Wisdom is Important When You Want Peace & Joy

The message of the world is—do what makes you happy.
The following quote sums it up well…
“Happiness isn’t an accident. It’s a decision to prioritize yourself and enjoy your life.” – Unknown
Is it? If that’s the case, why are so many people miserable at the moment? Maybe that’s the reason why God’s Word prioritizes peace and joy over simple happiness.
If we want true peace and joy, we need to remember that wisdom is important.
We’ve talked all week about the fact that God is completely and perfectly wise and is the source and substance of all wisdom. So, if we want to live with true peace and joy, the kind of peace and joy that’s with us even when life is hard … we need a personal relationship with God.
So, let’s go to God in prayer today asking Him to give us the wisdom we need to live with peace and joy whatever our circumstances.
Wisdom is Important
Verses and Prayers for Wisdom, Peace, and Joy
God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made Him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; He made us pure and holy, and He freed us from sin.
1 Corinthians 1:30
In The New Life Version of Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, it says…
For Christ is not only God-like, He is God in human flesh. When you have Christ, you are complete. Colossians 2:9–10a
If God is wisdom … then Jesus is wisdom. Knowing He has made it possible for us to be pure, and holy, and freed us from sin … that truth is the best reason we have to live each day with peace and joy.
Father, simply saying thank you for giving us Jesus hardly feels like it’s enough. It’s not. You have graciously given us everything we need to live now and eternally in Your holy presence. By Your great love, Jesus showed us what it means to live with wisdom. He showed us how to live according to Your perfect will.
By the power of Your Spirit, I give myself to You. Please give me the wisdom I need to live the way You desire and the help I need to live in peace with joy. Amen.
Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair,
Proverbs 2:9–11
and you will find the right way to go.
For wisdom will enter your heart,
and knowledge will fill you with joy.
Wise choices will watch over you.
Understanding will keep you safe.
Don’t you want to KNOW what is right, just, and fair? It often feels like those things are hard to find in our world today. And KNOWing the right way to go … wow, I need help with that every day. That’s why wisdom is important!
Father, I need wisdom. The sinful nature of our world has a distorted view of what is right and fair. It feels like we’re constantly being told that up is down and down is up … that wrong is right and right is wrong.
We need Your TRUTH. I need Your TRUTH. Please help me SEEK the wisdom of Your Kingdom. Please help me make wise choices with an understanding heart so that I might be watched over, kept safe, and reject foolishness. Please cover me with Your mercy and grace and bless me with an obedient heart. Amen.
Abundant peace belongs to those who love Your instruction; nothing makes them stumble.
Psalm 119:165 (CSB)
I want abundant peace! I want to have peace that goes beyond human understanding! How about it? It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?
The truth is, if you and I want that kind of peace, we have to be willing to humble ourselves to learn, trust, and obey God’s instructions.
Father, Your Word tells me that if I want to experience abundant peace, it’s important for me to KNOW and TRUST Your instructions. Because when I TRUST Your perfect will it will become my heart’s desire to OBEY. I won’t want to test the limits of Your love and forgiveness.
And by Your grace, when obedience is my desire, You promise to “show me a way out so I can endure.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) And You promise that Your grace is sufficient even when I feel weak. (2 Corinthians 12:9) I thank and praise You for Your grace, mercy, and love. Amen.
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
God’s wisdom is important because it also shows us our reason for hope.
Jesus is our source of hope. When we place our trust in Him, He promises to fill us with joy and peace through the presence and power of His Spirit. That’s a promise that has the power to transform every part of our lives.
Father, thank you for Jesus. He is the source of all our hope. He is the reason we are filled with peace and joy. And Your Spirit is the reason those things overflow from our lives into the lives of others.
I want that, Lord. Please help focus on Jesus and the power of Your love every day. By the power of Your Spirit, prompt me to spend time with You in thought, Word, and prayer. Please put a hedge of protection around my spirit so that I can cease striving and KNOW You, Lord of all! Amen.
You will show me the way of life,
Psalm 16:11
granting me the joy of Your presence
and the pleasures of living with You forever.
What an amazing promise! God in wisdom is willing to walk with us, showing us the way of life and giving us a forever future with Him in heaven. It just doesn’t get any better than that!
Father God, thank you for Your Spirit who guides me through Your Word to show me the way of life now and eternally. Jesus told His followers, then and now, that the Holy Spirit “will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” (John 14:26)
You promised that You would never leave Your children nor forsake them. And Jesus promised to be with us always until the end of this age and that when everything is ready, He will come and get us so that we can be in Your presence forever.
Because Your promises last forever my hope is secure. Please grant my heart’s desire to live for Your glory and worship and praise You now and forever and always. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
May you be blessed today as you remember that God’s wisdom is important when we want to live with peace and joy.
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Lord, please bless us all with your wisdom and peace!
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Blessings!
Only recently did I find your blogs, and I simply want to thank you for these daily blessings! They’ve truly been a Godsend for me (I have no doubt). May He bless you and prosper you, as you continue to abide in Him! God bless you, and thank you again!
I’m so glad you found us and that you are being blessed. I’m thanking the Lord for bringing us together. May He bless you abundantly.
Oh how I trust HIM and want to walk in obedience. I know I fall short, but am thankful f
or the salvation of Jesus. Wanting to know HIM better and SEEK HIS wisdom is where we look to find true joy and peace. There are so many “opinions” and people mean well, but unless you get it from God’s word, it can be confusing. We all need encouragement and God’s word has so many verses that encourage us and give us strength to carry on. I love Charles Stanley and I learned much about obedience to God through his teachings.
You are a good example of sharing wisom too. I thank you for your posts. I am grateful that I found a friend here in Kathy as well. You both are tops in my book.
Thank You and God Bless You.
You’re so right, Sue. We need the firm foundation of God’s absolute truth if we want to have wisdom. I appreciate your kindness … the only wisdom I have to share is that found in God’s Word. And we are truly blessed and thankful for your friendship as well. Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend.
Love the beautiful words and prayers Deb to remind me that there will be heart times but nothing is impossible so long as I have wisdom to always trust and seek God. Lord help me to follow you daily in order to have Joy and Peace even when times get tough.
May the Holy Spirit grow in me in order to do God’s will.
Have a blessed weekend!🙏😊
Thank you, Ana. Your kindness is always a blessing and your prayers are always inspiring. God bless you!
So grateful that I stumbled across your sight. I am looking forward to visiting the site often and growing closer to our Lord. Thank you!!!!!
I’m so glad, Cassandra! I hope you’ll visit often. I look forward to getting to know you! God be with you and bless you!
Wisdom , wow how i pray for that, I must confess it often eludes me. Another wonderful post Deb thank you.
Before I read this post of yours I had been preparing a short piece for a gathering tonight. I have based it on a song from my childhood I used to hear my parents play on an old 78 record, sung by a choir.
‘It is well with my soul’ it is quite hard to hear a lot of the words now, but this line rings out clear as a bell, it always makes me cry.
No matter what life throws at us, if we are secure in the loving arms of Jesus ‘ it is well with my soul’
And there Joy and peace lies, as we can be joyful and still be unhappy they are different things.
Happiness is fleeting, but joy is eternal, one can have joy even when your heart is broken, because it is a gift from God.
I don’t understand it, probably never will. All I know is it’s real
Bless you Debs, 🙏
Thanks for that encouragement, Mary! I hope you have a blessed time gathering with friends in the Lord this evening. “It is Well with My Soul” is one of my favorite old hymns. I is truly the power of the Holy Spirit. That we can KNOW it is well with our souls when life is hard … well, that can only be the grace of God. Blessings and hugs!