Verses to Pray When You Need Help to Love God More
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Verses to Pray When You Need Help to Love God More

Do you ever feel frustrated with yourself when you read… Jesus said, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.” Mark 12:29–30 I don’t know about you, but…

How to Find the Joy You Want When Life is Hard
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How to Find the Joy You Want When Life is Hard

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  James 1:2 This is how Jesus’ half brother, James, began his letter to Christian Jews who had scattered to other parts of the Mediterranean world because of persecution. Can you imagine? Other translations say… Consider it nothing…

Psalms to Pray When You Feel Like Something is Missing
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Psalms to Pray When You Feel Like Something is Missing

If you feel like something is missing right now, you’re not alone. I think most of us feel like we’re experiencing an unending cycle of missing out. We’re missing… time with loved ones. going to school. going to work and having a steady income. weddings, graduations, birthdays, and group celebrations. coffee and visiting with friends….

When You Want Stronger Faith – Pray Jesus’ Truth
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When You Want Stronger Faith – Pray Jesus’ Truth

What do you do when life is uncertain and you are struggling with feelings of vulnerability? It’s interesting to be living at a time of collective uncertainty. But the truth is … everyone experiences that vulnerable feeling from time to time. I can’t tell you how often I’ve thought about the words spoken by the…

5 Verses to Pray When You are Afraid of the Unknown
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5 Verses to Pray When You are Afraid of the Unknown

It’s hard, isn’t it? Delving into the unknown. Waiting and wondering. At the moment, it’s hitting us all. People all over the world are watching and listening … uncertain about what the future will bring. It’s really no different than usual. It’s just that this time we have a common subject. But every day, all…

Things to Avoid When You Want a Strong Marriage
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Things to Avoid When You Want a Strong Marriage

I believe every couple believes their wedding day is just the first day of decades of marital bliss. They’ve found their soulmate … the person who “completes” them and they just know this is the start of their happily ever after. Then the honeymoon ends and reality hits. Paul wrote the following about marriage… Submit…

Prayers that will Help You Live Free of Anxiety and Worry
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Prayers that will Help You Live Free of Anxiety and Worry

I think we’ve all had times when the notes on tomorrow’s planner page have resulted in a restless night of worry and anxiety. A Doctor’s Appointment – for Yourself or Someone You Love. A Meeting with Difficult Person. A Huge Project Deadline. A Major Grade-deciding Exam. A Shortage of Money for a Major Need. A…

When You Need to Pray for Freedom and Happiness
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When You Need to Pray for Freedom and Happiness

Do you remember being a child and longing for the freedom you believed you’d finally have once you became an adult? Then you grew up and discovered that you enjoyed way more freedom as a child than you have now. There are more demands on your time, more expectations, more work … more everything. Freedom…

How to Have a Positive Thinking Plan that will Bless Your Life
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How to Have a Positive Thinking Plan that will Bless Your Life

Nothing . . . absolutely nothing is ever accomplished through negativity! And yes, I said that negatively. It’s easy for us to see what’s wrong, isn’t it? It’s easy to make a list of flaws and faults we see in our neighbors, at church, at work, at our kid’s school, in our community and our…