Verses to Pray When You Need to be Sure God Loves You


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Verses and prayers for those times when you feel uncertain and need to remember how much God loves you.

Earlier this week, I shared a post about an email exchange I had with a reader who said… 

“I’ve had a problem all of my adult years.  I’ve been unable to feel God’s love.”

You can read the rest here.

I could relate to her email … I’ve had times when God felt distant and I doubted His love, times when life didn’t make sense and answers seemed distant.

Something I learned this week is that most of you can relate to the faith/feelings conundrum, too!

My earlier post shared a list of things I believe you and I need to know and do when the enemy taunts us with doubts that discourage and overwhelm us.

  1. Be Honest with Yourself and God.
  2. Take Your Doubts to God in Prayer.
  3. Live Your Faith Until You Feel God’s Love.

Today I want to focus on #2 and pray…

Verses to Pray When You Need to be Sure God Loves You

Verses and prayers for those times when you feel uncertain and need to remember how much God loves you.

God loves you! 

Psalm 13:1–2

O Lord, how long will You forget me? Forever? How long will You look the other way? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day?
How long will my enemy have the upper hand?

Father, thank you for showing us the honest men of faith throughout Scripture. Even David, “the man after God’s [Your] own heart” experienced times of doubt, times when You seemed distant.

I believe You want me to be honest about my feelings. I believe You want me to come to You with anything that troubles my heart or mind. I believe You hear my prayers and I believe You love me.

Thank you, Father! Please hold me close. Give me a sense of Your presence and love. “Lord, I believe. Please help my unbelief.” In Jesus name. Amen.

God loves you! 

Romans 8:38

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us
from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither
angels nor demons, neither our fears for today
nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the
powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 

Father, Your Word tells me that You are love and You are with me … nothing in this world can separate me from Your perfect unfailing love. Forgive me, Father! Although I know Your Word is truth, I am still prone to fear and worry — things that distract me and tempt me to doubt Your promises. But Lord, no matter how I feel, nothing can ever change who You are. You are LOVE! I can trust You … today, tomorrow, and forever. Thank you! Amen.

God loves you!

Psalm 86:5–7

O Lord, You are so good, so ready to forgive,
    so full of unfailing love for all who ask for Your help.
Listen closely to my prayer,
hear my urgent cry.
I will call on You whenever I’m in trouble,
    and You will answer me.

Father, thank you for every word of hope and promise, for the faith-filled prayers of people like David, for examples that show me I can come to You with the rawness of my life … with my regrets and worries, doubts and fears. You love me and hear the cries of my heart. Thank you. Lord, may I remember to pray without ceasing, and may I come to You with my praise and gratitude more than I cry out for solutions and intervention.

You are love. Perfect love.

By Your grace and the power of Your Spirit, help me trust Your promises. Remove my doubt and fill me with the truth of Your Word. I will hold Your promises in my heart and remember that You are: patient and kind, forgiving and merciful, holy and just. Your love is a fact greater than my feelings. Thank you! Amen.

Verses to Pray When You Need to be Sure God Loves You by Deb Wolf @ Counting My Blessings

God loves you! 

Lamentations 3:22–23

The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning.

Father, thank you for Your never-ending, unfailing love. Thank you for mercy that will never stop no matter how I feel or what I’ve done. Thank you for giving me a fresh start each morning.

I surrender my feelings to You today. I give You my doubts, my fears, my insecurities. Fill my heart and mind with Your truth. Help my faith to grow and may my feelings overflow with heartfelt love for You … the One who loves me most and best as You cover me with underserved mercy and grace. I love You, Lord. Thank you! Amen.

God loves you! 

Psalm 23:6

Surely Your goodness and unfailing love 
will pursue me all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Father, You are good. Your love never fails. And because of Your perfect goodness and love, You pursue me. You work in my life in ways that are always for my good and for Your glory. Open my eyes that I might see the mighty and beautiful things You are doing in my life. Fill me with the things of Your Spirit – with faith, hope, and love.

Give me an eternal perspective Lord, full of hope and promise knowing that I can trust You completely. Whatever my feelings, nothing will change who You are … Holy and Perfect Lord of lords and King of kings, Creator, Redeemer, Comforter, Father, and Friend.

Thanks and praise now and forever. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Friend, the truth is … our hearts and minds deceive us. We’ve been told to “trust our guts” even though we know gut feelings are less than reliable.

But we have someone in our lives who is perfectly reliable. Someone who loves us so much He died to show us…

I read the following in my Life Application Bible Notes this week…

If the Bible makes no other point, it shouts this one: God loves us! His love had no beginning and is incredibly patient. All we need to do is respond, not try to earn what is freely offered.

God has said in many ways, “I love you. I have demonstrated that love to you by all I’ve done for you. I have even sacrificed my Son, Jesus, to pay the price for what is unacceptable about you—your sin. Now, live because of my love. Respond to me, love me with your whole being; give yourself to me in thanksgiving, not as payment.” [The price has already been paid!]

Live life fully. In the freedom of knowing you are loved! 

No matter how you and I feel, the fact is … God loves you!

Have a wonderful weekend and rest in the Father’s perfect love!

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  1. I like the last statement Deb you state, it doesn’t matter how we feel Good still lives us! Amen to that!

  2. I’m so thankful He loves us!!

  3. Oh, what beautiful, real, transparent prayers, Deb. Thank you! So grateful for His pursuing love. Thanks also for highlighting my thoughts on ‘Home’ this week. My prayer is that in some small way it might point others towards Home. Blessings, my friend.

  4. Some great blogger features, Deb. And we wrote on the same thing – well, my faith and doubt article comes out next week! We are afraid to voice our doubts, even to God. Silly, but true. Have a great and encouraged weekend.

  5. Deb – Thank you for featuring my post. It is such an honor when you choose something I have written. I hope it resonates with many. Waiting is hard.

    I didn’t realize I needed God’s love to wash over me this morning until I read your post. As I sit in my torn up home (We had to have it repiped) and our new puppy is sick I found myself doubting God’s love for us as a family. Why God we already deal with so much. Can’t we get a break?

    Yes, I know God loved me but it is nice to be reminded when we are feeling a bit overwhelmed.

    1. Thank you for sharing your post on Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up. I was hoping you would.

  6. Deb, I absolutely love the power and assurance in this post! We are like sheep, and continually stray away from the truth and toward doubt when it comes to staying grounded in God’s love for us. It takes such intention to remain in the Vine!

    Your post is this week’s Featured Fresh Find, and I’m happy to share on Fresh Market Friday Link-up!