How It’s Possible to End Racism by Becoming United in God’s Love
The enemy of our souls would like us to be divided by race, nationality, ethnicity, etc. But God has given us a way to end racism—a way to be united by love.
The enemy of our souls would like us to be divided by race, nationality, ethnicity, etc. But God has given us a way to end racism—a way to be united by love.
We were having a discussion during one of our Sunday Morning Bible Classes. Several people commented on their desire for the second coming of Jesus. As many nodded in agreement, one of my friends joined the conversation and said, “I’m so anxious to see Jesus but I don’t really want to live through the prophecies…
Our glimpse into heaven continues with high drama. John wrote: I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who was sitting on the throne. Revelation 5:1a A scroll is a piece of papyrus up to 30 feet long, rolled and sealed with clay or wax. This particular scroll was very important—it was sealed…
Worship is more than what songs we sing and whether we sit in an auditorium or sanctuary. Worship is an attitude of the heart that changes everything. #Worship #HeartAttitude #Revelation #Blessings
There were more than 60 of us . . . 13-year-olds making a statement of faith and joining the church. Our pastor, following a long tradition, prayerfully chose a Bible verse for every person in the class. My friends received verses like Romans 8:28, John 3:16, Isaiah 41:10, and Jeremiah 29:11. And then he came…
The next two chapters in the Book of Revelation are specific messages from Jesus to seven individual churches. Some people imagine God on some heavenly throne simply watching human beings go round and round on this big blue orb. But God’s Word is very clear that He is not far away. He is right here…
I love the way Jude began his letter: This letter is from Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and a brother of James. I am writing to all who have been called by God the Father, who loves you and keeps you safe in the care of Jesus Christ. Jude 1:1 The brother of James…
After a year and a half of being told to “social distance” and stay away from each other, it’s a blessing to see people deciding to actually “live” with each other again. I don’t think we were created to hide behind masks inside our own homes. We recently learned that Facebook is developing the Metaverse….
How would you like to know the truth and live with love? It sounds awesome, doesn’t it? When you and I know the truth, doubt is removed . . . and when we live loved, we feel safe and secure. Everyone thrives under those conditions. So, I guess we really shouldn’t be surprised that the…
How would you like to live in victory every day? The enemy of our souls wants us to believe we are victims, that we can’t change our circumstances . . . that it “is what it is.” But that’s just another one of his favorite lies. Here’s the truth… For every child of God defeats…
To all my friends in the U.S.— HAPPY THANKSGIVING! The last couple of years have been full of challenges but when we pause and really think about it . . . we have so many reasons to thank God. I was so excited when I realized that our chapter today was 1 John 4. It…
My family loves to tease me about my ever-ready willingness to accept the blame and bear the guilt for just about anything that has ever gone wrong. Occasionally, when Rev and my daughter know that I couldn’t possibly have been at fault, they will grin and blame me anyway. How bad is it? My daughter…
It’s a familiar story… ‘If only I could accomplish this, do that, go there, or get what I want . . . then I will be happy.” Yet, when the desire is met or the goal achieved . . . the individual is not satisfied. They end up saying they feel disappointed, lacking, and the…
John is called the Apostle of love. When he wrote this letter “many believers were conforming to the world’s standards, failing to stand up for Christ and compromising their faith.” (LAB Notes) Sound familiar? He wanted to point people back to the truth . . . reminding readers of God’s love for them, he wanted…
I had two great aunts growing up who believed that Jesus’ return was imminent. As I look around, I believe we can make the case that we should be watching the sky and listening for the trumpet blast. Throughout history, Christians have shared this belief. Yet, year after year the world continues, and because it…
Peter was among the disciples who asked: “What sign will signal your return and the end of the world?” The following is just a portion of Jesus reply: You will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. And many…
The other day, I received the following comment on something I shared on Pinterest… “Reading about imaginary deities won’t add to your knowledge.” I get similar comments fairly often and honestly, although they sadden me they no longer surprise me. What does surprise me are the times when people who identify as Christians but don’t…
When life is comfortable it’s easy for us to get lazy. We love the thought of life being carefree but unfortunately, that’s when we’re tempted to get careless. Take a look at the typical wildlife documentary. The predators always stalk and wait for just the right unguarded moment to pounce on and devour their prey….
Our daughter’s family loves working on jigsaw puzzles. This particular puzzle was a Christmas gift. They were so excited about the design and couldn’t wait to mount, frame, and hang it. They were on that puzzle for weeks . . . it was complicated with many small pieces. But they were determined. Finally, they were…
I love exploring local bookstores when we’re on vacation. I’ve found all kinds of treasures on their racks. One such treasure was the book, In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. Even if you’re not familiar with the book itself, which I highly recommend, you probably are well aware of the acronym that came from it….
A little over a year into our marriage, Rev was contacted by an attorney who said that his elderly great aunt had died and left him a $500 savings bond. We were both surprised and grateful. You see, Rev was a full-time student at the seminary and I was a parochial school teacher. That was…