5 Verses to Pray for Your Son to be Strong, Courageous, and Wise

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I was so blessed by Melanie’s guest post last week – 5 Verses to Pray for Your Daughter’s Spiritual Sensitivity and Growth, that I was inspired to write a post of verses we could pray for our sons as well.

Verses and prayers for your son to seek God first and to be strong, courageous, and wise as he lives in a society that tells him the opposite. #PrayforChildren #PrayforSon #BibleStudy #BibleVerses

I’ve said often that the one thing I wish I had done more often when my children were growing up is PRAY for them!

Not just for their success and happiness but for their spiritual growth.

The quote Melanie shared is so insightful…

“Most of us spend all of our time praying our kids onto the soccer team, into the club, into the school, into the sorority, into the job, and into the friend group. 

But, are we really taking time each day to pray our children INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD?’’

There is nothing more important … not just for their eternal future although there truly is nothing I want more as a parent than to spend eternity with my loved ones in heaven. But the Kingdom of God is not just about their eternal future…

The degree to which our sons and daughters seek the Kingdom of God will have an impact on their lives every day from the moment they believe.

It’s why my tagline here at Counting My Blessings is “At the Intersection of Faith and Life.”

Kingdom citizenship and our relationship with God affects everything … every day!

So I’m thankful it’s not too late. I pray regularly for our children and grandchildren to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength and I ask God to give them an ever growing desire to “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else.”

And that’s where I’m starting today as I pray for my son, son-in-love, and grandsons. I’d love for you to join me.

5 Verses to Pray for Your Son to be Strong, Courageous, and Wise

Verses and prayers for your son to seek God first and to be strong, courageous, and wise as he lives in a society that tells him the opposite. #PrayforChildren #PrayforSon #BibleStudy #BibleVerses

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

Matthew 6:33

Father, Please give ________ a deep desire to seek a relationship with You above everything else this life has to offer. I pray that he will search the Scriptures so he might know Your heart and Your promises. Please help __________ know and follow Your will.

Make this promise true in __________’s life. Enable him by the power of Your Spirit and graciously give him everything he needs to live for You. Amen.

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.

Proverbs 9:10

Father, Please give __________ godly wisdom. The world will confront him with lies about what is wise. But Father, Your Word says that true wisdom and good judgment come to those who fear You.

Please help __________ to know and understand what it means to fear You … to have awe and respect for who You are and obey Your commands. Protect __________ and give him good judgment. Amen.

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Father, Please give __________ the strength and courage he needs to live obedient to Your Word and Your will. There will always be people who will try to dissuade and discourage him. He will be challenged by thoughts and ideas that stand against Your truth. Father, please make __________ strong … willing to take a stand against the crowd, always willing to trust and follow Your will. Assure him of Your constant presence and give him peace knowing that wherever the road before him leads … You are already there.

Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Ephesians 4:32

Father, just as I ask for __________ to be strong and courageous in a world that will try to weaken him; please help him to see the strength that comes in being kind, caring and forgiving. May __________ realize the blessings of loving like Jesus. Amen.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Romans 12:2

Father, this is hard. I’ve heard it said often, “God whispers and the world is loud.” It is so very true. In fact, lately, it seems like the world is getting even louder and more frantic. So, Father, I ask that You will work in __________’s heart and mind. Transform him through Your Spirit. Give him an overwhelming desire to know and follow Your good, pleasing, and perfect will. In Jesus name. Amen.

Verses and prayers for your son to seek God first and to be strong, courageous, and wise as he lives in a society that tells him the opposite. #PrayforChildren #PrayforSon #BibleStudy #BibleVerses

Remember … Melanie has written a new book titled – Live in Light – 5-Minute Devotions for Teen Girls … you can preorder your copy here.
You will also love her post – 5 Powerful Phrases Every Boy Wants to Hear.

And there is a partner book by Andy Dooley titled – Walk in Faith – 5-Minute Devotions for Teen Guys … you can find it here.

Of all the things you and I do for our children, there is nothing more important than praying for and with them everyday.

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  1. Love these Deb. I pinned them so I can pray them over and over for my boys. They need as much guidance as I can get. Only God can lead them, and I need Him to watch over them as much as possible.

  2. I have also been convicted over the years about “soccer team prayers.” We want our kids to experience success and blessing, but sometimes I think our definitions of both words are lacking!

  3. These are wonderful prayers! I’m going to use them to pray over our son who is in the Air Force.

    1. Thanks Deb for thinking about Our Son’s . God Bless and have a Blessed Weekend. Sincerely Robert

    2. This is amazing I have 3.5 boys and a bonus son. I’m so excited to have this blue print for prayer over them!!!

      1. I’m so glad it blessed you! Your boys are blessed to have passionately praying mom! God bless you!

  4. I love your heart and your desire to lead people to pray for so many things lately on your blog. You are such a treasure my sweet friend. Love you!

  5. Deb – I love your prayers. I started praying each one of them for my son and then stopped myself. I am going to print out and each day pray a new one and let each prayer permeate my thoughts for the day. Thank you!! Maree

  6. I didn’t have sons but I do have sons-in-law that I can pray for!

  7. I have 3 sons I pray regularly for. I especially loved your last prayer. The quote resonated with me: “God whispers and the world is loud.” So true! I will pray that prayer today.

  8. My only son Benjamin is waiting in Heaven for me…

    1. So sorry to hear that. I can only imagine your pain. My oldest son is named Benjamin.

  9. Lauren Renee Sparks says:

    I don’t have sons but prayed these beautiful prayers over my daughter. laurensparks.net

  10. I am super blessed by you, Deb! Thank you so much for the feature and thank you so much for hosting as well! Hugs and abundant blessings to you, Sister! 🙂

  11. M. Edwardson says:

    Please guide me how to learn my children in Christ way

    1. M., Pray for them and talk to them about the ways God is guiding you and working in your life. And help them learn from the Bible. There are many written at various levels of understanding. I am praying for you and asking God to give you wisdom and draw you all close to Him in faith. God bless you!