The Unexpected Ways Doing Whatever It Takes Can Bless Your Life Today

Rev and I once stayed at a hotel where there was a card on the nightstand that read:
Whatever it Takes.
Simply dial ’10.’
Our goal is that every guest leaves satisfied.“
As guests, we appreciated both the message and the goal.
And then I started thinking…
What if every follower of Jesus, the operative word being EVERY, made it a goal to do whatever it takes to make it a goal to follow what Jesus called the most important Commandments.
“The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
Mark 12:29–31
What if EVERY…
- follower of Jesus worshipped God with every part of their everyday ordinary life.
- wife, who followed Jesus, faithfully showed love and respect.
- husband, who followed Jesus, consistently showed love and understanding.
- employee, who followed Jesus, worked hard to do their best always.
- employer, who followed Jesus, lead wisely, praised often, and paid well.
- child, who followed Jesus, was loving, obedient, and respectful.
- parent, who followed Jesus, was loving, patient, nurturing, and wise.
- friend, who followed Jesus, was kind and caring and never gossiped.
- follower of Jesus shared His love with kindness and compassion.
- follower of Jesus chose to be the first to forgive.
What if…
I know we’re all sinful but what if we could make an intentional effort to do better?
What if we all decided to participate in a . . . Whatever It Takes Challenge?
The Whatever It Takes Challenge
- Make a W.I.T. Card for each member of the family.
- Commit to carrying the card every day for a week.
- Commit to doing “Whatever It Takes” to love like Jesus.
- Make a W.I.T. basket with note paper and pencils.
- Drop notes in the basket of the ways W.I.T. blessed you and others.
We could even take it a little further. Invite your friends and your small group to participate, too.
Can you imagine how we could change the world if we each consistently shared God’s love by doing W.I.T.?
Whatever it takes to be kind, patient, understanding, caring, and compassionate.
And why? Why would you and I even consider doing “Whatever It Takes” to love like Jesus?
Because Jesus did “Whatever It Takes” for us!
Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are His dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.
Ephesians 5:2
And He said…
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.
John 13:34
I think we’re going to need His help! Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Do Whatever It Takes
to Love Like Jesus
Father, Your love overwhelms me. You loved me from the beginning before I even knew You. You love me because You choose to love me, not because I have earned it or even deserve it. And You demonstrated Your love through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. You gave everything to save me from sin, death, and satan’s power. You loved me with “Whatever It Takes” love.
I am so sorry for the countless times I have failed to love the way You want me to love. I repent of my willingness to treat people the way I think I have been treated rather than the way You want me to treat them. Please forgive me and give me everything I need to love with patience, kindness, and compassion. Help me follow the sweet guidance of Your Spirit. Help me love like Jesus.
Father, I ask that You will help every follower of Jesus to take the challenge and do “Whatever It Takes” to love like Jesus. Move through us and help us change lives for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Friend, being the first to forgive is essential to loving like Jesus.
I believe this challenge will help us do better but the truth is we are all sinful human beings. We are not going to love perfectly. We will need to be forgiven and forgiving.
Although I may be naive, I believe if we truly make the commitment to do this for a week we will be so very blessed that we will want to keep it going far into the future.
So, what have you got to lose? Are you ready to take the challenge? I can’t wait to hear your stories a week from now!
May God give you everything you need to love like Jesus. May He bless you and strengthen you to be a blessing to many.
We would love to pray for you.
You can leave your prayer requests here…
and even take a few minutes to pray over the list left by our friends.
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This is one of my favorites ever, Deb! I’m writing it down, sharing it with the kids, and living it out! Thank you for doing what you do!!!!
Thank you. sweet friend! Praying it blesses your family bunches! Hugs! Your encouragement truly blesses me. Have a wonderful weekend!
Nearing the end of my first day of W.I.T. , and I want to tell you that this challenge brings me closer to Jesus and my brothers and sisters in a new and profound way. Will post an update in a week. Thank you for blessing me with W.I.T. !!
Oh YAY! Thanks so much for letting us know! May God bless this journey in wonderful ways. Blessings and hugs!
Whatever It Takes! That’s even more powerful than What Would Jesus Do! Bookmarking.
Thank you, Debby! I’m so glad it encouraged you! Blessings!
I found this to be both uplifting and encouraging, Deb, as we endeavor to live our Christian life to the fullest. I’m going to email this post to my daughter for her to try with her husband and three girls.
Thanks, Martha! I’d love to hear if they give it a try and how it blesses them. God bless you, dear friend!
Deb, I love this! One of my prayers is for God to help me love like He does. I love how you show us how we can do this practically. Thank you for your encouragement.
Thank you, Deborah! I am always blessed by your kind encouragement! Blessings and hugs!