All You Need to Know to Live with God’s Peace


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God's Peace— that tranquil feeling that flits in for occasional moments and then disappears for far too long . . . everyone wants it but few have

God’s Peace – that tranquil feeling that flits in for occasional moments and then disappears for far too long . . . everyone wants it but few have it.

When I started the month I wanted to know . . . more about having peace with God and finding peace in a sinful world, how to have peace when life gets bumpy and the differences between peace-makers and peace-keepers.

You can click on any picture to visit that post…

So once again I began vertically with the God of Peace.

Jehovah Shalom

Shalom comes from the root verb shalom meaning to be complete, perfect and full.

God’s peace that is beyond our ability to understand is complete and makes us whole.

I want that!

5 Ways God Fills His People With Peace

If you’d known me a little over a decade ago, you’d have said I was the
last person in the world who should be talking about peace.

I lived with more fear and anxiety than I like to admit.
I believed Jesus had overcome the world for my eternal future
but I didn’t believe His overcoming meant I could be an overcomer.

By His grace God gave me…

7 Powerful Verses for Peace

Life can be hard but God is . . . with always you.
He is sovereign, eternal, preparing, guarding, accomplishing, and loving.

7 Powerful Verses That Will Give You Peace

Because God is always with us offering peace you and I can have…

Peace in the Storms of Life

How to Have Peace and Rock Solid Faith in a Storm

God is our refuge and strength,
    always ready to help in times of trouble.
Psalm 46:1

Through God our refuge and strength it is possible
to have peace even when your heart is breaking.

This is for the One Hurting with Silent Grief

God sees you. He knows you. He gathers your tears and hears every prayer.
He is with you. And He will help you and give you peace.

This is for the One Hurting with Silent Grief

And because you and I are afraid of grief, pain, and suffering
we struggle to surrender.

You know.

Those hard words…

“Not my will but Yours be done.”

5 Ways to Surrender to God and Enjoy Peace

I don’t want to surrender to pain and problems but it is always amazing
to see the awesome things God can do in and through a surrendered life.

Sometimes those amazing awesome things God is doing look “weird”
to onlookers. That’s why I told you about my “weird” Aunt Marion.

10 Steps to Know the “Weird” Peace of God

All found in Philippians 4.

10 Steps to Know God's "Weird" Peace

It’s weirdness, that impossible to explain or understand, supernatural,
awe-inspiring peace, that makes people look into us and see Jesus.

The hard to understand part is how God is able to give us peace in
the battle. You know, the battle the enemy uses to disrupt our lives with
real problems and attack our minds with “what ifs.”

I hate the battle for my peace of mind.
And I’m guessing you do too.

We need unshakeable faith.
The kind of faith that trusts God completely.

That kind of faith is built on time and experience.

How to Have Unshakeable Faith and Know God's Peace

Because I know it takes strong unshakeable faith to have big peace . . .
especially when life is hard. Strong faith in anything that isn’t true
or able to keep promises might make you and me feel better
but it won’t give us real and lasting peace.

We need to know God is who He says He is.

I found 35 “I am” verses. Things God says about Himself because
He wants us to know and trust Him. He wants to give us peace.

35 “I Am” Verses

35 Powerful "I Am" Verses God Is Who He Says He Is

Verses like…
“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10

(Don’t forget to get your copy of the printout of all 35 verses.)

It overwhelms me to realize God wants us to know
Him . . . not just about Him but know Him.

So we can have daily peace and find it possible to lay guilt and worry
at God’s throne of grace and live in the airlock space of today.

5 Disciplines to Living Life One Day at a Time

You Can Only Experience Peace One Day at a Time

It’s funny, one day at a time is the way life is lived whether
we like it or not.
 It’s up to us whether we will live those moments
with peace or sacrifice them to regret and worry.

It’s all about attitude.

You know you need a positive attitude. But how..?

I came up with 15 “Be-Attitudes” to help.

15 Be-Attitudes That Will Help You Have Peace


“The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness
from common things.” ~Henry Ward Beecher

And it’s true, relationships challenge our peace.
I can’t do a series on peace without looking at the difference
between peacekeepers and peacemakers.

10 Things You Need to Know about Being a Peacemaker

10 Things You Need to Know about Being a Peacemaker

Finally, the thing that robs me of peace more often than anything is my
dissatisfaction with me. My appearance, thoughts, words, and actions…
any one of them can send me spiraling into an agitated mess.

I want to do better. Maybe you do too.

There are two things to remember and twenty ways to celebrate God’s
purposeful planning in creating you and me.

If you want daily peace you must stop beating yourself up
look in the mirror and realize how very much God loves you and
wants you to know and enjoy His peace.

God Made You 

How to Celebrate the You God Made and Enjoy Peace

That’s it!

Our month of studying God’s peace that goes beyond understanding.
Where do you struggle most to know God’s peace?

Make sure you come back Monday for our next topic in The Faith Project.

Sharing is caring!

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  1. This has been such a great series, Deb. Thanks for all the digging and study that went into it!

  2. Deb- thank you for this series! It’s been so enlightening and helpful!
    We can have peace. It won’t just slid in without any action on our part, but it is possible!

    Sharing this far and wide!

  3. Thank you, Deb, for this fantastic series on God’s peace.
    Blessings and have a great weekend!

  4. Je veux connaitre la paix de Dieu mais je n’arrive pas à mettre du temps dans sa presence, j’ai mème à un moment passé du temp à voir les films porno ,je suis deçu et je n’arrive pas à enléver mes yeux ,j’ai vue un esprit qui me quidait que faut il faire?

    1. Praying God send you His peace and pulls you close. Keep seeking after Him. I’m praying for you!!!

  5. Wonderful wrap-up, Deb, and thank you so much for the feature! What a pleasant surprise! 🙂

  6. Rebekah Neal says:

    Deb, thank you for featuring my post! That really blessed my heart today. <3 Love and grace to you.