The Truth About Trusting the Lord & Knowing His Will

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What is the truth about trusting God? What does it mean to trust Him with all your heart? Is it possible? Do you need peace? Hope? Strength? Courage? What do you need? Trust God!

What is the truth about trusting God? Solomon wrote…

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
    and He will show you which path to take.

Proverbs 3:5–6

We use the word trust in our closest relationships but I wonder, what is the truth about trusting? What does it mean to trust with all your heart?

The Dictionary defines trust as — the confident assurance and reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.

But when life is hard or other believers hurt or betray us, it’s easy to feel like we can’t trust anyone … even God.

We need to Know the Truth about Trusting the Lord!

So, what should you and I do when the enemy of our souls uses the problems of our sinful world to tempt us to turn from trusting God’s promises and give in to doubt and fear?


  1. Honestly surrender our doubt and fear to God.
  2. Ask God to speak His TRUTH through His Spirit.
  3. Ask Him to help us obey His will until we TRUST His Heart.

Turn to God’s Word…

  1. Remember that God is faithful to keep His promises. (Psalm 138:2)
  2. Learn God’s promises and hold them close to our hearts. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
  3. Trust the Spirit to guide us with God’s TRUTH. (John 16:13)

Before we pause to pray, let’s take a look at just a few of His promises…

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Fear leads to doubt but God promises we don’t have to be strong on our own. We can TRUST Him to give us the strength we need and we can count on Him to keep this promise because we KNOW that Jesus is victorious … He has already defeated the enemy.

 If we confess our sins to Him,
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

1 John 1:9

Nothing is beyond God’s grace, mercy, and love. No sin is so great that He is unwilling to forgive us when we go to Him in humble repentance. God wants to forgive. He sent Jesus to suffer our punishment to save us and show us how much He loves us.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6–7

When you and I are worried and afraid … PRAY. When we need peace … we are told to ASK. And remember the ways and times He has helped us and given us peace in the past … the many reasons we have to PRAISE.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need.

Luke 12:31

SEEK God above all else. He promises to give us everything we need. It may not be everything we want but it will be everything we need.

The truth about trusting the Lord is that He is the “everything we need” now and always.

What is the truth about trusting God? What does it mean to trust Him with all your heart? Is it possible? Do you need peace? Hope? Strength? Courage? What do you need? Trust God!

Let’s pray…

A Prayer — Trusting the Lord and Knowing His Will

Father God, The truth about trusting You is that You are trustworthy. Your Word says that Your will, commands, and instructions are all to be trusted. And by Your grace and the power of Your Spirit, You give me what I need to trust Your Word and rely on Your promises.

So, I come to You in faith and surrender myself to You. I trust Your promise to forgive my sins when I come to You in humble repentance. I trust Your promise that You will be with me, that You will strengthen and help me. I trust Your promise to give me peace when it makes more sense for me to be anxious and afraid. I trust Your promise to give me everything I need when I SEEK You and Your Kingdom above everything else.

I trust Your promise that when I trust in You with all my heart You will guide me along the best path for my life. You will help me be the person You created me to be. You will give me everything I need to live each day with faith, hope, and love.

Please draw me close. Guide me with Your TRUTH and help me live every moment for Your glory. You are the One who makes all things possible … even giving me the ability to trust in You with all my heart. I love You, Lord, and pray this prayer in the precious name of Your Son and my Savior, Jesus. Amen.

What is the truth about trusting God? What does it mean to trust Him with all your heart? Is it possible? Do you need peace? Hope? Strength? Courage? What do you need? Trust God!

We don’t want to ignore Proverbs 3 verse 6…

If you and I want to KNOW what path to take then we have to KNOW God’s will.

What is God’s will?

Billy Graham wrote … “Doing God’s will is living according to His Word.”

Based on that definition, it is God’s will that you and I will SEEK, KNOW, LOVE, TRUST, and OBEY Him.

It is God’s will that we fully become who He created us to be.

Here are a couple of posts that take a closer look at some specific verses that describe the truth about trusting God’s will:

When You Need to Know God’s Will for Today

10 of the Best Verses to Know God’s Will for Life

My prayer for each of us today is that we will grow in faith until we TRUST in the Lord with all our hearts and KNOW His will to follow the path He has prepared for us.

God be with you as you surrender your life to His love through faith in His Son and our Savior, Jesus.

We would love to pray for you.
You can leave your prayer requests here

and even take a few minutes to pray over the list left by our friends.

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  1. Martha Orlando says:

    I surrender to God’s will in all I think, say, or do this day and every day.
    Blessings, Deb!

  2. I have chosen three words to study on and concentrate on this new year; Strength, I need God to give me strength to let go of the things and people that are standing in the way of my joy, Trust, to trust God more and have more faith in His promises for me, and the last is fear (asking God’s help in letting go of my fear)! Scripture reading on these things are what I am going to do, along with your posts too.
    I have learned that when going through a bad situation, there are VERY few to rely on. I understand. People have their own issues to deal with. Being “let down” by people who are supposed friends is a real deflater. I am very blessed to have a wonderful spouse and his support. I am very blessed by your website and also the encouragement you have given. It has been a very hard time, but I know that I have Jesus and He is there for me. He will strengthen me according to His word and this will continue to build my trust. I will continually give Jesus my fear for as long as it takes to finally let it go.
    Thank you for your wisdom and teaching. You are a blessing.

    1. Oh, Sue, I’m praying that the Lord mightily blesses your focus on those words. I remember the year my daughter and best friend walked out of my life. I was devastated and broken. And I know there were many that had no idea how to react or respond to our situation. Like you, I have an amazing husband. I ran to God’s Word and Rev walked close beside me. My faith grew so much through that season and I fell in love with reading and studying God’s Word. People will let us down but He never will.

      I’m so very glad God led you here. We’re here to support you with love and encouragement. Blessings and hugs!!

    2. Kathy Francescon says:

      Oh my dear friend, I can feel your heartache and yet I am encouraged by the three words you have chosen to study on this year. Strength, Trust and Fear!
      God’s STRENGTH,
      your TRUST = NO FEAR!
      I am so sorry all the business of the holidays and things going on around me have left me so little time to stay in touch. But I am thinking of you and will be praying for you! I am looking forward to all that Deb and God has for us in the year ahead! Counting my blessings…and you are at the top of the list! Blessings sweet Sue! I have missed you!

      1. Hi Kathy, I am so glad to hear from you. I have been missing your sweet comments and your replies too. I hope that you had a good Christmas and I wish you and your family the very best in this new year.
        Thank you for all of the encouragement you have given me in the last year and most of all, your wonderful friendship.
        Thank you too for that formula you gave. God’sStrength, YourTrust=No Fear!! I will write that down in my gratitude journal and remind myself every day. God Bless You my sweet friend!

        1. Kathy Francescon says:

          Dear Sue, how lovely are your encouraging words to me and I have missed you too. Things have been a bit crazy, as so many were sick in the family during Christmas. My brother and his wife, had RSV. My sister and one of her sons had covid. Her grand daughter had strep throat. Her son and his wife in Florida, were expecting a baby and they were going to induce labor on Dec. 21. They got there and checked her and she had covid too, so they wldnt induce of course. She cudnt take anythg because of the baby, and she was miserable and so worried about the baby. And actually my sister and hubby were going to go help take care of their two yr old, while she was in delivery, but that of course wasnt possible! God blessed Kelsey’s sister to take care of Jameson and she delivered Olivia on the 27th! 8 lbs. 4 oz. and a head full of black hair. Healthy and beautiful and we were so relieved! Our friend next door that I requested prayer for a few weeks ago, found out he is in stage 4 prostrate cancer and Bev is so distraught and depressed. She lost her first husband to a sudden massive heart attack about 21 years ago, and so afraid for Al and losing him too. My heart has been breaking for both of them. On top of all that, Ken’s dad was transported to the hospital for covid on New Yrs Day! He is stable for now, but his bp is low, so they are giving him iv fluids to keep it up, but afraid too much fluid could settle in his lungs. We are still on edge, wondering if we need to jump and run to Nashville, but he has 2 brothers there and they said for now, nothing we can do and hospital doesn’t recommend visitation anyway. But God is with us and we are praying everyone will be ok and things will settle down soon! And my email is still not fixed, but as soon as I get all my Christmas decorations away and pine needles and glitter off the floors, I am going to try my best to get it fixed, so we can be in touch anytime!! I hope you and your wonderful husband and family had a happy Christmas and I am praying for a joyous and peaceful year ahead for everyone! Thank you so much for thinking of me! It means more than words can ever say!

          1. Goodness Kathy! You had a lot to go through in the past couple of months. I also recall that you had a bad sinus infection yourself. I do hope that things will improve with your family and their health scares and concerns. I know it has to be a tense situation with your father in law. Having to sit and be on pins and needles, not knowing what to expect next. I will definitely keep you all in my prayers. I have not been to Nashville since 2009. My former husband and I had a dear friend there and he passed away in 2009 and we went to the funeral together.
            This person was the best man in our wedding. Now the ex husband is now deceased too.
            I am praying for all of us in this new year. Last year, six of my Sunday school members passed through the year. We are all at that age now. (myself and those of that class) I will be 79 this year and at this age, anything can happen. I am thankful that the Good Lord has kept me around this long! He has blessed me with a wonderful man and for that I am so very grateful.
            I am grateful to hear from you and I do hope that we can stay in touch.
            You are such a wonderful lady and so full of love for the Lord and so compassionate and with much empathy for others.
            A blessing to all who know you!!

          2. Wow, Kathy, you have had a lot going on these past weeks. I’m praying for your family and that health will return and that the year ahead will be abundantly blessed.

  3. Shenika Tucker says:

    Oh , how I loved todays message .

    Wonderful and on point .

    Thank you ,

    1. Thank you for your kind encouragement, Shenika. It is truly appreciated! God bless you!

  4. Kathy Francescon says:

    Deb, I am so sorry I am a bit late posting my comment! But as it turns out, TRUST is my word of the year! And oh how I do trust God! HE IS THE ONLY ONE WE CAN TOTALLY TRUST, ALWAYS AND FOREVER! I am looking so forward to sharing this coming year of devotions with You and the dear readers who gather here…i pray you and Rev had a blessed Christmas and as we all “drag” into the New Year, may TRUSTING IN GOD be our joy on the good days, and our strength on the sad days! May HIS grace and glory shine on you today, beloved friend and mentor!

    1. Please don’t be sorry about not commenting. You are a wonderful friend and we know if you’re not adding to the conversations here, you have things you’re dealing with at home. So, we’ll pray! Trust is a wonderful word. He is faithful to draw us close and help us when that is our heart’s desire. God bless you, sweet friend as you grow closer to the Lord each day!