5 Verses to Pray When You are in a Time of Change
It’s that time of the year…
I’ve heard friends are calling it #Maycember.
And I understand. I still remember overstuffed calendar pages filled with end of the school year events and activities, and although the days were long and exhausting, that wasn’t the hardest part…
The hardest part was dealing with impending CHANGE!

The end of every school year was another reminder that my children were growing up!
Change is part of life but in all honesty, it’s not always a welcome part of life, is it?
Our children growing up makes us emotional but it’s anticipated and expected … honestly, they’re supposed to grow up.
But what about the unexpected changes that spike our stress levels and leave us staring at the ceiling each night.
Things like…
- losing a job.
- receiving a difficult diagnosis.
- caring for an ailing parent.
- having an unforeseen/overwhelming expense.
- moving.
- finding out you’re pregnant.
Good or not so good – change is often stressful.
So today, we’re taking our time of change to the throne of grace … asking God to meet every need and give us His hard to understand peace.
5 Verses to Pray When You are in a Time of Change
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6–7
Father, You have faithfully given me everything I need in the past and I know You are with me today. Why is it so hard to simply wait trusting You will faithfully give me what I will need tomorrow.
Life is hard. When I look around it’s easy to see that plenty of bad things happen. And this change, Father, feels like it could go either way. So, please help me remember all You have done for me in the past. Help me trust You to give me all I need tomorrow. And fill me with Your Spirit that I might experience Your hard to explain or understand peace.
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”
Psalm 32:8
Father, I love this promise. It comforts me. I can trust You to guide me and You always guide with love and wisdom because You are Love and Wisdom! I am never alone, even during this time of change! You are watching over me. Your Spirit is with and within me guiding me according to Your will. Help me quickly and willingly follow wherever You lead.
Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Deuteronomy 31:8
Oh, Father, please help me remember this … You are with me. You will never leave me. And Your love never fails. Through this time of change calm my fears and help me defeat discouragement as I continually keep in mind that whatever tomorrow may bring—You are already there. Nothing comes as a surprise to You. Father, You know exactly what I need today and exactly what I will need tomorrow.
You will keep in perfect peace
Isaiah 26:3–4
all who trust in You,
all whose thoughts are fixed on You! Trust in the Lord always,
for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
Father, I do trust You. I will not be shaken when I trust Your Word and Your promises. I can experience peace even through uncertain times when I remained focused on who You are and all You’ve done. You are my Creator, Redeemer, Comforter, Helper, Healer, Shepherd, and Provider. You are my Lord and Savior … I can face tomorrow secure in Your mighty power and unchanging love.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
Father, thank you! Your Word, from beginning to end, points to Jesus. John called Him the Word, with You from before the beginning of time. (John 1:1) The One promised in the Garden. (Genesis 3:15) The Word made flesh … full of unfailing love and faithfulness. (John 1:14) The Alpha and Omega … the One who always was and always will be forever. (Revelation 1:8) The One who sits on the throne. (Revelation 5:13) The One who is coming soon. (Revelation 22:21)
When I keep my heart and mind focused on Jesus with an eternal perspective … this time of change simply becomes part of the adventure we are taking together.
Father, thank you for never leaving me to face day to day adventure alone and thank you for making it possible for me to know with confidence that my adventure will continue forever in Your presence. By Your grace and for Your glory. Amen.
Friend, if you’re going through a time of change…
My Bible reading this week included Psalm 103…
Let all that I am praise the Lord;
Psalm 103:1–2
with my whole heart, I will praise His holy name.
Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things He does for me.
David continued by naming things he wanted to remember. Things like…
- forgiveness
- healing
- righteousness and justice
- redemption
- tender mercy
- compassion and patience
- grace and unfailing love
You and I can trust God through each and every time of change be He is unchanging. We love, trust, and pray to the same heavenly Father that David did and all of those “good things” He did for David … He continues to do in your life and mine.
When I remember all that God has done for me in the past I have strength and courage for today and hope for tomorrow.
Praise the Lord!
Thank you, Deb! So grateful for our unchanging God who promises to remain with us through all the changes.
I love that particular rendering of Psalm 103. I often used that psalm to frame my own prayers, a solid reminder of the blessings God has showered upon me without my even asking!
We are usually in a time of change, and these verses and prayers are great! There’s so much power in praying the Bible like this! Thanks Deb!
Through all the changes life brings, we can always count on God to be with us, comforting us with His steadfast, unchanging love. Wonderful inspiration today, Deb, as always!
Good morning, Deb. As a mother and teacher, the struggle with #Maycember is real!
Thank you for sharing these beautiful prayers and Bible verses. I love this…”When I keep my heart and mind focused on Jesus with an eternal perspective … this time of change simply becomes part of the adventure we are taking together.”
Peace and grace,
I so appreciate these scriptures, Deb. This year has held so much change, and my word for the year has been ‘peace.’ It’s always good to be reminded that God is always going before us to make a path.
Deb and sisters in Christ,
I’ve noticed you ladies have a point to make and you stick with it. I love reading how Deb’s devotionals touch your heart.
I’m smiling. I seem to ramble lots so I’m working on staying focused today.
Deb, I loved this devotional because our lives are ever changing. I always love all the Bible verses you come up with for your topic.
I truly loved where you brought in Jesus with all the Bible references about Him. John 1:1 is one of very favorite verses. I quote it throughout my day at times to praise God for His Son.
May God’s glory fill your hearts today,
These verses are great encouragements at anytime, but especially during transition. Thanks, Deb.
Praise the Lord and Amen! laurensparks.net
From one who has had far too much sudden & unexpected change in her life, thank you, this spoke to me today.
Bless you Deb,
Change is hard, even when the changes are good. We get used to our “normal” even if it is not too good. Great verses. Pinned.
To God be the glory! wonderful Bible verses.
Thank you, Emily! I am so glad you visited and I appreciate that you took the time to leave your kind encouragement! God bless you!