How You Can Experience the Leading and Love of the Good Shepherd

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Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. His leading and love gently guide, guard, and protect us to live in a world that is full of dangers and temptations. #Faith #Jesus #GoodShepherd #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

I grew up at a church called Our Shepherd. I even attended a school that was affiliated with the church.

So, both pastors and teachers taught us often about the loving care of Jesus, our Good Shepherd.

We were taught that sheep are generally docile and that they would definitely not be on the list of most intelligent or clever in the animal kingdom. We learned they are fearful crowd-followers who need to be constantly guided and cared for.

We also learned from Isaiah that:

All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.
    We have left God’s paths to follow our own.
Yet the Lord laid on him
    the sins of us all.

Isaiah 53:6

Yes, you and I are foolish sheep who have gone our own way and sinned. God knew we needed the leading and love of the Good Shepherd.

In John 10, Jesus said…

I tell you the truth. I am the gate for the sheep.

John 10:1 and 7

I am the Good Shepherd.

John 10:11

The Father and I are one.

John 10:30

You and I need the leading and love of the Good Shepherd to guide us.

We need Him to accompany us to and through the narrow gate.

Because He IS the gate, Jesus is the One who makes it possible for you and me to approach the Father . . . today in prayer and ultimately in the glories of Heaven.

We need the love of the Good Shepherd.

Jesus’ doesn’t just watch over the sheep, He loves and cares for them with a love so great He willingly suffered and died for them.

We need the grace of God.

No matter how hard you and I try, we cannot find our way or earn the right to go to or through the gate that leads to God’s presence. But Jesus made it possible! As God in human flesh, He lived a perfect life and voluntarily sacrificed it so we could experience God’s grace and love eternally. He gave His life that you and I might have LIFE.

“The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep . . . No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded.”

John 10:11 and 18

The leading and love of the Good Shepherd guides, guards, and protects us in a world full of dangers and temptations.

Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. His leading and love gently guide, guard, and protect us to live in a world that is full of dangers and temptations. #Faith #Jesus #GoodShepherd #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

A Prayer to Know the Leading and Love of the Good Shepherd

Father, forgive me for being a follower of foolishness. I am so sorry. I want to live with wisdom and obedience but I fall short of even my own goals so often. Please help me.

You have graciously given Jesus, who called Himself the Good Shepherd, to lead Your children with love and grace. He said in advance that He came to “sacrifice His life” because it is what You commanded. His sacrifice was Your plan of salvation for us . . . undeserved mercy and grace.

Father, I pray to completely trust and follow the voice of my Savior. He said that His sheep KNOW Him and follow His voice. That is my desire . . . to listen to and obey Jesus. I pray to believe the “evidence of the miraculous works” (v.38) He has done for me. I pray to search the “Scriptures [that] cannot be altered” (v. 35) and ask that you might guide me by Your Spirit and fill me with the wisdom I need to live each day in Your love. And I ask all this in the name of my Good Shepherd, Jesus. Amen.

Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. His leading and love gently guide, guard, and protect us to live in a world that is full of dangers and temptations. #Faith #Jesus #GoodShepherd #BibleStudy #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

It’s hard for us to be humble enough to admit we need the leading and protection of a Shepherd. But the truth is we are vulnerable to foolishness and the dangers of this sinful world. We need Jesus!

On today’s note write:

Today I will follow the leading and love of Jesus, my Good Shepherd.

God bless you today as you surrender to His leading and love.

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  1. We need the guidance and grace of our Good Shepherd every day, Deb. May we hear His voice and submit to His will.

    1. Amen, Martha! Hope you’re having a beautiful day!

  2. I needed this today… struggling to grasp how sheepishly things are and finding my place amongst the “rubble” and not let the ways of man change my heart and remain focused on the Lords teachings. Thank you Deb … you are a blessing.
    Genuinely- Lily

    1. I’m glad it blessed you, Lily. I stand with you and lift up your beautiful prayer to remain focused on Jesus even in the face of discouragement. God bless you!

  3. Angela Cahill says:

    We all need the “Good Shepherd” to shine a light unto our path. When we follow Him, we are safe in His care and can navigate our way through the narrow gate. He is the way to our Father in Heaven. When we stray, He is there encouraging us and will always go after the “one” who is lost. He knows us and we know Him.
    Thank you Deb for your beautiful and prayerful devotion today.
    God bless you.

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Amen! Thanks, Angela! Your comments are always a blessing. Have a wonderful weekend.