Need Help? Trust the One You Can Always Rely On

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When life is hard it's important to know where to go for help and who you can trust and rely on to give you the counsel you need. #Help #Self-Help #Faith #Blessings

According to an article written in Psychology Today, almost 10 years ago, more than 417,000 self-help books had been published at that time. And that number has skyrocketed since then.

Everyone is fighting some kind of battle. Relationship conflicts, work challenges, financial problems, health struggles, and self-defeating thoughts and behaviors . . . top the list of things that have many of us searching for answers. You name it. We need help!

But the article also gave a disturbing warning:

 Getting the wrong self-help book can actually set you back in your search for answers to the dilemmas facing you in your life right now.

We shouldn’t be surprised that “self-help” can be unsuccessful and even harmful. The messages of “self-help authorities” often contradict each other. And their so-called wisdom and answers can actually distract us and cause us to miss the truth of God’s wisdom.

Paul warned the people in Corinth and you and me:

I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted . . . you happily put up with whatever anyone tells you.

2 Corinthians 11:3a, 4a

It’s true, we need help. But, we need to keep our hearts and minds focused on SEEKing the only unfailing, faultless source. When we need help . . . we need to trust and rely on God:

I look up to the mountains—
    does my help come from there?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth!
He will not let you stumble;
    the one who watches over you will not slumber.

Psalm 121:1–3

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
    and he will show you which path to take.

Proverbs 3:5–6

Too many voices can lead to doubt and confusion. When we are not careful about the ones we listen to, we make ourselves susceptible to the enemy’s lies.

Paul wrote:

Just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent.

2 Corinthians 11:3b

To keep from being deceived, we have to test everything we read against the truth of God’s Word!

When life is hard it's important to know where to go for help and who you can trust and rely on to give you the counsel you need. #Help #Self-Help #Faith #Blessings

A Prayer to Trust and Rely on God When Help is Needed

Father, the world is full of challenges and distractions. And for every one of them, there are people who call themselves “experts” and “authorities” and other people who recommend them as having answers and solutions. We do need help and we need to receive help from others. But we also need to be cautious. The enemy loves to use our difficulties as opportunities to mislead us.

I know I have listened to the wrong voices on occasion. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I want to rely on You when I need help. I want to rely on You in everything.

Please help me faithfully turn to You in prayer when I’m struggling. And help me test every voice I listen to and every book I read . . . every individual that claims authority against the absolute truth of Your Word. Please help me remember each and every day that when I SEEK Your will, You will faithfully lead me. (Proverbs 3) And when I SEEK You, You will give me everything I need. (Luke 12) When I need help—I can rely on You! Thank you for Your all-sufficient grace and Your loving presence. I look to You, my Lord and Savior, for my help and direction. Amen.

When life is hard it's important to know where to go for help and who you can trust and rely on to give you the counsel you need. #Help #Self-Help #Faith #Blessings

The voices of the world are loudly claiming to know the answers to all our problems. The interesting thing is that their messages are constantly changing and filled with bias and opinion.

Only God and His Word are consistently true and faithful in guiding us toward the best way to live.

We know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.

Romans 8:28 (AMP)

We can trust and rely on God to faithfully want what is best for us. And we know God gave us to each other to help one another . . . but if we want the best outcome through life’s struggles, we absolutely must make sure that the voices we listen to agree with God’s Word.

On today’s note write:

When life is hard, I can trust and rely on God and His Word.

May He be with you and guide you today as you SEEK His guidance and trust and rely on His will.

Click here to read the rest of 2 Corinthians 11.

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  1. Jackie Walls says:

    Good morning, Deb, just a note to thank you for the time you spend lovingly preparing your blog posts. I look forward to them daily and refer to them often. The spiritual guidance that you share through the written word of the Bible touches my heart. There are so many times that I refer to your verses and prayers when I am a “hot mess” for one reason or another, and I smile and feel uplifted after I connect with you. Have a blessed day, and please know how much you mean to me. Lots of love and a tight hug to you. Jackie

    1. What a lovely way to start the day!! Thank you so much, Jackie! Your kind encouragement truly blessed my heart. I love being able to share my love for the Lord and write about all that He has done for me. Thanks again!! God bless you!

  2. Even the term self-help is so misleading, Deb, because by ourselves, we are truly helpless. May we all rely on God and His goodness and guidance.

    1. I join you in lifting that prayer. Oh, that we all would rely on Him. God bless you, my friend! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Good Morning, Deb. I can’t think of anyone better to put my complete trust and dependence on than Jesus. I’m reminded of this, especially when trying to do things in my own strength. Thank you for this poignant reminder. I will be sharing with my followers to encourage their hearts as well. Have a blessed weekend, sister.

    1. Thanks so much, Horace! I am so very blessed by your kind encouragement! Have a wonderful week!

  4. This is so true! We should take everything we hear and read back to the word of God! Stay grounded in the Spirit and His truth! That’s y when I wrote a “self-help” book I kept in line with His word and used scripture to affirm it too. So important! X

    1. Amen, Lauren! What a blessing it is to have His Word of truth to know His will and to SEEK the TRUTH in a world full of confusion. Blessings!

  5. GREAT INSPIRATION Deb ❗️Thank You FOR Sharing ????????????????♥️ I KNOW I NEED HIM????♥️????????EVERYDAY ❗️❗️❗️Being WEAK IS NOT a SIN… And HE IS FAITHFUL ????????????????????????♥️♥️ G-d♥️Bless????

    1. Thanks for your kindness, Cheri! We are all weak in many difficult ways but what a blessing it is to know and love the One who is able to give us strength and use our weaknesses in ways that bless. Have a beautifully blessed day!