How to Know the Best Way to Tell Someone the Truth About Jesus

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It can be difficult to share your faith and tell people about Jesus but you have a story of the ways He has changed your life . . . so just tell your story. #Faith #TellYourStory #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

The first verse of Amazing Grace is:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound;
that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
was blind but now I see.

Many of us know the feeling of going from being lost to being found but what must it be like to go from blindness to sight.

That is the account in John 9 and it’s one of Rev’s favorites in all of Scripture.

Jesus and His disciples walked past a man who had been blind since birth and the disciples asked a question that many have pondered ever since sin entered the world.

“Why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents’ sins?”

John 9:2

Jesus answered:

“It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins. This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.

John 9:3

Then Jesus spit on the ground, made a little “mud,” smeared it on the man’s eyes, and told him to go wash himself in the “pool of Siloam.” And the man could see!

His neighbors were confused and skeptical. The Pharisees were put off and upset. His parents were thrilled but afraid of the Pharisees, and the man . . . he knew he was the recipient of a life-changing faith-inspiring miracle.

And that gave him the courage to stand on his new-found faith when he was challenged by the Pharisees. He couldn’t tell them much about Jesus but he knew this…

I was blind, and now I can see!

John 9:25

Sometimes you and I are timid about telling others about Jesus because we feel like we don’t “know” enough and we’re afraid of being tripped up by their doubts and questions.

What is the best way to tell someone the truth about Jesus?

Just tell them what He has done for us.

It can be difficult to share your faith and tell people about Jesus but you have a story of the ways He has changed your life . . . so just tell your story. #Faith #TellYourStory #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

A Prayer to Tell Your Story About Jesus

Father, thank you for my story. There were parts of it that were really hard but I have personally experienced Your power to heal and restore hearts and minds . . . and bodies. You have shown me that Your grace is amazing and more than enough for all of my circumstances. You are greater than my greatest fears and more powerful than my worst pain. Thank you for allowing the things that opened my eyes to Your grace, mercy, and love.

Lord, please give me the courage and strength I need to tell my story. Make me humble enough to admit my weaknesses and bold enough to proclaim who You are. I want every to know what You have done and what You want to do for them. You are my Lord and Savior. You are my future and my hope. You are the TRUTH who gives me LIFE! I thank and praise You now and forever. Amen.

It can be difficult to share your faith and tell people about Jesus but you have a story of the ways He has changed your life . . . so just tell your story. #Faith #TellYourStory #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #BlessingBloggers #WWGGG

Spend some time today thinking about your Jesus story. Remember what God has done for you.

Maybe your story is one of…

  • God’s love and healing grace. 
  • Jesus’ transforming sacrificial love. 
  • The Holy Spirit’s wisdom, strength, and power.
  • Loss leading to a new life.
  • Failure turned into freedom. 
  • Going from victim to victor. 
  • Turning hopelessness into hope. 
  • Overwhelming anxiety becoming peace. 
  • Fear being changed into faith and freedom. 
  • _______________. 

Every story is unique, yet in many ways, our stories share specific similarities to one another that God wants us to use to help each other by proclaiming His power in our lives. Power that has turned our stories of pain and failure and hopelessness and fear into stories of faith and freedom . . . lives filled with hope and promise.

On today’s note write:

I have a story to tell about the way Jesus changed my life.

God bless you today and you thank God for your story. May He give you the strength and courage you need to proclaim the victory you have found in Him.

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Lauralee Williams says:

    Thank you for your service to our LORD and SAVIOR . You are a blessing and I look forward to your message . I Thank yJesus for our freedom to worship him . May GOD continue to Bless you
    Your sister in CHRIST. Lauralee

    1. Thank you so much, Lauralee. I am blessed by your encouragement. Praying you are surrounded by His blessings today.

  2. Angela Cahill says:

    Hello Deb….the sentence that stood out for me….” You are the truth that gives me life”. What an amazing grace that is! He sets us on the right path – we are challenged along the way. His presence is all sufficient. We are transformed. Our God loves us, corrects us and nurtures us. And when we reach our final destination, He is there, waiting for us, with arms opened wide, to welcome us home. Praise be to God.
    I loved reading your article today….my heart is filled with joy. We all have our story to tell, let us tell those we meet, how Jesus has changed our life.
    Blessings always.

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Thank you so much for your kind encouragement. I am overwhelmed by His grace every single day! We are so blessed by His love. Hope you’ve enjoyed a beautiful day!

  3. May we all have the courage to tell our stories of Jesus’ saving grace to others.
    Blessings, Deb!

  4. Deb,

    This is one of my favorite stories from scripture and the prayer you’ve written is so empowering. Thank you for this encouragement!

    Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you, Tammy. I am so blessed by your kind encouragement. Blessings to you!

  5. Cheri Mello says:

    Thank You Deb FOR ALWAYS giving GREAT Inspiration AND Instruction On How To Approach The Conversation . ???????? So Many Times People Roll Their Eyes And As SOON as You Mention the Name JESUS ????❗️❗️ They are ALREADY “ Shutting down “????????UNFORTUNATELY ????THANK You for the Tips!!! ????????G-d♥️Bless

    1. Thank you so much, Cheri. I am truly blessed by your kind encouragement. I believe God will give us the courage and strength we need to share His love even in the face of rejection. God bless you, friend!