Feel Fragile? You can Have the Treasure that Gives Power Every Day

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Do you feel fragile? It's okay. We are fragile. But by God's grace, we also have the light of God's love and the power and strength of Jesus within us.  #Faith #BibleStudy #Jesus #BlessingBloggers

A number of years ago, we ordered a large rather expensive mirror. It was delivered a few days later and left at our front door. The first thing we noticed was that it was covered with stickers warning:

Fragile! Handle with Care!

So, Rev and I joined together to carefully pick up the box. Unfortunately, what we heard sounded like a hundred pieces of shattered glass shifting inside.

It seems that someone along the way had missed the point of those “Fragile!” stickers.

I wonder if we’re missing those “Fragile” stickers on ourselves and on the people around us.

Paul described you, me, and all believers as “fragile.” Clay jar fragile.

Yet, we are “clay jars” that contain something enormously precious and valuable—the glorious message of salvation through Jesus!

Paul wrote:

We do not preach about ourselves, but we preach that Jesus Christ is Lord and that we are your servants for Jesus. God once said, “Let the light shine out of the darkness!” This is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts by letting us know the glory of God that is in the face of Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:5–6 (NCV)

He went on to add that the reason we don’t point to ourselves is:

We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us.

2 Corinthians 4:7

I don’t know about you, but I am painfully aware of my own fragile feelings, flaws, and failures. And that’s okay. In fact, I think it’s a good thing. Because honesty and humility about my own weaknesses . . . helps me witness to the transforming power of God.

When you and I gently care for ourselves and others’ “clay jars” we are shining the LIGHT of God’s love.

The Life Application Bible Notes add:

Though we are “fragile clay jars.” God uses us to spread His Good News . . . our responsibility is to let people see God through us.

Do you feel fragile? It's okay. We are fragile. But by God's grace, we also have the light of God's love and the power and strength of Jesus within us.  #Faith #BibleStudy #Jesus #BlessingBloggers

We want them to see God in us . . . through the chips and cracks of our pieced together broken parts.

A Prayer to Be Aware We’re All Fragile as I Share God’s Treasure

Father, it’s hard to admit I’m fragile. The world encourages me to be strong and self-sufficient . . . to take care of “number one.” But I am fragile. I’m weak. And I’ve experienced brokenness because of my own failures or the failures of those around me. Once again, I ask for Your forgiveness.

By Your grace, I have also experienced Your transforming power. Because of who You are and all You’ve done for me, I have the precious and valuable treasure within me. This gift of faith in Jesus. This promise of forgiveness and power to overcome. This hope that assures me of LIFE with You forever.

I pray that the light You have given me through faith in Jesus will shine out through the cracks and fragile places. Help me humbly serve in ways that make it possible for people to see Jesus in me. Help me “be still and know” Your presence that I might reflect the light of Your love. Thank you for blessing me with the powerful treasure of Your Spirit. Please grant me courage and strength and everything else I need to live every day for Your glory. Amen.

Do you feel fragile? It's okay. We are fragile. But by God's grace, we also have the light of God's love and the power and strength of Jesus within us.  #Faith #BibleStudy #Jesus #BlessingBloggers

I am so thankful for Paul’s honesty about his own weaknesses and struggles. I am also thankful that the Spirit led him to focus not on the fact that we are fragile jars but that we contain, by God’s grace, precious and priceless content.

Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God has God living inside, and that person lives in God.

1 John 4:15 (NCV)

You may feel fragile but the truth is . . . God is with you. You have a treasure that gives you the power and strength you need every day.

On today’s note write:

Although I am fragile, Jesus is the treasure that gives me power.

May God be with you today and bless you with the power and strength to shine the light of Jesus.

Click here to read the rest of 2 Corinthians 4.

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  1. So humbling to think of ourselves as fragile jars of clay, made powerful only by the light and love of Jesus.
    Blessings, Deb!

  2. Angela Cahill says:

    Yes we are fragile, broken at times because of life’s storms but we are transformed by Go’s graces everyday. Lord you are our strength in our weakness. The power of your spirit dwells in us….we are made whole and new for all to see. Help us Lord to shine your light in the darkness, helping those who are in need of it most. Powerful words Deb…..God is using you to shine His light on all of us…thank you as always for encouraging us today.

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Amen, to your prayer, Angela! And thank you so much for lifting me up with your kind encouragement. Blessings, my friend!