Why It’s Important to Share the Truth About Faith

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What if we make sharing our faith too complicated? What if the truth about faith is as simple as showing people that we've been with Jesus? #Faith #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings

It seems now, more than ever, people want to believe that it simply doesn’t matter what you believe. All roads lead to Heaven. And even within the Christian church some say there is no hell. So, no worries, right?!

While there seems to be increasing pressure to think like that, nothing could be further from the truth. Acts 4:12 settles the issue with absolute clarity.

There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”

Acts 4:12

The next verse once again points out the boldness Peter and John had as they shared the truth about faith in Jesus even though they had no “special training.”

The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures.

Acts 4:13a

Even though they were “untrained ordinary men,” they shared the truth about faith in Jesus.

If you and I feel ordinary without training or credentials . . . we can tell the message of Jesus and the difference He has made in our lives. The remainder of verse 13 tells us why:

They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus. 

Acts 4:13b

If you’ve been with Jesus. If His love has touched your life. If you have felt His forgiveness and experienced His mercy and grace . . . you can know the truth about Jesus and share your faith.

The Life Application Bible Notes say – “A changed life convinces people of Christ’s power. One of your greatest testimonies is the difference others see in your life and attitudes since you have believed in Christ.”

The question is . . . How does the Holy Spirit change us so that people can “recognize that we have been with Jesus?”

Through time spent in His Word, in prayer, and in fellowship with others who have been with Him . . . people who are living by His truth for His glory.

There are some who accuse Christians of being narrow-minded when they believe that Jesus is the only way to be saved, but Jesus Himself said…

“I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die.”

John 11:25–26

And that’s a message to share.

What if we make sharing our faith too complicated? What if the truth about faith is as simple as showing people that we've been with Jesus? #Faith #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings

A Prayer to SEEK and KNOW and Boldly Share the Truth About Faith

Father, Jesus said that we can “enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate” (Matthew 7:13), and some complain that the message that He declared Himself to be the “gate” and the only way is unfair as it is too narrow. But I want to thank You today for providing a WAY! A WAY of grace and mercy. A WAY that doesn’t require me to earn Your favor but tells me You love me so much You provided the WAY for me to enter Your Kingdom.

You gave Jesus because You are LOVE. You knew it was impossible for us to attain the righteousness You require but Jesus willingly offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice. And You made Him the “resurrection and the life.”

Thank you! I believe! Please help me faithfully “live in” Him. Help me fully place my trust in Him. Help me rely on His promises and character and follow His will as Your Word and Your Spirit reveal it to me. And by Your grace, help me reflect Your love in ways that people can see that I have “been with Jesus.” It’s in His holy name I pray. Amen.

What if we make sharing our faith too complicated? What if the truth about faith is as simple as showing people that we've been with Jesus? #Faith #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings

When you and I spend time with Jesus it changes us.

We don’t want people to see self-righteous religious people when they are with us . . . we want them to see Jesus. We want to reflect His love and then…

If someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.

1 Peter 3:15b–16a

On today’s note write:

May people be able to tell that I have been with Jesus. He is the TRUTH about my faith.

God bless you today as you spend time with Jesus, the resurrection and the life!

Click here to read the rest of Acts 4.

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  1. Praying that others will see Jesus living in me, and that they will want that, too.
    Blessings, Deb!

    1. Me too, Martha! I so want people to see His love in me and that it’s so appealing that they would want it too! Blessings and hugs!

  2. Angela Cahill says:

    Let us all be shining examples of the love Jesus gives us and may we radiate that same love to everyone we meet. Perfect love casts out all fear….may we boldly profess that Jesus is the WAY and that the narrow gate is there for all who acknowledge Him and follow in His footsteps.

    Blessings Deb and thank you for your uplifting words today!

    Angela Ireland

    1. Amen, Angela! God be with you and bless you today!