How Seeking God First Every Day Will Keep You From Drifting Away

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Sometimes we can drift away just by doing nothing. That's why it's important to know and continuously focus on the all-important truth for life. #Truth #Faith #SEEKFirst #Blessings

Years ago, two teenage daughters of one of our neighbors became lost at sea and nearly lost their lives.

The family was enjoying a beach vacation when these two teen sisters decided to do a little relaxing on a raft in the Gulf of Mexico. With the warmth of the sun and the gentle rocking of the current, the girls drifted off to sleep.

When they woke up, they quickly realized that they had been pulled out to sea by the current and could no longer see the shoreline. They searched the horizon in every direction but couldn’t see land anywhere. Understandably, they were terrified and when they didn’t return as expected . . . so was their family.

They hadn’t done anything wrong. They simply drifted away.

So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it. 

Hebrews 2:1

It’s an inescapable truth . . . that you and I need to be faithful SEEKers of God’s Truth and His will or we can slowly drift away without even realizing it. When it comes to our faith, there is no place for neutral ambivalence. We are either growing closer or drifting away.

Praise God! We aren’t left on our own.

Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death.

Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us whjen we are being tested.

Hebrews 2:14,18

You and I are not alone.

Many of us have personalized Jeremiah’s words to the Children of Israel…

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

Jeremiah 29:11

But we often overlook the following verses…

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.

Jeremiah 29:12–14

When we are tempted to just float through life . . . we are called to remember that floating along on the waves of the crowd can cause us to drift away and lead us into captivity.

Sometimes we can drift away just by doing nothing. That's why it's important to know and continuously focus on the all-important truth for life. #Truth #Faith #SEEKFirst #Blessings

Let’s pray…

A Prayer to Faithful Seek God First So We Never Drift Away

Father, Your Word says that those who faithfully SEEK You above all else will have everything they need. (Matthew 6:33) You promise to give them grace, mercy, and love. You bless them with peace, patience, hope, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and joy. (Galatians 5:22–23) You promise to carry them close to Your heart. (Isaiah 40:11)

Please forgive me for the times I’ve gotten lazy and allowed myself to drift along on the tides of culture. Forgive me for listening to the louder voices without faithfully checking them against Your quiet whisper.

Please help me SEEK the “one thing worth being concerned about” like Mary. (Luke 10:41) Help me sit at Your feet, learn Your heart, and follow Your will.

Please keep me from ever drifting away. Your love surrounds me. I am so very thankful for the countless blessings You pour out through Jesus and Your all-sufficient grace. I love You, Lord. Please help me live today and every day focused on You and living in ways that give You glory. Amen.

Sometimes we can drift away just by doing nothing. That's why it's important to know and continuously focus on the all-important truth for life. #Truth #Faith #SEEKFirst #Blessings

May you and I faithfully seek God first and find our rest and peace in the freedom only He can give.

Oh, by the way, I’m happy to tell you that thanks to the U. S. Coast Guard the two teens who were lost in the gulf . . . were rescued and returned to their family.

What a blessing to know we have a Rescuer who came to save us, who willingly leaves the 99 to save the lost one, who loves us and helps us when we’re being tempted and tested.

On today’s note write:

With God’s help, I will SEEK God first that I might never drift away.

God bless you today and every day as He surrounds you with His grace, mercy, and love.

Click here to read the rest of Hebrews 2.

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  1. Dear Lord, never let me drift away from You! So glad the story of the girls had a happy ending, Deb, but what a great lesson that is for all of us.

  2. This really hit home. I have been drifting. I am inspired to seek Him and grow closer.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you! Asking God to bless you as you SEEK the Lord. God be with you!

  3. Thank you so much. This was go to read and translate. We have a God in heaven who is seeking the lost. Let us pray that God would send lost people our way and that we would be ready to preach the gospel to them.

    O ja, please keep me from ever drifting away. Let me be like Enoch, who walked with you in everyday life. In Jesus name.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, Aritha! I visited your site and love the way you share your faith and your beautiful photos. I join you in prayer to be like Enoch. May that be the desire of our hearts every day. God bless you as you reach out with His love.