5 Simple Prayers When You Want Stronger Faith

If you’re a frequent visitor here, you know the five words I use to describe faith (SEEK, KNOW, LOVE, TRUST, & OBEY). They are essential if growing stronger faith is our heart’s desire.
David wrote…
Take delight in the Lord,
Psalm 37:4
and He will give you your heart’s desires.
And Isaiah wrote…
Lord, we show our trust in You by obeying Your laws;
Isaiah 26:8–9a
our heart’s desire is to glorify Your name.
In the night I search for You;
in the morning I earnestly seek You.
Receiving Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior is just the beginning … like all great relationships, our closeness to the Lord grows when we spend time with Him. That’s SEEKing Him!
And Jesus promised that when we SEEK the Kingdom of God above all else, He will give us everything we need.
So, when you and I want stronger faith, we start by SEEKing with a desire to KNOW the Lord, His will, and things that are important to Him. Then we ask Him to work in us through the power of His Spirit.
God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.
Philippians 2:13
I’ve listed the five words and verses for growing stronger faith along with simple prayers to go with them…
Verses and Prayers to Help You Grow Stronger Faith
It is impossible to please God without faith.
Hebrews 11:6
Anyone who wants to come to Him must
believe that God exists and that
He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.
Father, I often think of the father in the Bible, who said, “I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.” I can relate to his prayer. I want a faith that never doubts but when life’s struggles are hard to understand and the enemy taunts me with lies … my mind is filled with questions that have no worldly answers.
That’s when I need to SEEK You. It’s when I need to search Your Word because it tells me about TRUSTing Jesus. And it’s when I need to pray and invite Your Spirit to speak to my heart. By the power of Your Spirit, please make SEEKing You my greatest desire. I want to KNOW You. Amen.
“Be still, and know that I am God!
Psalm 46:10
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.”
Father God, I want to KNOW You as You desire. People have created many ideas and opinions making You who they say You are rather than who You have told us You are. I want to KNOW everything You want me to KNOW about You. I want to experience the peace that passes understanding confident that I have been forgiven and that You are with me.
I want to KNOW who You say I am and live with the confidence that You will help me do whatever You ask because Your Son and my Savior, Jesus, will give me the strength I need. Please fill me with Your Spirit and give me the wisdom to KNOW You and Your will. Amen.
Jesus replied, “’You must love the Lord your God
Matthew 22:37–38
with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’
This is the first and greatest commandment.”
Lord, Please help me LOVE You completely. The world tells me I need prestige, power, and possessions to have worth and value. But Your Word tells me those things are temporary and that we are just stewards of this world’s resources.
I want to care for and use the blessings You have entrusted to me in ways that honor You and show my love for You. With Your help, I surrender my all to You, please help me live every moment mindful of Your presence and living for Your glory. Amen.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
Proverbs 3:5–6
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
and He will show you which path to take.
Father, I believe You are who You say You are. I believe Jesus is my Lord and Savior and the Spirit is with and within me. I trust You for my eternal future but sometimes amid daily frustrations and confusing messages, I lose my focus. Please forgive me and help me.
I know You want so much more for me. So, I surrender myself to Your care and ask You to help me trust You completely. Please guide me along the path You have prepared for me and give me the courage and strength I need to follow where You lead fully trusting Your presence and love. Amen.
Lord, we show our trust in You by obeying Your laws;
Isaiah 26:8
our heart’s desire is to glorify Your name.
Gracious Lord, You inspired Isaiah to write these powerful words. I want to show my love for and trust in You by obeying Your commands to love to love You and my neighbor. Your Word tells me that … Love conquers. Love heals. Love unites. Love restores. Love forgives. Love saves.
Your love has done all of those things and more for me. Thank you for loving me and making it possible for me to love You. I do love You, Lord. My greatest desire is to trust and obey You living my life for Your glory. Please help me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
I don’t believe there will ever be a time, this side of heaven, when I won’t want stronger faith. I want to have deep roots in the soil of God’s love giving me the strength I need to live for His glory.
I invite you to pray these prayers often and ask God to help you SEEK, KNOW, LOVE, TRUST, and OBEY Him.
We would love to pray for you.
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May we all surrender to God and His will for our lives each and every day.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Have a wonderful weekend! Blessings!!