God has What You Need to Change Your Life

Recently, someone asked me what my blog is about and after saying, “It’s about living at the intersection of faith and life,” Then I hesitated. I didn’t know what to say next.
What is my blog about and why do I write day after day?
I decided that’s a question I should be able to answer quickly and easily … for that reason I’m answering three questions so I’ll be prepared in the future. And I thought you might be interested in the answers as well.
My Backstory
Did you believe you knew the answers when something happened and you realized you didn’t even know the questions? That’s me!
I would have made a great Pharisee. You know—a rule follower and proud of it. I didn’t think of myself as being proud because fear was my rule-following motivator.
I wanted a blessed life and believed God “rewarded” obedient rule followers.
But I had it turned around.
I wasn’t responding to God’s love. I wanted God to respond to my ‘good girl” obedience.
But most Pharisees, if they’re like me, don’t know they’re well, Pharisees. They’re too busy doing it right trying to please God and earn His favor.
So, don’t be too hard on your fellow Pharisees. Believe me, they are sadly mistaken but God is working on them.
He definitely worked on me until He got my attention by allowing me to crash and burn. And all I can say is … thank you! I am so grateful! Not for the crash and burn part but for the way the Lord used it in my life.
You see, He knew that’s what it would take for me to learn that it’s impossible to “do it right.”
There is no one who does anything good, not even one.
Psalm 14:3
That’s why I needed to be free of my inner Pharisee! I needed to simply receive and trust God’s grace and mercy.
You see, I finally realized that no matter how hard I tried, I was not now nor would I ever “do it right.” My life felt like a mess and I was emotionally wrecked. So, I turned to God’s Word because I wanted to know what else I had misunderstood and mistakenly applied.
As I humbly poured over the pages of Scripture, the Holy Spirit began to heal and change my broken repentant heart. And the Bible went from being a rule book that told me the right way to live, to becoming a love letter that showed me how to LIVE fully alive under God’s grace.
That’s why I write.
Once God has transformed your heart and changed your life through His patient love and amazing grace it is just too good to keep it to yourself.
It’s a story you have to share.
God has What You Need to Change Your Life
Changing lives is what He does.
He is able to remove fear, give hope, heal broken hearts, infuse courage, provide peace and so much more. I know. Those are just some of the things He has changed in me.
Too many people spend every day stuck in discouraged fear-filled chaotic lives.
Even as I type this, many are struggling with fear and uncertainty because of the Coronavirus and falling Stock Market.
But as God’s children, you and I can have God’s peace even when everyone else is distressed. His Spirit is with us to remind us of God’s sovereignty … absolutely nothing is beyond His power and ability.
Our Heavenly Father is able and willing to give us everything we need each day.
So while people are frantically searching for answers to life’s problems, you and I can KNOW the answer we need most is found in Jesus … the One who is God’s gift of grace, mercy, and love.
May God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. Jesus gave His life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen.
Galatians 1:3–5
I want to invite you to SEEK and KNOW.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.
Luke 12:31
Jesus didn’t just mean an eternity in heaven when He said, “everything you need.” (Although, an eternal future in God’s loving presence is definitely something we all need.) Jesus was telling His followers that God would faithfully give them what they needed each day.
The One who transforms hearts and minds … changes lives by giving SEEKers His love, joy, peace, patience, hope, courage, strength, and growing faith.
I love this truth from Bishop N. T. Wright…
Jesus’ resurrection matters not only for the hope of life after death; it matters for life before life after death.
God has what you need to change your life.
He gave Jesus as His gift of love … presently and eternally.
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.”
John 3:!6–17
And from the beginning to the end God’s plan for us is love.
God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
When you’re afraid and life feels uncertain, God wants you to know…
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6–7
And when the His appointed time comes…
My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
John 14:2–3
That powerful truth of God’s love will change your life!
And once God changes your life, you never have to do a single moment on your own again. The One who created and sustains everything in the universe will be with you. He promises to hear every prayer and meet every need.
One question people often ask is … How does God change your life?
It’s hard to explain but He is able to transform our hearts and minds with His love—giving us faith, hope, joy, and so much more.
Now, I have one more important truth to share with you.
I am, without a doubt, a work in progress … a follower who is still learning.
I don’t have all the answers but I am abundantly thankful that the One who does the answers invites us to SEEK and KNOW Him.
That’s called “living at the intersection of faith and life.”
So, the next time someone asks me what my blog is about … I’ll be prepared.
What is my blog about?
It’s about the God who loves them so much He gave His own life that they might have life … a changed life today, tomorrow, and forever.
I want everyone who visits Counting My Blessings to know that God invites them to SEEK Him and KNOW Him. He wants them to trust Him to give them everything they need.
And friend, I’m praying for you and asking God to bless you in Jesus today and every day as you live in Him at the intersection of faith and life.
Yes, the Lord gives us everything we need, and He is in the business of changing our lives, our hearts and souls, for the better, that we might have a closer walk with Him. Thanks, Deb, for all you have shared here!
Amen, Martha! One day at a time, He meets every need. We are so blessed!
It’s close to 5:00 a.m. here in Las Vegas, Nv. As I prepare to move, packing, sorting, realizing I’m downsizing to a Studio Apartment. I read this inspirational blog. Which confirmed, love covers a miltude of sins.
God’s unconditional love..is covering me, freeing me. And renewing me. Amen!
I’m praying your move is going well, Teresa! And I’m asking God to bless this move as He gives you everything you need each day. Thanks so much for visiting and for your kind encouragement.
This really blessed me today. It reminds me of me and it took courage to write share it. Thank you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know, Sherri! God bless you!
So appreciate your writing Debs about this wonderful journey we are on, this journey of surrender and transformation. It is truly beyond our carnal thinking, a truth to receive and believe – that we are new creatures in Christ!
Hi Hazel, It is a journey, isn’t it? I am always so thankful for God’s patience with me and willingness to work His change in me even when I fall short or take a step backward. By His grace alone! May God bless you today!
I so appreciate your joy in the morning! Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts about Our Holy Gods amazing and everlasting love!! It truly gets my day to a thoughtful start with Our Heavenly Holy God and King! ????♥️????
Thank you, Loretta! What a wonderful God we serve. With all the craziness going on the world it is an awesome blessing to be able to trust His promises and unfailing love. God bless you!
good afternoon, Deb.
Thank you. Always a pleasure reading your writing about “Counting My Blessings.” Today I am grateful for opportunity. Be blessed my Sister-n-Christ. What a marvelous thing He has done.
Thank you, Alprescia! I’m so blessed by your visit and for your kind encouragement. I’m asking God to bless you today!
I can very much relate to being a former Pharisee and God beautifully breaking me free as well! What a difference in life when freedom is experienced through Him! I loved reading your story and really, living at the intersection of faith and life is where all the good stuff happens!! 🙂
Thanks for your honesty and sharing yourself, Erin. You’re right … realizing the freedom we have in Jesus is amazing! I love your last sentence! I may use it! 🙂 Living at the intersection of faith and life is where all the good stuff happens. AMEN!
“you never have to do a single moment on your own again”
This right here made me tear up because I am so so so thankful that I do NOT have to do this alone. He is right here beside me giving me certainty amongst all the uncertainty. He is the voice behind me whispering whether to turn to the left or the right.
How anyone can go through life without Him is beyond my comprehension.
Beautiful post. I always look forward to hearing your wisdom 🙂
Thank you, Melissa! Learning that God really will give us everything we need each day as we surrender our lives to Him … has been an awesome part of my faith journey. I agree! Doing life with Jesus is amazing! God bless you!
Deb, wow, this is a powerful message of hope, truth and the love of our Father. Your heart and the heart of the Lord shines through so brilliantly in every word. What an encouragement you are in this fear-ridden world.
You are absolutely right: God is still in the changing hearts and minds business. I’ve been seeing this a lot – from the increased freedom in my own life to the lives of others around me. Prayer is power and oh how our Lord LOVES to lavish His goodness on us!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. ♥ Everything from the words you wrote to the Scriptures breathe life into a time of chaos. Amen & amen! We know our God is still very much in control! I’ve shared this on Pinterest and Twitter. God bless you, sweet sister!
Holly, thank you so very much for your kindness. You totally blessed my day! What a wonderful God we serve … that He would want us to know and love Him. I am so thankful for His patience and promises! God bless you!
An encouraging post and much needed!
Thank you, Ava! I’m so glad it blessed you!
Thank you for this inspired message. God bless you.
Thank you, Dyan! God bless you, as well!
Deb, The more I read everything you write, the more I love you and can hardly wait to see you in Heaven. God has truly blessed you with His love to be able to convey His love to others as you do. I pray for you and Rev on a regular basis simply because so few folks truly seem to love God and others. It is hard to comprehend so much hate and meaness in our nation so it is wonderful when people like you stand by the truth of God’s Word! May God continue to bless you!
Frances, your kind words absolutely made my day. Thank you! I’m so looking forward to giving you a great big hug in glory! Thank you much, dear friend. God be with you and bless you today and always!
I am a believer, but I feel something is missing. I feel like I’m not all in. How do I truly seek the Kingdom of God? What are my first steps.
What a wonderful question, Sally! Our church is doing 100 Days with Jesus It’s a chapter a day to read with a verse each week to memorize to help us grow closer to Jesus. It starts today and I think it will really bless you. I believe SEEKing begins with the Word and prayer asking the Lord to guide us with His Spirit. I’d love for you to subscribe and join our study of John and Romans, too. May the Lord be with you and bless you. I look forward to hearing about your journey of faith.