Blessing Counters Prayer Page

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May we pray for you?

We would love to pray for you and
invite you to join us in praying for others.


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The Blessing Counters Prayer Page

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Scroll down to pray for the requests left by others. 

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and pray for your friends.

You can also let us know how God
answered your prayer and met your need.

That’s it!

Blessing Counters are Pray-ers.
And don’t forget to tell your friends about the:
Blessing Counters Prayer Page at CMB! 

Leave Your Requests Here:

Submit Your Prayer Request
Fill out the form below with details about your prayer request.
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Please prove you are a real person by typing - Amen

Pray for Others Here:

When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.
Request TitleSubmitted By# PrayersDate
Pray for total restoration of my facial musclesAnonymous007-26-2024
I can’t chew nor talk properly. Believing God for total healing.
Fibrosis of the lungBetti Kindl 007-26-2024
I would love all your prayers for a miracle that this would disappear I just found out yesterday There is no cure but there is a pill to stable it but I believe our God is bigger and he can heal it I love your book choices Thank you for your prayers
Deliverance from masturbation Anonymous107-26-2024
Healing of HIV/AIDS
Financial supplies Anonymous107-25-2024
Provision to pay my debts nd accommodation for my children
Young man who broke his neck to be healed. Linda White407-24-2024
Garret is 25 years old and he dove into a pool and broke his neck 4 weeks ago. He’s paralyzed except for movement in one arm so far. He needs God’s help to breathe on his own and have good oxygen level. I believe God is going to heal Garret bring him Jback to his normal self. He is a Baseball coach at a Community College. His Mom and Dad are Christians and his girlfriend, whose name is Hope is a Christian also. Garret is a sweet kind and God loving young man. I also am asking for prayer for them to keep their faith and believe in God’s healing power. Help Garret to keep the right attitude and not get depressed. I keep Matthew 21:22 - If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer, on my lips daily and I do believe and I do know Garret will be healed. I also want to have many many prayers for him by people who do believe. Thank you and in Jesus name we all pray for Garret. ???????
Love others more than myselfRobert Lowe507-24-2024
Please pray that God opens a door that I may help others. Please pray for my fiance she needs salvation. Pray that I can live a life that will open her heart and mind to except Jesus as her personal Savior. Pray that I have a closer relationship with Jesus.
Prayer for healing for diagnosis of medical conditionsMark Lunnon407-24-2024
Prayer for my 96 year old father Ted his partner 80 year old partner Ad .96 year old friend No medical conditions
Healing RequestAnonymous1107-22-2024
Please pray for my eyes having monocular ghosting/ double vision in both eyes getting me really down because the ghosting affects everything from driving, to just watching TV and its scaring me because the distortions are weird making me really depressed and anxious. Had multiple eye tests no one knows whats going on.
It’s already been resolvedAnonymous1107-22-2024
I’m asking for prayer for a legal situation that I have going on and I’m asking for a prayer that is already been resolved in the name of Jesus amen
Praying for my brother who was unjustly convinctedMuriel Banyong1107-21-2024
God's Vindication, released, restoration and graces upon my brother Jonie

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