How to Know the “Truth” You Can Trust Every Day Always

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In a world swirling with lies don't you want to know the "truth" you can trust? There is a truth that never changes . . . that is always trustworthy. #Truth #BibleStudy #Blessings

There have been many versions of the following quote over the years:

“The greatest Liar has his Believers, and it often happens, that if a Lie be believed only for an hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies and the Truth comes limping after it.” ~Jonathan Swift, in The Examiner

I don’t know if it’s always been this way, but lately, it often seems like it’s getting harder to determine who’s telling the truth. It’s hard to know the “truth” you can trust.

I HATE lies! I always have.

My children knew from a very early age that they could tell me anything as long as it was true. We would always figure out a way to talk things through and figure them out. But do not lie to me because trust is a precious gift that once lost is difficult to get back.

Titus was Paul’s representative on the island of Crete. In this letter to Titus, Paul quoted a philosopher who had written the following about the people of Crete many years before…

“The people of Crete are all liars, cruel animals, and lazy gluttons.”

Titus 1:12b

Titus had been given what appeared to be a very difficult ministry assignment, but he’d also been given everything he needed. He had the TRUTH from the One—who does not lie!

This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began.

1 Titus 1:2

The LAB Notes add this:

The foundation of Titus’ faith and ours is a confident trust in God’s character. Because God is truth . . . He is the source of all truth. He cannot lie. He never has and He never will. God always keeps His promises.

When the lies of the world frustrate and upset us, we can turn to the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The One who never changes. The One whose promises are the truth you and I can trust today, tomorrow, forever, and always!

In a world swirling with lies don't you want to know the "truth" you can trust? There is a truth that never changes . . . that is always trustworthy. #Truth #BibleStudy #Blessings

A Prayer to Know the Truth You Can Trust

Lord, thank you! You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6) You have given me the truth that sets me free. (John 8:32) Ane You have given me Your Spirit to remind me of Your truth when the noise of this world tries to distract and dissuade me. (John 16:33)

Please forgive me for the times I’ve listened to the loudest voices and for the times I’ve allowed myself to be distracted by lies that lead to doubt. Please give me wisdom and understanding. Please give me a love for Your Word that I might know Your promises and discern Your will.

By Your grace, please help me identify the truth from the lies around me. Help me dig deeper before I follow every word shared as fact. Please help me test every teaching against the truth of Your Word. And help me take every rebellious thought and lie captive relinquishing it to You that I might live according to Your plans and purposes for me. Lord I surrender myself to You. Lead me by Your truth and help me trust and obey that I might live for Your glory. Amen.

In a world swirling with lies don't you want to know the "truth" you can trust? There is a truth that never changes . . . that is always trustworthy. #Truth #BibleStudy #Blessings

“Where I found truth, there found I my God, who is the truth itself.” ~ Augustine

There are 78 times the Gospel writers quote Jesus as saying, “I tell you the truth…”

He said, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31–32

This is what the LAB Notes say about those verses:

“Jesus himself is the truth that sets us free. He is the source of truth, the perfect standard of what is right. He frees us from continued slavery to sin, from self-deception, and from satan’s lies. Jesus perfect truth frees us to be all that God meant us to be.”

Paul wrote:

The truth that shows them how to live godly lives.

Titus 1:1b

By God’s grace, you and I can know Jesus, the Truth we can trust. We can know the truth that set us free. We can know the One who loves . . . the One who never lies.

On today’s note write:

Jesus is the truth I can trust every day always.

May God fill you with His peace today and help you know and rest on His truth when lies try to distract you.

Click here to read the rest of Titus 1.

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  1. It seems we are inundated these days with one lie after another, Deb, and it is so frustrating. I’m so thankful that we can look to Jesus for eternal truth that cannot be shaken. Just wish more people in this broken world would do the same.

    1. Amen, Martha! What a blessing we are able to know and love the One we can trust today and forever. Blessings!

  2. I love the part in your prayer about asking for a hunger for God’s Word. This is how we can distinguish truth from all the lies. Thank you for these precious truths from the Word!

    1. Thank you, Patti! That love for God’s Word has changed my life. The more I read His Word the more I fall in love with Him. Thanks so much for stopping by. God bless!