How to Have the Courage You Need to Boldly Tell Your Story

“A sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm filled the room.”
“Flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them.”
“Everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:2–4)
And the disciples were changed…
Just weeks earlier Jesus was arrested and…
All the disciples deserted him and fled.
Matthew 26:56
But flash forward and Peter stood in the Temple boldly proclaiming the Resurrected Christ to the very people who had crucified Him! Peter fearlessly said to a crowd that included religious leaders…
You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. And we are witnesses of this fact!
Acts 3:15
And this astonishing change in Peter and the other apostles has prompted many doubters and unbelievers to take a more careful look at the truth about Jesus.
Does it scare you some (or a lot) to even think about sharing your faith in Christ with others? Me too.
But you don’t have to preach like Peter or Paul or Billy Graham or anyone else. There’s an old hymn that says:
If you cannot speak like angels,
Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling
If you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus,
You can say He died for all.
I know with absolute certainty I’m not in the “speak like angels” or “preach like Paul” category. But, I can share the love of Jesus by telling others how He has worked in my life.
No one else anywhere on earth has the unique story you have.
Boldly tell your story and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit.
Tell people how loving and trusting Jesus has changed your life. Tell them your “before and after” story. Tell them about hard-to-understand peace when life is hard and how you have had the strength to do the impossible when you knew it was, well, impossible. Tell them about the ways His presence calmed you when you were afraid and how His Word and prayer have given you direction when you didn’t know what to do.
A Prayer Asking for the Spirit to Help You Boldly Tell Your Story
Lord, I need You. It feels like there are so many forces trying to silence Your children. Just proclaiming the name of Jesus can be called “hate speech.” But Jesus told us to “go and tell.” He told those whose lives He had touched to, “tell them everything God has done for you.” Please fill me with Your Spirit and give me the courage I need to boldly tell my story. Please help me follow Your will and trust You to write my future story.
Most of all, I ask that You would help me be a living example of Your “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness” and give me self-control. (Galatians 5:22–23a) Use my story to bring glory to Your name and lives to Your Kingdom. Help me remember that when You are with me and fill me with Your Spirit . . . when I SEEK You and trust You, You will give me everything I need to boldly tell my story. Thank you for Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.
One way to boldly tell your story…
I picked up my old Bible the other day. The one I used when our children were growing up.
I’ve always kept it in a cute fabric case so the cover still looks clean and undamaged. But the pages are a different story. They’re covered with notes and stickers. A few have scribbles from my little artists and many include finger smudges.
I can be like that old Bible . . . keeping my outside protected so it looks clean and undamaged. But inside my story is full of scribbles and smudges.
Maybe it’s time to open ourselves up and share what Jesus has done and what He is doing in our lives. One simple way to do this is by sharing our Joy, Junk, and Jesus with three short questions:
Where did you experience joy this week?
What was your junk? (How can I pray for you?)
Where did you see Jesus?
On today’s note write:
With the Holy Spirit’s help, I will boldly tell my story.
May God bless you with Holy Spirit courage and boldness, joy, and lots of Jesus!
Click here to read the rest of Acts 3.
No matter what a busy week may throw your way, God is with you in every moment. This statement reminded me of yesterday I poste this on FB
I love when God moves in us and we just know we have been touched by His love and faithfulness. Thanks so much for taking the time to share this with us. It’s always a blessing when we encourage each other with the goodness of the Lord. God be with you, Linda, and bless you!
May God’s Holy Spirit give us the courage and conviction to tell our story to the world.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Have a beautiful day, my friend!
Dearest Deb more than once your blog has been a blessing to me. I want to thank you for having the courage to write and inspire others to follow Jesus. My junk is my oldest son. He is trapped in the addiction of drugs and alcohol. I desperately need you to pray for my son Adan Rios. God has performed many miracles in my life and I am grateful. But this one is the toughest one. I remember your one blog that you wrote if you have a child in trouble pray twice as hard. I have been praying. I ask God daily to deliver him from those vices. But, I know it is not when I want, it will happen when he is ready to accept God and give up these earthly pleasures. I will continue to be in God’s waiting room. Thank you for listening and for being a huge blessing.
Julie, Thank you so much for your kind encouragement and for allowing us to pray for you and your son. It is so painful to watch our children make choices that we know are causing them to suffer. You are right, God is with you and He is working on your son. I like the way you referred to it as God’s waiting room. I think we’ve all found ourselves there at one time or another. What a blessing to know He doesn’t leave us to wait there alone. God bless you!