10 Important Things to Do that will Make You a Better Friend

10 Important Things to Do that will Make You a Better Friend

If you’re like me, you’ve been blessed with some really wonderful friendships. And well, you’ve also experienced some that were far less than wonderful. That’s life, isn’t it? Some friendships start easily and feel like you’ve known each other forever and others require more effort but are oh – so – worth it! And sadly,…

7 Things You Can Do that will Help Your Attitude

7 Things You Can Do that will Help Your Attitude

Did you know … when researching the mental health benefits of gratitude you’ll find a long list of selfish reasons for being appreciative. A give to get way of thinking. It’s understandable. We all want a profitable return on our investments whether they are time, money, position, or people directed. Honestly, it’s an unfortunate part of our…

How to Replace Negativity with the Truth
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How to Replace Negativity with the Truth

Worry, anxiety, envy, anger, frustration, discouragement, self-pity, etc. Stinkin’ thinkin’! Negative attitude affecting thoughts that ruin our days and hurt our relationships. But it’s just part of life, isn’t it? Since sin entered the Garden, there have been examples of negativity leading to serious problems. Most of us have seen the quote: “Watch your thoughts,…

25 Quotes that will Inspire You to be Passionately Positive

25 Quotes that will Inspire You to be Passionately Positive

  Don’t you love joyful, passionately positive people? No, not those who are over the top and fake, but… The ones who live with enthusiasm, look for joy, pursue their dreams, and refuse to focus on what isn’t while working toward possibilities. Most people choose friends who love life and are fun to be around; so,…