It’s Important To Give What’s Unjust And Untrue To God

I wonder, are we quick to believe what’s unjust and untrue?
A dozen years ago, I traveled to Bolivia with a team of bloggers to share stories about the ministry of World Vision.
Although many moments touched my heart, there was one specific afternoon that made me think about mirrors, comparisons, judgments, and the way those things are influential in the ways we feel about others and ourselves.
The community, in a small mountain village, gathered together to share a meal with us.
As I looked around at the women, I noticed that their wardrobes were simple, they all wore their hair in braids they wrapped around their heads, and their smiles were huge. When we visited their homes I realized that there were no mirrors, no magazines filled with advertising, and no laptops opened up to social media.
And all I could think of was how we are tempted to judge each other based on appearance and the unjust and untrue opinions of others.
In Psalm 35, David was dealing with people whose comments about him were unjust and untrue.
Malicious witnesses testify against me.
Psalm 35:11a, 15
They are glad now that I am in trouble;
they gleefully join together against me.
I am attacked by people I don’t even know;
they slander me constantly.
As I read those words, I couldn’t help but think about the posts that are common on social media. We hear that more and more people are struggling with discouragement and anxiety because of the way they are affected by the unjust and untrue words of others . . . many of whom they may not even know.
People have spoken and written things that are unjust and untrue since sin entered the world.
The question is . . . what should we do about it?
- Fight back?
- Be defensive?
- Fret about it indefinitely?
- Make ourselves more acceptable?
Let’s look at what Jesus said…
I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too.
Matthew 5:39 (GNT)
God blesses those who work for peace,
Matthew 5:9–10
for they will be called the children of God.
God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.
John 15:19
Followers of Jesus should expect people to say negative and unkind things about them. Seriously, why would we expect the world to treat us any differently than it treated Jesus?
So again, what should we do about it?
We should do what David did and ask God to defend and protect us. David wrote…
You saw it, Lord; do not be silent.
Psalm 35:22–24
Lord, do not be far from me.
Wake up and rise to my defense,
to my cause, my God and my Lord!
Vindicate me, Lord my God,
in keeping with your righteousness,
and do not let them rejoice over me.
The best thing to do when we are faced with personal injustice is…
Give it to God and live!
Sure, it’s normal to be upset when someone says or does something that hurts us . . . especially when it seems that it was done intentionally.
But we have a Savior who understands our pain . . . He experienced it and showed us what to do about it. We can give our pain to Him in the same way He gave His pain to the Father. And we can trust Him to give us what we need each day to LIVE!
Then I will rejoice in the Lord.
Psalm 35:9–10
I will be glad because He rescues me.
With every bone in my body I will praise Him:
“Lord, who can compare with you?
Who else rescues the helpless from the strong?
Who else protects the helpless and poor from those who rob them?”
Let’s Pray…
A Prayer to Give All That’s Unjust and Untrue to God
Father, Jesus told us to follow His example and love and encourage one another; and yet, we fail. All around the world, people fail to take the time to really know and care about each other while they place value on temporary things like appearances, possessions, and positions. Please forgive us, Lord.
We all have experienced the pain caused by gossip and cruel words that are unjust and untrue. And when we’re hurt, it’s tempting to want to defend ourselves or to get even. But Your Word tells us to leave it all in Your very capable hands.
Your Word tells me that I can cast my cares on You because You care for me. (1 Peter 5:7) It says that You will supply every need. (Philippians 4:19) That You will not let me be tempted beyond my ability to endure with Your Spirit’s help. (1 Corinthians 10:13) And You tell me not to repay evil for evil but to leave judgment and wrath to You. (Romans 12:19)
I will trust You, Lord. I trust You to protect and defend me. I trust You to give me peace and strength. I trust You to fill me with hope and understanding. I love You. I give myself to You and trust You to guard my heart against all that is unjust and untrue. I thank and praise You now and forever. Amen.
When you and I are struggling with the pain of hurtful gossip and untruths we can be tempted to fight back but there truly is a better way.
We can…
Give it to God and live!
So, prayerfully give your pain to the Lord and trust Him to give you the peace, strength, hope, and understanding you need to live each day with joy.
The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Psalm 28:7
May the Lord bless you and give you everything You need to live with hope and joy today.
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Another reminder, Deb, that what Jesus would have us do is contradictory to the way so many of us react to injustice, real or perceived. May we take all our troubles to Him!
Blessings, and have a great weekend!
So true, Martha! It’s one of the reasons I have to stay in His Word that I might have a close connection to His guidance and direction on dealing with everyday life. God bless!
Such a timely and needed reminder, Deb.
1st Peter 4:14
If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part He is evil spoken of, but on your part He is glorified.
May we carry the Fruit of the Spirit in our heart, about all things.
Have a joyous weekend, in the glory of the Lord…sweet blessings Deb, and to all who are visiting here today!
Amen, Kathy! May His Spirit guide us, fill us, and give us everything we need to live His truth for His glory. Blessings to you!
Good morning Deb
What a beautiful topic that we all can relate with. I am currently dealing with a sad situation with a family member that was so hateful towards me and my husband always judging us and trying to tell us how to live our life’s. I pray daily to God to help with what I am dealing with and staying away from my relative. At this point, I feel it is the best thing to do as it was my family member stresses me. This really hit home for me. I know God is with me and is going always help me in all my tribulations of my life. He is my rock and strength as long as I follow him everyday of my life.
Thank you so much for the maravilloso prayers and topics you share with us.
Have a wonderful blessed day ????
I’m truly sorry, Ana! I’m asking the Lord to give you His peace and to guide you as you try to manage this difficult situation well. Thank you for your encouragement. God be with you and bless you.
The way God’s wheels turn…. Years ago I went through a really rough patch in my life caused by my manager. She literally pushed me to the verge of suicidal thoughts. Even though instinctively I turned to God for help, my faith was quite shaky, lacking conviction. Eventually I ended up filing a case against her. I provided the commission all documents clearly showing her lies and contradictions but despite it all, I lost the case. Despite my disappointment, I thanked the Lord for His decision, after all, not all our prayers get answered as we wish. My only confusion came from that when I prepared my last submission, I received such a wonderful promises from the Word. Each time I sat down to work, I read these promesis for strength and encouragement.
Already during the rough times, God led me to the admission from Psalm 119, that I needed to be humiliated in order for Him to shape me. The Lord also showed me that despite the loss He made me whole, helped my situation, freed me from under this person. So I have a slew of things that deserves a hallelujah amen.
Even though I forgave her, prayed for her, can’t help that subtle irritation that she got away with all these obvious lies. I know God knows everything. He knows the answers to these questions and while I could ask them when in Heaven, I have a feeling they won’t matter anymore.
Blessings my friend ❤️
I’m so sorry that happened to you, Gaby. It is truly painful when someone betrays us. Your experience sounds awful. I’m thankful that the Lord has seen you through and that He continues to strengthen you. We do have the assurance that God sees it all and I’ve also learned that through those hard times, He often protects us in ways we never see. Blessings, my friend!