Father, Help Me to be Humble and Kind – Make Me Like Jesus

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So much happened on Thursday of Holy Week. Jesus washed His apostles’ feet. He celebrated a Passover meal with them. He walked with them and taught them about faith and faithfulness. He warned them of the world’s hatred and promised them the presence of the Holy Spirit.

And He prayed.

On Maundy Thursday, Jesus served and taught His disciples and He prayed. I'm inviting you to pray with me as I ask God to make me humble and kind—more like Jesus. #BibleStudy #Prayer #MoreLikeJesus #CountingMyBlessings

Today, I’m praying and asking the Father to work in me and make me like Jesus.

Father, Help Me to be Humble and Kind Make Me Like Jesus

Father, I want to be humble and kind. I want to be like Jesus … to live for Your glory and love as He loved. But I fall so far short. I can be self-focused and selfish. I can get so busy doing I fall short of loving.

I’m sorry! Please forgive me and help me.

I want to be willing to humbly wash feet … to take the role of a servant. Make me willing to serve You by loving Your people.

Father, make me…

  • strong … willing to work enthusiastically for You remembering Your promise that nothing I do for You is ever useless. 1 Corinthians 15:58
  • obedient … willing to follow Your will and keep Your commands. John 14:15
  • a living sacrifice … serving as an act of worship. Romans 12:1
  • humble and gentle … willing to love and forgive for Your glory. Ephesians 4:2

It’s hard to be a servant sometimes; especially when people are demanding and greedy.

May Jesus be my example…

Help me take time to get away with You so that I might have patience and strength to serve. Help me rest when I need to so that I might have the energy I need to love like Jesus.

Make me wise and discerning that I might follow where You lead and serve as You want.

Keep me faithful to the study of Your Word that I might know Your truth and follow Your will.

On Maundy Thursday, Jesus served and taught His disciples and He prayed. I'm inviting you to pray with me as I ask God to make me humble and kind—more like Jesus. #BibleStudy #Prayer #MoreLikeJesus #CountingMyBlessings

And Father, I ask that You will protect Your children. Jesus said…

I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.

John 15:19


Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. 

John 16:33a

This is hard, Father. It’s hard to be hated and persecuted. It’s hard to face trials and sorrows.

When I’m afraid. When I’m dealing with loss, pain, or prejudice. When my health fails and my heart hurts. Please help me remember that Jesus also said…

Take heart, because I have overcome the world.

John 16:33b

And He promised…

I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.

John 15:26

With Your help, I will surrender this day to Your Spirit’s guidance and I will do my best to love like Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.

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  1. Deb, I’m praying to hold before me the image of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples today. May God grow my servant heart!

  2. Lovely post! Thank you for sharing, Deb, and may you and your family have a blessed Easter!

    1. Thank you, Jackie! May your Easter celebration be blessed by His grace, mercy, and love! God bless you!

  3. Amen. Bless you Deb! God keep you, amen.

    1. God bless you, Carrie! Thank you for visiting and for stopping to say, “hello.”

  4. Diane Shetter says:

    Thank you so much for your blog. It helps me make it through the day. You are such a Blessing.

    1. Thank you so very much, Diane! I am truly blessed by your kind encouragement. Asking God to bless you today!