you today!

  6. I needed this word today, Deb! I’ve been in something of a discouraging season. And I’m so glad that Satan couldn’t stop you from posting this one!

    I do hope your computer troubles get worked out! There’s nothing more heartbreaking than to work so hard on a great idea that will help others–twice–to no avail! I feel your pain, friend! Pinning this encouraging word! And thanks for encouraging me today!

  7. Oh, my, Deb, to have that happen not once, but twice??? I know I’d be a basket case! But you took a discouraging situation and turned it around so that we might be the ones encouraged to keep telling our stories, no matter what. With God’s help, we can!

  8. Keep on writting, telling everyone about your experiences the devil is angry but God is almighty!

    1. Thank you, Milly! I really appreciate your encouragement! God bless you!

  9. Thank you, Deb, for sharing your realistic moments as a writer and woman in ministry. It can be so easy to look at others and think we are the only ones struggling and everyone else has it easy-peasy. You show me that frustrations are a part of everyone’s life. What grace is shown as you process these issues. Thank you for setting such a great example for the rest of us! And bless you and your ministry!

  10. Oh, Deb! I’m so sorry for your technical difficulties. That would be disheartening indeed! But I have to tell you… your post is such a tremendous encouragement! Maybe God wanted you to write this one first just for someone like me to read!

  11. Such an encouraging post, Deb. Everyone needs to know their story is important to God and others. Sharing this on Twitter and Pinterest!

  12. Patti West says:

    Thank you for your post. I surely needed to read it today. My husband died 4 months ago from cancer and my family has had multiple health issues over the past month and now I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I do have a faith story and I know my God is faithful and able to give me more than I can ask or imagine. Thank you for the reminder. Patti

  13. Thank you for this encouraging message. It has really hit home, so thank you for sharing your story.

  14. Oh, Deb, I feel your pain, dear friend. Thank you for these encouraging words and for reminding me why I should push through discouragement and continue to write. At the end of the day, God gets the glory and that’s what matters.
    Love you!

  15. Oh, Deb! I know my issues have not been technical in nature (and oh my stars – the frustration you must have felt in those moments!). Yet I have felt so discouraged for random reasons – for a schedule I can’t seem to own, for situations out of my control, for lack of knowledge or know-how, or for the careless words of others. Your words are a comfort and an inspiration to me, friend. Thank you ♥