How to Fight Your Battles with the Blessing of Divine Power

When I learned the four personality types, the Apostle Paul was given as an example of the Choleric Personality.
Choleric individuals are often described as bossy-born leaders, dynamic and confident hard workers with independent confident attitudes that refuse to give up.
We get that description of Paul from his letters but what about the people who heard him preach in person?
Paul had the following to say about that…
Some say, “Paul’s letters are demanding and forceful, but in person he is weak, and his speeches are worthless!”
2 Corinthians 10:10
And then, you may remember the time…
Paul spoke on and on, a young man named Eutychus, sitting on the windowsill, became very drowsy. Finally, he fell sound asleep and dropped three stories to his death below. Paul went down, bent over him, and took him into his arms. “Don’t worry,” he said, “he’s alive!”
Acts 20:9–10
Do you know what I love about this?
It’s yet another reminder that our witness is not about our dynamic abilities or confident presence. Our power, like Paul’s, comes from “God’s mighty weapons.”
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:3–5 (NIV84)
Our witness relies completely upon the power of the Holy Spirit. It does not depend on other people’s perception of us . . . or on our painful awareness of our personal shortcomings.
We turn to God to use our lives so that even in our weakness His grace, mercy, and love shine through.
The battles you and I (and everyone else) face cannot be successfully won by the “weapons of the world.” They are not won by theology degrees or impressive debates. They are only waged and won by the power of the Holy Spirit in and through our surrendered lives.
Whether people recognize it or not, all of us face spiritual attacks orchestrated by the enemy. No wonder we can’t fight them by our own human efforts and win!
We have been given “divine power to demolish strongholds.” And it is a power that can only come from the mighty weapons given to us by the Holy Spirit through the truth of God’s Word.
A Prayer for Divine Power to Fight My Battles
Lord, I need You!
You have been so kind and generous to me. Your love is so great, You suffered the punishment for my sins—my failures, weaknesses, bad attitudes, and selfish thoughts. I owe You my all and I give You my life.
Lord, it seems like the enemy’s attacks are coming at Your children from every direction. Worldly arguments and lies are at work to make us doubt Your promises. By Your grace, Your Spirit is with me to teach me and remind me of Your word. (John 14:26) Your Spirit counsels and comforts me when life is hard. (Isaiah 11:2) And through Your Spirit, I have everything I need to fight every spiritual battle. (Ephesians 6)
Please fill me and help me remember that You are with me through every battle and that as I SEEK Your truth and surrender to Your guidance and will . . . I will have everything I need to fight with the divine power You give. Your grace is sufficient and I thank and praise Your holy name forever. Amen.
Whatever battle you’re facing today . . . God wants to give you the divine power you need to fight!
I know I can too quickly try to fight my spiritual battles with worldly plans and methods. But when I SEEK the Lord’s guidance through prayer, faith, hope, and love . . . when I turn to His Word and rely on His Spirit, I have the powerful and effective weapons I need to stand on His TRUTH with the strength and confidence that give me peace.
Dwight L. Moody wrote:
The work of the Spirit is to impart life, to implant hope, to give liberty, to testify of Christ, to guide us into all truth, to teach us all things, to comfort the believer, and to convict the world of sin.
On today’s note write:
The Holy Spirit gives me the divine power I need to live in victory!
May God be with you today and help you fight your battles with His divine power.
May the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth, and help us fight the battles in our lives all to God’s glory.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Amen! Blessings!!