How to Experience the Good News that will Give You Life and Freedom

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Rules, rules, and more rules. It's impossible to keep all the rules perfectly. But thanks be to God, we can have life and freedom through faith in Jesus. #Freedom #GoodNews #Jesus #BlessingBloggers

Rules, rules, and more rules.

Interestingly, rules and laws always lead to more and more rules and laws. New ones need to be created to “clarify” the originals. As soon as one law gets passed, people begin to look for loopholes that then, need to be closed by (you guessed it!) more laws.

Rev once attended a tax seminar where the presenter brought out a huge stack of documents, that were at least a thousand pages high which He described as just the latest tax “simplification” legislation!!

But once again, there is really nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) By the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, religious leaders had added over 600 additional “laws” to the ones God had given to the Children of Israel in the desert. There were 39 sets of rules just to properly keep the Sabbath. They believed that new circumstances required new laws and because of their positions of authority, the people were buried and burdened by impossible to keep standards.

That’s what makes the “Good News” of Jesus so amazing. The old covenant (agreement/promise) of the law was replaced with the new covenant of grace and forgiveness, not through human effort, but as a free gift through faith and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Paul wrote:

He has qualified us [making us sufficient] as ministers of a new covenant [of salvation through Christ], not of the letter [of a written code] but of the Spirit; for the letter [of the Law] kills [by revealing sin and demanding obedience], but the Spirit gives life.

2 Corinthians 3:6 (AMP)

And with the LIFE that the Spirit gives—comes freedom.

For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

2 Corinthians 3:17

Through faith in Christ Jesus, you and I no longer carry the weight of demanding rules being added to the freedom God has given us by His saving grace. We can live each day accepted, forgiven, and free. We are free to follow the two commands of Jesus . . . love God and love others.

Rules, rules, and more rules. It's impossible to keep all the rules perfectly. But thanks be to God, we can have life and freedom through faith in Jesus. #Freedom #GoodNews #Jesus #BlessingBloggers

A Prayer to Experience Life and Freedom in Jesus

Father, thank you! You gave us a set of commands that we might live well in community with You and with others. But even when I want to obey You, I fail. The law tells me what I should do and makes me aware of my failures. And then I remember that You gave us a new promise through the gift of Jesus. He did what I cannot. He kept Your Laws perfectly. And then, He gave His life for me. He suffered the punishment for my sin, so I could experience a life of freedom.

Thank you for the gift of faith! Thank you for blessing us with Your Spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and truth. With His help, please help me freely offer myself as a living sacrifice to You that I might love others with Your love. Please help me freely obey Jesus’ commands with a heart full of the forgiveness, faith, and love that I have received from You. I love You, Lord. I pray that all I do and say today might give You glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Rules, rules, and more rules. It's impossible to keep all the rules perfectly. But thanks be to God, we can have life and freedom through faith in Jesus. #Freedom #GoodNews #Jesus #BlessingBloggers

The Life Application Bible Notes say the following about the freedom we have in Jesus:

When we trust Christ to save us, He removes our heavy burden of trying to please Him and our guilt for failing to do so. By trusting Christ we are loved, accepted, forgiven, and freed to live for Him.


The freedom to be free of the exhausting burden of self-righteousness and the guilt that comes with knowing that’s impossible.

Spend some time today celebrating what the Lord has given to you through faith in Jesus. Knowing that because of Jesus, you and I can experience God’s love that makes us accepted, forgiven, and free!

On today’s note write:

Through Jesus, I can experience life and freedom!

God bless you today and help you celebrate the freedom you have to LIVE in Jesus’ love.

Click here to read the rest of 2 Corinthians 3.

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  1. Amen, Deb! True life and freedom are only found in Jesus. Praying I will submit to and obey Him this day and always.

    1. That is my prayer as well, Martha! Have a wonderful day!

  2. How wonderful it is to be able to “faithfully live in freedom!” Amen, Deb and Amen, to Martha, your faithful friend! I do notice Martha is usually always first to comment! Both of you are such examples and mentors to me on a daily basis! Thanking God, for the blessing of both of you!

    1. Thank you, Kathy! Martha is usually the first comment every day. She is a wonderful blessing and encouragement to me. Thanks for your faithful kindness as well. God bless you, my friend!

  3. Just wanted to say thank you for what you do

    1. Thank you for your kind encouragement, Lynn. I feel so very blessed to be able to do something I love every day. Blessings to you!

  4. Angela Cahill says:

    To truly live for Jesus, sets us free. His spirit dwells in us. We can get bogged down by rules and regulations. God’s message is simple, clear and direct….to love Him with all our hearts and love our neighbour as ourselves. Give me your grace Lord to always walk in your ways. Thank you Deb for your kind encouragement today and may He keep on inspiring you. God N less you!

    Angela – Ireland

    1. His message to love is simple . . . how I wish it were easier to do faithfully and that I could be more faithful in following it. By grace alone with the help of His Holy Spirit. What an awesome and amazing blessing!