Blessing Counters Prayer Page

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May we pray for you?

We would love to pray for you and
invite you to join us in praying for others.


Leave your request here at:
The Blessing Counters Prayer Page

Fill out the form below to ask for prayer.
The form asks for your name and email address…
you are not signing up for anything!

Scroll down to pray for the requests left by others. 

Come back often to read new posts 
and pray for your friends.

You can also let us know how God
answered your prayer and met your need.

That’s it!

Blessing Counters are Pray-ers.
And don’t forget to tell your friends about the:
Blessing Counters Prayer Page at CMB! 

Leave Your Requests Here:

Submit Your Prayer Request
Fill out the form below with details about your prayer request.
First Name:
Last Name:
  I would like to remain anonymous. Please do not post my name.
Email Address:
Prayer Request Title:
Prayer Request:
Limit 1000
Please prove you are a real person by typing - Amen

Pray for Others Here:

When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.
Request TitleSubmitted By# PrayersDate
Distraught daughter Anonymous1101-15-2025
My husband if 52 years died a year and a half ago. I have a friend, who is a very good Christian man, who has become a very good friend. My daughter has hurled accusations at me. She has called me a liar and accused me of having an affair. She is not willing to accept the fact that I can have another man in my life. I pray daily for her to be more understanding that I don’t want to be lonesome any longer.

Praise Reports Here:

Prayer RequestPraise Report
UntitledSubmitted By:


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