Why You Need to Watch the Signs and Pray for Strength

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The world is full of crazy chaos. We shouldn't be surprised, Jesus said it would be like this before His return and to be ready we need to watch and pray.  #EndTimes #JesusReturn #WatchandPray #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

The world can be a a terrifying place . . . hurricanes, earthquakes, wars, violence, plagues, civil unrest, and persecution.

We really shouldn’t be surprised. When asked about the “end of the age,” Jesus replied…

Nation will go to war against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven. But before all this occurs, there will be a time of great persecution.

Luke 21:10–12a

And people have been wondering if they are living in that “time” for generations. But Jesus said something else that is so very important…

But not a hair of your head will perish! By standing firm, you will win your souls.

Luke 21:18–19

He didn’t say we wouldn’t suffer and or die . . . everyone suffers and everyone dies. But our souls and our eternal future—they are secure in Christ Jesus.

Jack E. Dawson created a beautiful painting of water pouring over a cliff in the midst of a terrible storm. But if you pause and look very carefully, you will see a bird in its nest comfortably tucked toward the bottom of the waterfall on a protected ledge.

Surrounded by chaos . . . it is safe.

Finally, Jesus also told His followers what they should do as they wait for His return.

Watch the signs. Keep alert. And pray for strength! (Luke 21:34–36)

Click here to read all of Luke 21.

The world is full of crazy chaos. We shouldn't be surprised, Jesus said it would be like this before His return and to be ready we need to watch and pray.  #EndTimes #JesusReturn #WatchandPray #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

A Prayer for Strength as We Watch and Wait

Lord Jesus, wars, storms, illness, hatred, violence . . . this world can be a frightening place. Thank you, for telling us that all of these are to be expected. Knowing they’re expected doesn’t make it any easier to live through them but knowing You are with us does.

Again and again, I read the words . . . “be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, and don’t be anxious.” It’s almost impossible when I look at all that’s going on in the world. But then I also read the words . . . “I am with you (Matthew 28:20), I will never leave you (Hebrews 13:5), I have overcome the world (John 16:33), and  I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am (John 14:3).”

Lord, please help me watch the signs and pray. Help me to remain alert with anticipation for Your glorious return. And please give me the strength I need to live each day trusting that Your Spirit is with me and that Your grace is sufficient to help me do whatever lies before me each day.

I believe You will come again with power and great glory (Luke 21:27) And I believe that by Your grace and with Your help, You will give me everything I need to trust Your will and follow Your plans for me each day. I love You, Lord, and I thank you . . . forever and always. Amen.

The world is full of crazy chaos. We shouldn't be surprised, Jesus said it would be like this before His return and to be ready we need to watch and pray.  #EndTimes #JesusReturn #WatchandPray #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

The enemy wants us to focus on the chaos and live in fear.

But Jesus…

Wants us to be prepared and focus on Him. To watch and pray!

He told the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane to…

Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation.

Matthew 26:41

When we watch in faith and pray with strength we will by God’s grace, have everything we need to endure the times.

On today’s note simply write:

Watch the signs and pray for strength.

God bless you today as you trust Jesus to be with you and give you strength as you watch and wait for His return.

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  1. Mavis Hewitt says:

    What a beautiful picture Deb. An amazing reflection of God’s protection of us. Amen.

  2. Marilyn Laite says:

    So many thoughts and feelings run through my mind on this day, being (Good Friday). The most comforting one of all is, how Jesus must have loved us. What a gift. Bless you Deb.

  3. Good Friday is such a sad day. I want to think I would never have shouted “Crucify Him”, but `I know I am sinful so I have to except the blame and thank him continually for dying for me.

  4. This made me cry. Usually I’m strong with His word, these past few days I’ve felt a bit defeated and angry at the world because of what’s happening and the suffering under mans deception and the people who are living in fear makes me sad. I needed this today… a reminder I am not alone as a Christian who feels suffering. Thanks Deb and great timing for me to read. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Easter…

  5. Angela Cahill says:

    Hello Deb,
    I felt very low yesterday (Good Friday)….a deep sadness that overwhelmed me. Your words today brought tears to my eyes and God’s word from scripture has reminded me to “to keep watch and pray”. The enemy wants to throw us off course and focus on the chaos…..but the Lord says before His return, the world would be in tormoil but He will give us courage to endure. We are safe just like the ‘bird in the nest’ amidst the storm. What a beautiful image, thank you for sharing the picture with us and for spreading God’s comfort and peace. We do not walk alone in the pain and suffering of this world – He walks with us, guiding us….we are safe! We are an Easter people!
    Blessings Deb.

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Hi Angela – beautiful reply and equally felt too. Sad times and a gentle reminder we are not alone…Was a rough Friday for sure. Hang in there.
      Kindness and blessings from a stranger
      Genuinely- Lily

      1. Angela Cahill says:

        Thank you Lily for your kind response. It is very much appreciated! Today being Easter Sunday morning, the Lord is risen. We are filled with renewed ‘hope’ once more.
        Wishing you and your loved ones, an abundance of blessings.
        Your friend in Jesus – Angela (Ireland)

        1. Dear Angela,

          Thank you as well for the kind response. Sunday was anew… like many other days, to be reminded the blessings of what we are to celebrate in Jesus name and to not lose sight of His teachings in trying times. Lots of good people out here with the same hope of each new day and the renewing of His love to navigate turbulent times. Something I tell myself daily…to not lose sight or hope. Wishing you and yours blessing from Indiana.

          Your friend as well…Lily

          1. Angela Cahill says:

            It is so important not to lose hope. We belong to Him – His LOVE for us knows no bounds. Your daily reminder ‘not to lose sight or hope’ is something I will say too! Thank you and blessings ????

    2. Thanks as always for your kind encouragement, Angela. God bless you!

      1. Angela Cahill says:

        Thank you Deb!
        Abundant blessings to you too!