Spirit Inspired Goals for Positive and Successful Planning

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A great planner and tips for setting Spirit inspired goals and planning so you can enjoy more peace and live with success. #spiritualseedsplanner #spreadtheseeds #weeklyplanner #faithplanner #ledbythespirit #SpiritInspired #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

It’s hard to believe we’re about to start the last quarter of the year. And it’s been a crazy one for many of us.

I never have been very good at setting goals and consistently planning my days to work toward those goals. I can have good intentions but I fall short when it comes to follow-through.

My problem is that I’m typically more reactive than proactive with my time.

I start the day well . . . I get up each morning and brush my teeth, wash my face, and tame my hair. I get dressed and make the bed. I feed and walk the dog. And then I sit down and spend time with the Lord.

So far so good. But that’s when it starts to head south. From that point on I spend much of my time going “squirrel, squirrel” to almost anything that floats by and distracts me.

A post on social media can have me digging around the internet. An email can send me off to do some online shopping. A news article or opinionated post can agitate and distract me. Or a random memory can put me on a path to visit my reserved spot in a town called melancholy.

I start out positively proactive and end up wondering “what in the world just happened here.”

So, I’m making it a goal to do better with God’s help.

Spirit Inspired Goals for Positive
and Successful Planning

A great planner and tips for setting Spirit inspired goals and planning so you can enjoy more peace and live with success. #spiritualseedsplanner #spreadtheseeds #weeklyplanner #faithplanner #ledbythespirit #SpiritInspired #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Galatians 5:22–23

The Life Application Notes say – We can’t obtain the by-products of Christ’s control without His help. If we want the fruit of the Spirit to grow in us, we must join our life to His. We must know Him, love, Him, remember Him, and imitate Him.

Brother Lawrence called it “Practicing the Presence of God.”

And because it’s my desire to live by my Spirit inspired goals, I’m adding the following…

Count your blessings every day.

I started “Counting My Blessings” during one of the most difficult times in my life. I launched it to hold myself accountable to noticing God’s goodness in the middle of the pain.

Whatever is going on in the world, even in my world, God’s grace and mercy never change. His perfect love is unfailing!

Whether I write them here in this space, in a journal, or on a piece of paper to drop in a jar or basket, I want to keep a list of the many ways God is providing for and protecting me … heart, mind, body, and soul every single day.

Let all that I am praise the Lord;
    may I never forget the good things
He does for me.
He forgives all my sins
    and heals all my diseases.
He redeems me from death and
crowns me with love and tender mercies.

Psalm 103:2–4

Seek God first every day.

What does it mean to “seek God first?”

I often think of it as beginning each day with prayer and Bible study. But I wonder if it’s more than that. I wonder if it’s more of an attitude … if it’s finding my purpose, as I plan my day, in Him.

Do you remember the 5 Purposes of a Purpose Driven Life?

1. You Were Planned for God’s Pleasure.
2. You Were Formed for God’s Family.
3. You Were Created to Become Like Christ.
4. You Were Shaped for Serving God.
5. You Were Made for a Mission. ~Rick Warren

I think it just may be time for me to reread that book! I may be allowing too many “squirrels” to distract me from focusing on and doing what’s most important all day long.

Assess your goals and the progress you’re making.

I’m going to be completely honest with you here…

I am terrible at goal setting, time management, and follow-through.

I am a Sanguine and I like to chase “squirrels!”

So, I can spend all kinds of time making a list of goals and thinking about the best ways to plug them into my schedule. On a good day, I might make it ’til lunchtime before I’ve abandoned them all and gotten off track.

But I am determined to not give up! I’m making a new list of Spirit inspired goals this afternoon and attaching to my new planner.

I want to be able to live my purpose intentionally. And I believe that God sometimes sends interruptions to help me grow in different ways. But I also know . . . not every interruption is from God and it is not God-honoring for me to chase every “squirrel” I see.

So, I want to prayerfully plan my days so I can better live my goals.

A great planner and tips for setting Spirit inspired goals and planning so you can enjoy more peace and live with success. #spiritualseedsplanner #spreadtheseeds #weeklyplanner #faithplanner #ledbythespirit #SpiritInspired #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

Plan for the future but live one day at a time.

This is where I need help. I’m a recovering worrier. So, I typically plan and worry with lousy completion.

Which is why I am so excited to tell you about…

Planning with Spirit Inspired Goals

Spiritual Seeds Planner

Spiritual Seeds Planner is a planning tool designed to help Christians prioritize living a fruit filled life, guided by the Holy Spirit. The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control. (Galatians 5:22-23) The planner uses a gardening theme concentrating on four garden plots – Friends/Family, Self, Community, Vocation/Work. Each month focuses on one Fruit, detailing actions to plant + cultivate + grow.  Actions are planned daily for highest yield. Cute garden themed stickers provide visuals for tracking growth. Unlike any other planner, Spiritual Seeds Planner prioritizes and plans Spiritual growth over daily “to do” lists and activities focusing on growth rather than achievement. 

What makes it different:

  • Puts God in charge
  • Inspired, led, and powered by the Holy Spirit
  • Based on Scripture
  •  Impacts all areas of life
  • Improves relationships
  • Fills life with an abundance of Spiritual Fruit – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control


  • Easy to follow instructions with visuals
  • Vision Board 
  • Monthly Fruit Focus & Planning Pages
  • Monthly Inspirational Prayers 
  • Weekly Planning
  • Beautiful faux leather cover
  • Fruit of the Spirit Bookmark with definitions and scriptures
  • Fun Garden Themed Stickers 
  • Back pocket 
  • Blank pages for notes
  • Brown Ribbon Bookmark
  • Monthly Tabs

I received my 2021 Spiritual Seeds Planner a couple of weeks ago and I can’t tell you how excited I am.

I have tried so many different planners over the years but I’ve never found one that helped me incorporate my spiritual goals and my daily planning. I don’t want to segment my days into spiritual stuff and life stuff . . . not when I want to practice God’s presence all day every day. I need the Spirit’s help to apply God’s goals for my life into my daily schedule. This planner is the perfect source.

And I have some exciting news for you!

The designers of this planner have a couple offers for my readers:

You can get 20% off when you use the CODE – FRUITOFSPIRIT



A Giveaway


I’m not very artistic or creative but I’m looking forward to the motivating and inspiriting helps of this planner to help me focus on my goals for positive and successful planning in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

May God bless you as His Spirit inspires you and helps you fulfill your goals.

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  1. Oh, wow, Deb! This planner looks like an absolute winner to me. I will definitely check it out. Thanks for recommending it here.

  2. Hi Deb,

    I love to plan!!! I could spend days setting goals and planning. The problem is I need to sit down and do the work. Then when I tend to get distracted with things that pop up on the computer. I too chase the sale. I also love to research and think I never have enough information. Seeking God is key. I try to do that first thing in the morning but honestly I need to stop a few times during the day and make sure I am still seeking Him. You have inspired me to do that today.


  3. Hey Deb,
    Thank you so much for CMB! I am encouraged and excited every time I read your posts. One of my favorite verses is Matthew 6:33…so I
    just ordered my own Spiritual Planner for 2021 to help me stay focused.
    God Bless!

    1. Donna, thank you so much for your kindness. Your encouragement made my day. I hope you love the planner as much as I do.

  4. What a neat planner, Deb! I’ve not seen this one before, but the fact that it focuses on spiritual inspired goals and those cute fruit stickers makes it a winner already.

    1. I agree, Kristi! I loved that part of it when it was introduced and it turns out it’s even better than I was hoping. Definitely my kind of planner. Thanks so much for visiting.

  5. Ohhh all of these are such great tips! I enjoy setting goals and planning, so this post is right up my alley, and I especially appreciated your reminder in that last one to plan for the future but live one day at a time. That’s something God’s trying to get me to do lately! And I haven’t ever heard of this planner so I need to check it out – thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Abigail! I’m so glad you visited and your encouragement truly blessed me. God be with you!