Why You Need to Know Nothing You Do for Jesus is Unimportant

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Do you ever wonder if the things you are doing to serve Jesus aren't making a difference? We may not see it ourselves but God makes things happen. #Jesus Blessings Doforothers #BibleStudy

Do you ever feel like the things you are doing or that you have done to serve Jesus aren’t making a difference?

Paul wrote:

My dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.

1 Corinthians 15:58

Always work enthusiastically for the Lord…

But sometimes you’re tired and you’re not seeing the outcome for which you’ve been praying. And you start to feel discouraged and disappointed.

Look at the next words as absolute truth.

Nothing you do for Jesus is ever useless.


There are no unimportant jobs in God’s kingdom.

A number of years ago, as our service was about to begin . . . Rev realized he had lost track of the service folder. Now that might not typically be a big deal but that morning he was supposed to lead the congregation in worship. The entire order of service was printed there!

But then, an usher (a very quiet man who always seemed a bit insecure) realized the problem. He quickly left and came back with the printout he needed. Small job? Unimportant? Not at all! For Rev, it saved the day.

However, that’s not the end of the story.

Every Sunday after that, this same usher would see to it that he brought Rev a printed copy of the service. Every Sunday, he asked if he needed anything or if there was anything else he could do to help.

Rev still mentions this dear man often and we both remain inspired by his humble and faithful service. He was someone who knew and lived the truth that every act of caring and compassionate service done for the Lord is blessed.

We may never see the results ourselves but when we touch lives with the love of Jesus . . . God makes things happen!

Do you ever wonder if the things you are doing to serve Jesus aren't making a difference? We may not see it ourselves but God makes things happen. #Jesus Blessings Doforothers #BibleStudy

A Prayer To Know that God
Makes What I Do for Jesus Important

Father, please help me remember that You are able to make everything I do for Jesus important. When I feel defeated and discouraged . . . You are using my effort to touch lives. When I am disappointed . . . You are holding me and lifting me up. Please forgive me for making comparisons and for making what I do about me.

I know it’s not . . . I was created to love You and serve You. I was created to love others. I was created to show the world Your grace and mercy.

Please help me remember that small acts of service that I do for Jesus always make a difference. When I wipe noses, clean the bathroom, cook dinner, do laundry, run errands, or help a family member, friend, or neighbor . . . anything I do for the least of these to touch a life with Your love is important. You are able to take my smallest gifts or acts of service and turn them into something meaningful in someone’s life. You are able to turn loaves and fish into a feast. With Your help and the power of Your Spirit, I give myself to You. I pray to be enthusiastic for Your glory. Amen.

Do you ever wonder if the things you are doing to serve Jesus aren't making a difference? We may not see it ourselves but God makes things happen. #Jesus Blessings Doforothers #BibleStudy

Paul then ends his first letter to the Corinthians with the following counsel:

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.  And do everything with love.

1 Corinthians 16:13–14

Don’t those words sum this all up perfectly? We need to be watchful, aware of the enemy’s efforts to defeat and discourage us. We need to stand firm in faith by SEEKing the truth through the Word and prayer. We need to be strong and courageous to do for Jesus when it seems tedious, unimportant, and ineffectual. We need to do everything with love because when we love others for Jesus . . . God makes things happen.

On today’s note write:

Nothing I do for Jesus is unimportant.

May God bless you today as you love and serve the Lord!

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  1. Andre Fry says:

    Thank you for the lesson today
    When you feel unimportant, the Lord sends you His word to remind you of the opposite

    Kindest Regards

    Andre Fry
    South Africa

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Andre! Thanks for visiting and for your encouragement. God be with you!

  2. The story about Rev and the usher truly brought your message home today, Deb. Everything, no matter how small, when done in Jesus’ name, is so very important.

    1. Thanks so much, Martha! Have a wonderful day!

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you Carole! Thanks for visiting and for stopping to say hello. God be with you and bless you!

  3. Angela Cahill says:

    Help us all to stand firm in faith, always seeking the truth, knowing that even our smallest acts of service for our brothers and sisters, please you Lord. I want to be courageous and enthusiastic always…..keep me humble Lord. Thank you Deb for reminding us of this message today.

    Blessings !
    Angela – Ireland

    1. I want to be courageous and enthusiastic too, Angela. God bless you!