What to Do When You Want Stronger Faith

It’s easy to doubt the outcome when we feel overwhelmed by our circumstances, isn’t it?
Have you ever cried through tears, “will I ever…”
Will I ever get well, get married, have a child, get a job, have peace, be happy?
The list can be endless.
I imagine we all have felt our faith falter a little through a “will I ever” time of anxious waiting and wondering.
So, meet the father in Mark 9…
“Teacher, I brought my son so you could heal him. He is possessed by an evil spirit that won’t let him talk. And whenever this spirit seizes him, it throws him violently to the ground. Then he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid. So, I asked your disciples to cast out the evil spirit, but they couldn’t do it.”
Mark 9:17b–18
Think about a time you’ve asked, you’ve cried, you’ve pleaded, you’ve prayed and you’ve waited while your suffering or a loved one’s suffering persists.
It’s easy to understand this father’s saying:
“Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.”
Mark 9:22b
Jesus responded:
“If I can?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”
Mark 9:23
And the father instantly cried out:
“I do believe but help me overcome my unbelief.”
Mark 9:24
That is our prayer today. In our waiting . . . when life is hard and it doesn’t make sense . . . when we need and want stronger faith . . . pray:
Lord, I believe! Help me overcome my unbelief!
Because even when we believe He can, we can doubt His heart. Growing in faith and trusting God’s love is an ongoing process that requires daily prayer, surrender, and reliance on God’s promises.
Pray When You Want Stronger Faith
Pray with me.
Lord Jesus, thank you for coming and living here with us. Thank you for loving us and willingly dying to save us. And thank you for giving me the gift of faith.
I believe You are my Lord and Savior. I believe You are God alone and I believe that anything is possible for You. But I confess that when life is hard and my heart hurts . . . when my wait is long, I want and need stronger faith.
Lord, I believe! Please help me overcome doubt and fear. I believe that nothing is too difficult for You and I ask You to please give me everything I need today to simply trust that You are who You say You are that I might obey Your will. I give myself to You. And I believe Your grace is sufficient for whatever You allow. Amen.
When the disciples questioned why they were unable to help this man and his son, Jesus said:
“This kind can be cast out only by prayer.”
Mark 9:29
Prayer is the key that unlocks faith in our life. Effective prayer needs both the attitude of complete dependence and the action of asking. Prayer demonstrates our reliance on God as we humbly invite Him to fill us with faith and power.
Life Application Bible Notes
When life feels overwhelming and the enemy taunts us with the doubt of “what if” questions . . . prayer is the answer.
Stronger faith begins with a humble prayer of surrender to the promise that with God who loves perfectly and unfailingly…
Anything is possible!
On today’s note write:
I believe anything is possible!
And even if His answer to our prayer is “no” or “not yet,” He is able to give us everything we need to live with faith, hope, and love one moment at a time.
God bless you as you give yourself to the One for whom anything is possible.
Deb, your message always speaks directly to me. I honestly had never thought about praying for stronger faith. I do have faith but I do need help with leaning on that faith more. Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement of your messages. Have a blessed day!
Thanks for visiting, Brenda, and for letting me know that you were blessed! God be with you as you turn to Him today!
A stronger faith does depend on prayer, Deb. May we seek the Lord always!
I love His promise to give us everything we need when we SEEK Him first. It is a promise that gives me strength each day! God bless you, my friend!
All things are possible with God – your words of encouragement have lifted my spirit today. Thank you! We all need to pray for a stronger faith – I certainly know that I need to…..Lord I believe, help me to overcome my unbelief while I wait for things to change.
Blessings to you Deb, for reminding us of God’s love for His children.
Angela – Ireland
I’m so very glad it blessed you, Angela! Thanks for adding your beautiful prayer. God be with you!
So true! I have had occurrences in life that I would not have overcome or tolerated if it were not for God’s help.
I believe anything is possible with God’s help.
I believe that too, Sandra! God will give us what we need each day when we trust Him and surrender ourselves to His truth! God bless you!
I don’t know how you do it, but I’m so thankful you do! Your post blesses me everyday and always speaks to my heart and soul. Thank you for your teaching and touching words. What joy and blessings you give to all of us. Blessings and prayers for you and your significance to all who read your posts!✝️????
Kathy, thank you once again for blessing me with kindness. God bless you!