5 Things You Can Do that will Leave a Legacy Blessing


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Simply stated, a legacy is something that is handed down from one generation to the next.

Originally, it was thought of as property, wealth, or other personal property that is left to descendants or heirs.

But over the years leaving a legacy has come to mean anything left behind … how you and I will be remembered.

I like that because it place the emphasis on values over valuables.

I’d like to invite you to welcome my friend, Nicki Schroeder, today, as she shares her thoughts on the basic ways you and I can leave a legacy of blessing as we touch the people around us with the things we value most.

Welcome, Nicki! We’re so glad you’re here!

You and I will leave a legacy ... anything from values to valuables. Here are 5 simple things you can do to make sure you leave a legacy of blessing. #Leavealegacy #Faith #Freedom #Blessings

What type of legacy do you want to leave for future generations?

Lately I have felt pretty defeated when it comes to the idea of leaving a legacy.

We can’t have kids naturally, which makes the whole leaving things behind to people hard! At one point we decided to adopt three siblings ages 2, 4 and 6. But after a year and a half process, the adoption failed due to a lot of unethical insanity in the system. As a result, we also decided to close the door on future adoption opportunities.

So what possible legacy can I leave in my situation? I have no kids, no plans for future kids. I have lots of stuff and a will that’s designed to get rid of all the things when we leave this world.

Is leaving a legacy behind just about leaving people your stuff?

Have you heard the song from Casting Crowns called “Only Jesus?” It talks about how it’s not about the stuff we leave behind in this world, but the imprint of Jesus that lasts in the people we meet on this earth. Oh how I desire to leave a strong imprint on others!

I’m doing this cool Bible study with a group of ladies from my church called “Keys to Freedom” from Nancy Alcorn.

If you grew up in an abusive or dysfunctional home, it’s totally a study worth looking into. It talks about how all the icky stuff from our childhood leaves an imprint on our lives and we pass that stuff along to the people we meet daily, unless we make the choice to let all the bad stuff go and find freedom in Christ from our past hurts.

You and I will leave a legacy ... anything from values to valuables. Here are 5 simple things you can do to make sure you leave a legacy of blessing. #Leavealegacy #Faith #Freedom #Blessings

Don’t you want freedom from past hurts and to live free in Christ Jesus?

Of course you do. We all do. But we keep our schedules too busy and our minds too active to just rest in the Lord and heal the hurts from our past. And if you also happen to have a present-day relationship with someone who adds to your pile of hurts, the emotional baggage keeps adding up and weighing you down. We all need to choose freedom!

“So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

Leaving a legacy of freedom!

So back to the legacy thing. After a lot of prayer and thought, this is the legacy I choose to leave this world –

  • I want people to know that I am a woman who passionately loves Jesus!
  • I want to put God first above all else, even when pressure comes from others to knock Him down the list.
  • I want my love for Jesus lived out through my compassion for others, especially in their times of need.
  • I desire peace in my daily life and choose to spread peace to others.
  • I want to serve others well and do my best to give out grace in abundance to those who do me harm.
  • I choose to forgive those who hurt me, even the ones who aren’t sorry for the pain they have caused.

I think it so important for us to remember that even our desire to leave a Godly legacy comes with healthy, firm boundaries to ensure others don’t take advantage of our Kingdom-focused hearts.

You and I will leave a legacy ... anything from values to valuables. Here are 5 simple things you can do to make sure you leave a legacy of blessing. #Leavealegacy #Faith #Freedom #Blessings

5 Things You Can Do that will Leave a Legacy Blessing

  1. Live for Jesus
  2. Study God’s Word
  3. Pray often
  4. Forgive others
  5. Admit when you mess up

It’s certainly not a comprehensive list, but it’s a great place to start!

What things would you add? How do you focus on leaving a legacy of blessing?

Nicki Schroeder is a Christian radio personality, writer and speaker living in the beautiful Midwest. Nicki desires authenticity in her relationship with Jesus and others. She is a soul encourager who wants to help you glorify Jesus in the middle of your busy beautiful life. Jesus is her superhero. Visit her for encouragement and a free 5-day grace challenge and other goodies at www.nickischroeder.com.

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Keep short accounts with God so that the icky of life & thoughts don’t build up 😉
    Bless you,

  2. Nicki, I pray to leave a Jesus imprint behind to my family, friends, and anyone who meets me. My ministry mission statement is to know Jesus more and make Him known. Love your 5 ways to leave this kind of legacy behind. And because I grew up in a dysfunctional family, I plan to check out the freedom study. Thank you!

  3. Patsy Burnette says:

    Thank you Deb for featuring Christine’s post! 🙂

    Pinned & Tweeted.

  4. Nicki, I so enjoyed your article here at Deb’s place! And what you’ve described here is the best legacy any of us could leave behind.

  5. Michele Morin says:

    Those 5 things will last a lot longer than grandma’s sterling tea set or the dollar figure in our wills!

  6. I’m into legacy these days (I’m old), Nicky – thanks – will share and can you please answer the list of questions for me on The Perennial Gen (linked on my site?) if you have the time. You’re not very old but legacy starts now and is for the everyday! (:

  7. Hi, Nicki.

    I loved this post. I want to remembered for loving others well. My family members, colleagues, neighbors, and strangers God put along my path.

    Thanks for this post!

    Peace and grace,

  8. Leaving a legacy of love and faith is a beautiful gift to the world!

  9. Lauren Renee Sparks says:

    I love this. I actually thought a while back about what I would want others to say about me after I’m gone and it’s changed the way I approach some things. laurensparks.net