Taste and See – 4 Easy Ways to Share Your Faith

“Taste and see how gracious the Lord is.”
Psalm 34:8 (GNV)
I can’t read that verse without hearing a melody . . . the one that my vocal coach taught me so I could sing those words for vocal warmups.
I love the way the Life Application Bible notes explain them:
“Taste and see” does not mean, “Check out God’s credentials. Instead, it is a warm invitation: “Try this; I know you’ll like it.”
Try this! Get to know Him. You will discover that He is good. You will experience joy when you seek refuge in Him. “I know you’ll like it.”
But then I pause and wonder…
Is that what people see when they look at Jesus’ followers? Do they see a good God? Do they see people full of love and joy? Do they see something they would want to try?
We pray for revival and yet when a revival rises up on college campuses . . . Christians can be the first to call it into question. None of us can know what God was doing in the individual hearts of people through those events. Maybe we should just get excited that people want to “taste and see.”
It hurts my heart when I see Christians sniping at and criticizing one another online. I wonder . . . when unbelievers see that, are we inspiring them to want what we have?
I’m not saying that there aren’t false teachers out there. What I am saying is that rather than criticizing one another wouldn’t it be better for us to simply “speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the church.” (Ephesians 4:15)
With that being said, today I’d like us to pause and make it personal. So, I’m asking myself…
Do my words, my actions, and my attitude invite people to “taste and see” that the Lord is good? Am I openly and honestly sharing the difference that knowing and loving God has made in my life?
The thing is, we don’t have to be able to talk about God theologically, we just need to share our story of His love and His ability to change lives by telling people how he has changed ours. We can tell them how He has given us everything we need. Things like faith, forgiveness, peace, strength, hope, freedom from fear, and joy. Things that last forever. We can show them His amazing grace, mercy, and love.
Taste and See – 4 Easy Ways to Share Your Faith
- Live your faith with kindness and compassion.
- Offer to pray for people and do it.
- Tell your story – tell how knowing, loving, and trusting God has blessed your life.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your conversations.
David wrote…
I will praise the Lord at all times.
I will constantly speak His praises.
I will boast only in the Lord;
let all who are helpless take heart.
Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;
let us exalt His name together.I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me.
Psalm 34:1–6
He freed me from all my fears.
Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened;
He saved me from all my troubles.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Live a “Taste and See” Life of Faith
Father, thank you for Jesus, the gift of Your mercy, grace, and love. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me the gift of faith . . . for allowing me to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE You through Him.
Please forgive me for failing to shine the light of Your love. Forgive me for the times I’m quick to criticize those with whom I disagree. You are the only One who is truly able to look into hearts and minds and see a person’s true character and attitudes. I’m so sorry.
Please help me speak the truth in love. Help me positively and joyfully invite people to “taste and see” all that You want for them. Help me live in such a way that they see You in me and want what I have. Help me praise You and speak Your praises to others. Help me tell others of Your grace, mercy, and love.
You freed me from my fears. You heard my prayers and saved me. I love You, Lord. I give myself to You. Help me share Your love and trust that You will take care of the rest. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Paul wrote…
Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
Colossians 3:12, 17
And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
I believe that is the attitude that will inspire people to “taste and see.”
I love the way the Easy To Read Version says it…
Give the Lord a chance to show you how good He is.
Psalm 34:8
Great blessings belong to those who depend on him!
That’s what we want for people, isn’t it? Because once someone sees how truly good God is they will never turn back.
May God be with you and bless you as you shine His light and share His love.
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Lord, may your light and your love shine in me for all to see!
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! By His grace and for His glory! God bless you, friend!
Hi Deb
Thank you for the beautiful prayers of encouragement on how to show others the love that Jesus gives us in order to have love, peace, grace, patience, happiness, and wisdom towards others.
Many Blessings to all the ladies in this prayer group????
Thank you so much, Ana! God bless you!
You’ve given us four easy, non-threatening ways to share about Jesus; you’ve prayed that God would empower us and free us from our fears. Thank you! Now may we be attentive for opportunities, because time (I believe) is running out.
I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Nancy. I agree, may we watch for opportunities to share His love as there is truly nothing more loving we can do for someone. God be with you and bless you!
Blessings Deb and thank you for another wonderful post.
Thank you, Angela. I hope you’re having a wonderful week. Blessings!