12 Verses that will Help You Remember Who God Says You Are

I can be really hard on myself.
I’m critical of my appearance and beat myself up over my failures to trust and obey God’s will. The enemy of our souls is constantly reminding me of all the ways I’m not measuring up.
Please tell me I’m not alone.
I need a constant reminder of who God says I am and I thought you might need to remember who He says you are too.
David prayerfully wrote:
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
Psalm 139:13–14
You and I are personally created by the Lord of the universe and His love letter to us says that we are each wonderfully complex and marvelously made.
God says you (and I) are:
- forgiven.
- “Your sins have been forgiven through Jesus.” 1 John 2:12
- made new through faith in Christ Jesus.
- “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
- a loved child of God.
- “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children.” 1 John 3:1
- precious to Him.
- “Precious are your thoughts about me, O God.” Psalm 139:17
- God’s masterpiece.
- “We are God’s masterpiece . . .created us anew in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:10
- chosen and dearly loved by God.
- “God chose you to be the holy people he loves.” Colossians 3:12
- part of God’s family.
- “You are members of God’s family.” Ephesians 2:19
- Jesus’ friend.
- “You are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.” John 15:15
- protected for eternity.
- “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.” John 10:27–28
- victorious.
- “Thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57
- strong.
- “I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
- redeemed forever through Christ Jesus.
- “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
God’s Word says you are created by God and for God so you might love Him and live for His glory because He loves you!
God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.
1 John 4:9
And His love lasts forever and always.
When the enemy tries to rob your joy by reminding you of all the ways you’re not measuring up . . . remind him of who God says you are. Fight back with the “sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.” (Ephesians 6:17) And tell him to “get away” from you.
You are a loved child of God. You a His masterpiece. And because of Jesus, you have everything you need to live in victory.
A Prayer Thanking God for Who He Says You Are
Father, I know I don’t deserve Your love; yet, You love me anyway. You showed me how much by sending Jesus to suffer my punishment. And You continue to show me through Your Spirit who gives me faith and hope and love. You are the infinite Triune God of the universe. You are LOVE.
It’s easy for me to picture You as being too big to care about me or my individual needs. Or to live as if You’re too small by listening to fear and worry or doubting Your love and care. Please forgive me.
Forgive me for turning my attention to the busyness of the world and the lies of the enemy. Forgive me for doubting Your love. Forgive me for neglecting Your Word. Forgive me for questioning Your promises.
Please help me trust You with all my heart. Help me believe what You say about me. Help me learn my talents, gifts, and abilities and use them in ways that bring You glory. Help me, by the power of Your Spirit, love the way You love and help me live in strength with victory. Please give me an eternal perspective that remembers every day what You say about my forever future. Help me live in victory, secure in the confidence that I am redeemed through Jesus, my Savior. Fill me with faith, give me hope, and help me live in Your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Stop and read Psalm 139 to learn more about who God says you are.
Then pause and say aloud – God loves me. He made me for His plans and purposes and through Jesus, He gives me everythinig I need to live in victory and love now and forever.
Because of Jesus, you and I can have strength and victory today and hope for all our tomorrows.
I’m asking God to bless you and give you everything you need today to be fully alive and fully yourself.
This really hit home with me. You have described what I have struggled with for many years. I discovered your blog a few years ago on Pinterest and o have been blessed ever since. You have been describing my life to a T. Thank you for being here for me and so many who are encouraged by your blogs. God bless you always.
Carolyn, I so appreciate your kindness. Thank you! May God be with you and bless you with His love and encouragement every day!
Thank you so much, for letting you use by the Lord . This was beautiful ….
God bless you
Thank you so much, Elisabet. I love your name! Beautiful! God bless you, as well.
Hi Deb,
This encouraged my heart today. I’ve been dealing with a particular issue related to fibromyalgia that impacts my appearance. Thank you for reminding me to keep an eternal perspective.
Peace and grace,
Oh, thank you, Tammy! Isn’t it “funny” how the enemy works on us? Every time I see your profile pics, I just think how lovely you are and that your eyes and hair are beautiful. But I get it, I really struggle with the whole aging appearance thing. God is so good and gracious and just sees souls He loves. Sending you blessings and hugs!