Why You Need to Pray First

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Jesus taught His disciples how to pray and He showed them it is important to pray first to equip them to live with the faith they need to "go and tell." #Faith #BibleStudy #Prayer #ReadtheBible #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

Mark was probably the first Gospel written. It was penned by John Mark, who was not one of the 12 Disciples but was a follower of Jesus and a companion of Paul and Barnabas on their mission journeys to “go and make disciples.”

The 1st Chapter skips over everything prior to the start of Jesus’ public ministry only lightly touching on John the Baptist, Jesus’ Baptism, and His Temptation by Satan. Then quickly taking the reader through an intimate look at the person, work, and teachings of “Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.” (Mark 1:1)

As I read today’s verses, two stood out to me . . . one prompted a question and the other provided an answer.

Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.

Mark 1:35

The question – Why did Jesus pray?

“We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too. That is why I came.”

Mark 1:38

The answer – Jesus came to preach and testify to the truth about the Kingdom of God. (John 18:37)

Jesus who was and is fully God and fully man prayed…

  1. Because He wanted to spend time talking with His Father.
  2. To show His followers the importance and blessing of prayer.

And then He preached. It’s why He came . . . to “go and tell.”

If you and I are to “go and tell” the Good News, like Jesus, we need to pray first!

Thankfully, we have some clear examples of many of the things Jesus prayed for Himself…

That the Father would be glorified. (Matthew 5:16)
That His followers would be united. (John 17:23)
That God’s will would be done. (Matthew 6:10)
In times of anguish and suffering. (Luke 22:44)
With thanks for His blessings. (John 6:11)
And praise. (Luke 10:21)

We are also to pray for forgiveness. (Matthew 6:12)
For strength in times of temptation. (Matthew 6:13)

These are prayers God wants to answer with a huge “YES” because He knows that they are things we need to “go and tell” the Good News with TRUTH and LOVE.

Jesus taught His disciples how to pray and He showed them it is important to pray first to equip them to live with the faith they need to "go and tell." #Faith #BibleStudy #Prayer #ReadtheBible #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers

You Need to Pray First

Will you pray with me.

Father, Your Word says “never stop praying.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) I want that! I want my heart and mind in constant communication with You. I want to know and do Your will so that I might glorify with my life.

I want to share Your love and tell everyone I meet about Your goodness and grace. I want to publicly thank and praise You for Your countless blessings.

Father, please forgive me for falling short of Your plans and purposes and help me forgive those who fall short in ways that have hurt me. Please deliver me from evil and give me everything I need to endure when I am tempted.

I give myself to You. Please use me today for Your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jesus taught His disciples how to pray and He showed them it is important to pray first to equip them to live with the faith they need to "go and tell." #Faith #BibleStudy #Prayer #ReadtheBible #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

Friend, whatever you are facing today . . . PRAY FIRST! The Father is waiting for you and you don’t have to have the perfect words, you don’t have to have any words—just go to Him with a surrendered heart and trust His love.

He [Jesus] is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.

Romans 8:34

And if He thought it was important to pray first should we do any less!

So, on today’s note, simply write…


God bless you today as you give yourself in faith and prayer to the One who loves you more than you can even imagine!

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  1. Great daily reminder as a Christian – to pray first! Whether we have plans to share Christ’s love/message or to just start our day with God, prayer certainly does help in so many areas. For me, praying before I start my day helps me make sure Im right with God, draws me closer to Him, and helps my attitude whether good or cranky.

    Thank you for the encouragement to make prayer something each of us can do to get our focus for the day set on God’s will and to give us strength to meet the day no matter what is in-store for us.

    1. I love the encouragement of Brother Lawrence, who made it his desire to “practice the presence” of God constantly. That’s ceaseless prayer. I love remembering He is constantly with us and delights in our ongoing conversations with Him. Thanks so much for visiting, Faith, and for joining the conversation here. God bless you!

  2. Praying first, surrendering our all to God. That’s the most important move we can ever make.
    Blessings, Deb!

  3. Thank You DEB ????GREAT Article! I SPEND EVERY Morning Morning With G-D♥️Since I FIND its A GREAT WAY TO START The DAY ???? I KNOW HE’s IN CONTROL !!! G-d♥️Bless

    1. It is such an amazing gift to know that He waits for us to come to Him in prayer and welcomes us when we do. God bless you and surround you with His peace today!

  4. Kathy Earp says:

    My Mom prayed all the time, but she never left the house without praying. Many times she was kept from harm’s way. Sometimes it kept her from an unwise decision or conversation with certain people who knew how to twist words and cause trouble. Her wise instruction and example have been passed down to her children.
    I chose to follow Christ and her example as a young teenager. I have never been sorry. Nor have I been disappointed in my Lord.

    1. I love this, Kathy! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. It sounds like your mom set a wonderful example for you all as she showed you the love of the Lord and the blessing of prayer. God bless you and be with you!

  5. Angela Cahill says:

    “Pray first” – all wise and powerful words! The best way to start our day, is to do that in union with Jesus and His Blessed mother Mary. And the same thing at night. I like that we don’t have to have the right words….the Holy Spirit makes sense of everything, when we surrender with a contrite heart. God bless you Deb for your uplifting post. Keeping it simple before the Lord, who sits at the right hand of His father in heaven, pleading before Him for us.

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Amen, Angela! Thank you for adding this to the conversation! I so appreciate you! God bless!

  6. Thank you Deb, pray first is so important and yet I often fail to do it. Please pray for me to be more true to this x

    1. I appreciate your honesty, Angela! I think we would all say the same thing. So thankful for God’s patience and love and His willingness to hear all our prayers. God bless you!

  7. yes! i love praying first because prayer is the key to every thing of human life.right now am begging to our almighty father to help me grow more in prayer ;i rely on god alone and want god to help me become a powerful prayerful christian . Thanks mum Deb for that reminder of ”pray first” i love it. I request for prayers mum Deb because it has become hard for me to get out of debts.

    1. Thank you for visiting, Catherine! I am praying for you and asking God to bless you and meet every need. God bless you!

      1. Catherine Ekuwom says:

        Thanks a lot Deb, Gods presence is the only thing to depend on in this earth.thanks for responding to me mum Deb. may the Almighty father bless you so much.

  8. Thank your for your amazing article, it uplift my spirit, and bring light in this dark World, continue to do God work, your reward is in Heaven.

    1. I appreciate your encouragement, Sophia! Thanks so much for visiting and for your kindness. God bless you!