Why It’s Important for You to Be Broken Before Jesus

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Those who proudly thought they had all the answers tried to trap Jesus through questions. But Jesus welcomes questions from those who are humble and broken. #Forgiveness #God'sLove #Jesus #CountingMyBlessings

Jesus would have welcomed the Pharisee’s questions if they had truly wanted to learn from Him. But they tossed questions His way trying to trap Him into saying something that would either 1. get Him in trouble with those who followed Him, or 2. get Him in trouble with the Roman government.

The funny thing is, they never realized they didn’t have a chance . . . they were “matching wits” with God Himself.

They arrogantly asked…

“By what authority are you doing all these things?

Luke 20:2

Jesus responded…

“Let me ask you a question first.”

Luke 20:3

They pridefully inquired…

“Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

Luke 20:22

Jesus replied…

“Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”

Luke 20:25

And arrogance and pride in any form will always get in the way of knowing Jesus.

Jesus quoted the Psalmist who had written:

The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.

Luke 20:17

And He looked at the proud and arrogant and said…

Everyone who stumbles over that stone will be broken to pieces, and it will crush anyone it falls on.

Luke 20:18

Have you been broken to pieces? I have. And I’ve learned that God’s way of doing things requires brokenness.

Brokenness that falls at the foot of the cross in humility and says, “I’m so sorry, Jesus. I need Your forgiveness and healing.”

The Life Application Bible says there is a choice to make, we will either be broken before or in the end we will be crushed by Him. That’s the Law. But the Gospel is—Jesus welcomes the broken.

“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.”

Matthew 5:3
Those who proudly thought they had all the answers tried to trap Jesus through questions. But Jesus welcomes questions from those who are humble and broken. #Forgiveness #God'sLove #Jesus #CountingMyBlessings

A Prayer for Those Who Know
They are Broken and Need Jesus

Lord Jesus, Thank you for allowing me to stumble . . . for allowing the consequences that led to my brokenness.

Please forgive me for the times I foolishly listened to and believed the enemy’s lies. Forgive me for ever thinking I know the answers apart from You. Forgive my moments of arrogance, pride, and selfishness. I am so sorry.

Please grant me wisdom to know and understand Your will. Please help me trust and follow You wherever You lead.

Thank you for welcoming our questions when we humbly come to You SEEKing YOUR ABSOLUTE TRUTH. You are love. You are full of compassion. You care.

You are my Lord and Savior and I worship and adore You. Amen.

Those who proudly thought they had all the answers tried to trap Jesus through questions. But Jesus welcomes questions from those who are humble and broken. #Forgiveness #God'sLove #Jesus #CountingMyBlessings

The truth is . . . being broken is unpleasant. Who am I kidding, it’s hard! But oh, I wouldn’t trade my brokenness for anything in the world. Through it, I received the healing touch of Jesus on my life.

And I gained the Lord’s hard to understand peace, a future filled with hope, and more blessings than I can count. I learned that everything God promised about His grace, mercy, and love is a TRUTH that I can count on every single day.

That is the blessing of knowing I am broken and that I need Jesus.

On today’s note write:

Jesus welcomes those who are broken before Him.

God bless you today as you praise God for His healing mercy and grace.

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  1. Angela Cahill says:

    It is good to know that we can come to the Lord in our brokenness, so that He can transform us and change us forever! We are all in need of His healing! Fill my heart with your saving grace.
    Blessings Deb!

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Amen, Angela! He worked a miracle in me when He healed my brokenness and I will be eternally grateful. Blessings and hugs!