How Having Tunnel Vision Can Bless the Rest of Your Life

Do you know people who have tunnel vision . . . focused on a single objective or point of view?
Do you have tunnel vision?
I asked myself a few questions lately wondering if I ever refuse to look at the perspective God wants for me because of my stubborn narrow focus.
* How often do I look through a tunnel of want, need, goals, or objectives and miss the wonder God has planned for me. I can easily miss the magnificent while focused on the mundane!
* How many times have I grabbed the tunnel of judgment focused on someone else’s mess, while ignoring the obstacle course right in front of me.
* How often do I peer through the tunnel of envy . . . wanting what others are enjoying; failing to notice the mounds of blessings God has stacked around me.
How often do I let tunnel vision cause me all kinds of struggles mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually?
And yet . . . are there any benefits to having tunnel vision?
If our tunnel vision is focused on Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, there is no limit to what you and I will be able to see.
Focused on Jesus, we can see beyond our circumstances, our desires, and the mundane moments of life to God’s unlimited possibilities. Focused on Jesus our narrow world of self opens up to a world that includes loving others. Focused on Jesus our world is colored with hope.
Yes, there are no limits when our tunnel vision is focused on Jesus.
The Word tells us:
I am never alone…
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:39–39
I have strength for every situation…
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13
I have love to share with others…
Dear friends, let us love each other because love comes from God. Those who love are God’s children and they know God.
1 John 4:7
I have everything I need…
Seek first God’s kingdom and what God wants. Then all your other needs will be met as well.
Matthew 6:33 (NCV)
So, let’s pause to pray and ask God to give us tunnel vision that is focused on Jesus.
A Prayer for Tunnel Vision Focused on Jesus
Father, give me tunnel vision! By the power of the Spirit, help me seek You with all of my heart. Help me set my heart and mind on Jesus and all that You have given me through Him.
Jesus is the author and perfecter of my faith. (Hebrews 12:2) He gives me hope for the future. (Ephesians 4:4) Jesus is my source of courage and strength. (1 Peter 5:10) He gives me freedom from the guilt and shame of my sin. (Galatians 3:22) He makes it possible for me to have peace that goes beyond understanding. (Philippians 4:7)
Thank you for loving us so much that You sent Jesus to save us. Thank you for making it possible for me to Know, Trust, and Love You through Jesus . . . Son of God and Son of Man. I give myself to You. Please help me live and love in ways that bring You glory. Amen.
Brother Lawrence called it “practicing the presence of God.”
“Why should we be satisfied with a brief moment of worship? With such meager devotion, we restrain the flow of God’s abundant grace. If God can find a soul filled with a lively faith, He pours His grace into it in a torrent which, having found an open channel, gushes out exuberantly.” ~ Brother Lawrence
And Isaiah said:
You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you.
Isaiah 26:3–4
Trust in the Lord forever, because in the Lord, the Lord himself, is an everlasting rock!
May we surrender to the Lord each day asking Him to help us practice tunnel vision . . . that we might be filled with His love and the strength we need to trust His will.
God be with you and bless you with everything you need today.
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Thank you, Deb. Praying for tunnel vision with my eyes focused on Jesus.
Me too, Maree! Have a great day! Blessings!
Your article really gives me pause! I am indeed guilty of having tunnel vision focusing on many wrong things. I prayed your prayer this morning, and will continue to pray to Jesus, to give me tunnel vision for Him above all things! Truly, He gives us all that we need.
I think we all struggle with the direction of our focus, Jodi. I’m so very thankful for God’s patience with me and for His gentle reminders that call me back to setting my heart and mind on Jesus. His grace and mercy overwhelm me every day. God bless you!
That’s the kind of tunnel vision I want in my life each and every day.
Blessings, Deb!
Me too, Martha! God bless your day!!
Thank you so much Deb ! Such a much needed spiritual light of direction for me this morning. I’m very greatful for all the spiritual wisdom you share. May God bless you greatly.
I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Kelly. Thank you for blessing me with your kindness. Have a wonderful day in the Lord. Blessings!
Another great one, Deb! And I am practicing more than ever to keep my tunnel vision on our Heavenly Father! With all that is going on in our country and the world, I found myself falling into all the craziness instead of falling into God! I am in prayer about lost souls and the horror of what is going on, but I am thankful that we have a TUNNEL VISION to turn to and He is the Only Tunnel Vision I desire! And the Only One who is in Control, anyway!! Praise His Holy Name!
Thank you so much, Kathy! I am always blessed by your kind comments. I’m joining you in lifting up the countless people who need the love of Christ Jesus in their lives. I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. God be with you!
Thank you for this message reminding me to focus on the Heavenly Father in all circumstances of this life.
Thank you for visiting, Zella. God bless you!